Swamp Thing Retiring – IOTW Report

Swamp Thing Retiring

RINO Corker slinking away after his Swamp Deal was revealed.

Sen. Bob Corker Announces Retirement One Day After Breitbart Reports on His $3 Million Swamp Deal

24 Comments on Swamp Thing Retiring

  1. And the downside of being caught? Oh, that’s right, no more chances at upside on this, particular, throne. That’ll teach xim. And be a warning to the next prinxess to sit on that, particular, throne. Just because we’re, finally, draining the swamp, doesn’t mean we have to be mean about it. Uncivilized is not who we are.

  2. Mean???? Using your elected office to line your pockets with taxpayers money is “mean”.
    Hanging this poltroon from the nearest lamppost would be “Uncivilized”, anything less, justice.

  3. He should resign immediately and let his fellow RINO governor name a replacement to complete his term. Marsha Blackburn or some proven quantity.

    Even Blackburn’s been kind of a squish over the years.

  4. Marsha Blackburn will run for this seat, but she’s a monumental squish, and look for Governor Haslam to run for this seat as well. I’m not encouraged that we will have a clear Conservative choice who will back our President. Sigh….

  5. Vix: Probably right. Haslam was blasted as the next exalted Cyclops of the KIK when he ran for office by the Nashville media.

    Somehow, He’s a wanting to expand Medicaid, Obama care loving, gas tax raising, Tea Party hsting, Trump criticizing, BLM enabling, liberal Republican douche canoe.

    So he fits right in with Corker and Alexander.

  6. “One Out of Many.”
    Not “From Many, One”

    The whole fetid swamp needs be drained.
    And the swamp creatures purged of their crimes.

    There are 99 more out there, waiting to be exposed.
    And another 438 in the House.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The SEC is investigating Corker for insider trading and a FBI is investigating a real estate firm that Corker is heavily invested in.
    In addition, Corker leaked a letter to the media sent to him by Sec Tillerson informing him of the downsizing of the State Department.
    No one leaves these cushy, profitable jobs to stay home with the family!

  8. @Tim September 27, 2017 at 8:43 am

    “more out there, waiting to be exposed”

    They’re not Hammer vampires. Sunlight doesn’t cause them to burst into flame… crumble to ashes?… get to a nunnery?… whatever “classic movie” vampires did. They actually have to be hammered… with a stake. Or they just come right back. After rearranging their closets… and taking walks in the woods.

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