George Clooney Writes a Poem About Kneeling NFL Players – IOTW Report

George Clooney Writes a Poem About Kneeling NFL Players

I wrote one too-

I pray that prayer will not be outlawed in my country like in left-wing controlled countries.

I pray that the dividers, people who practice the Cloward/Piven template, all die in their sleep.

I pray that our nation’s leaders always follow the template that was established by our founders.

I pray that young children like Tamir Rice grow up without leftist indoctrination.

I pray for all of our children, including ones in the womb.

I pray that our police and first responders aren’t murdered while sitting in their police cars by #BLM terrorists.

I pray that our men and women of the armed services are real men and real women, not mentally ill people with gender dysphoria.

I pray that the left-wing doesn’t regain power and warp the 1st amendment to mean dissent of opinions they hold dear is not dissent, but is hate speech, punishable by the government.

I pray that the union gets more perfect by eradicating the cancer of anti-American leftism.

And when I pray, the left mocks me.


19 Comments on George Clooney Writes a Poem About Kneeling NFL Players

  1. George Looney has never prayed in his life.
    He may have acted a part in which the scene called for prayer.

    Other than that he’s a godless atheist pretender and a full fledged idiot.

  2. BFH, praying the Cloward/Piven crowd dies in their sleep is to good for them. I know, I’m in a foul mood tonight. I might bypass the recreational beer and go straight for a medicinal whiskey.

  3. Just read a story on Brietbart about the X-Files actors and the Star Trek – Discovery team doing similar.

    Here’s my take – for now they’ll be taking a knee. Soon they’ll be on BOTH knees with the ass up in the air facing Mecca.

    You’re going to see a Muslim conversion in the entertainment and News Media industries like crazy sooner than later. Then, watch out. Not for the new Musloids in entertainment, but instead the dead actors and actresses once they have apostatized back to whatever they didn’t really believe in in the first place.

    In Islam, apostasy is an instant death sentence.

    Mark my words.

  4. Looney hates the US, where did this little cockroach come scurrying back to when the invaders he invited visited him?
    I pray you get colorectal cancer, Jorge.
    Not on my knees though, my god is a vengeful god.

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