Seismologists Warn Nork Nuke Mountain May Collapse – IOTW Report

Seismologists Warn Nork Nuke Mountain May Collapse

The North Koreans have used the same site to conduct underground tests of a nuclear weapon six times. After the most recent blast, seismologists noted a smaller secondary disturbance that many speculate was the collapse of a tunnel within the Punggye-ri test site.

Chinese scientist fear that the North Koreans may be facing an environmental catastrophe if the mountain that the test site is located on collapses.


19 Comments on Seismologists Warn Nork Nuke Mountain May Collapse

  1. Considering that the Norks aren’t doing ANYTHING under the ChiCom’s noses regarding nukes, the fact that you’re hearing about this is simply proof that the Norks have already moved their test facilities to another remote location.
    But it does serve their interests to spread disinformation regarding their “concern” over the nuke program–and note, the scientist who “spoke” couldn’t be reached again for comment? Does he even exist and is he just a “spokesman” of the ChiComs using a pseudonym and made up title?

  2. I hope Kim Jong Un decides to inspect the underground test site and it collapses on top of him and his entire entourage of grinning, note-taking asshole Generals.

    I’m serious. Take a look at the pictures of this asshole. Every Single Picture shows him grinning like the madman he is and all the asslicking sycophants surrounding him are Generals that are also grinning and every single one of them is furiously scribbling notes onto a small notepad.

  3. Fallout could drift over Beijing and what, cause air pollution? ARS (Acute Radiation Sickness) to a bunch of commies that will covered up by the ChiCom party, the same party that bought our nuke tech from the Clintons?

    Fallout blows the other way, the Chicoms on the border get the same treatment, maybe even Russia gets a taste. A norther will irradiate the North Korean commie clonal population that’s probably eating bark and grass and begging to die before the rabid commie Dear Leader Pig uses them in medical experiments.

    There’s a downside?

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