David Clarke Wants Media To Ask NAACP A Brilliant Question About Trump’s Rescue Of 3 College Students – IOTW Report

David Clarke Wants Media To Ask NAACP A Brilliant Question About Trump’s Rescue Of 3 College Students

WJ: Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke expressed his exasperation Wednesday, after repeated accusations from many African-American leaders claiming that President Donald Trump is racist.

On Wednesday, three black UCLA basketball players, who had been arrested in China for shoplifting, returned to the United States. Their return was hastened by the intervention of Trump, who spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping about the matter.

“I had a great conversation with President Xi. What they did was unfortunate. You know, you’re talking about very long prison sentences. They do not play games,” Trump told reporters Tuesday aboard Air Force One as he headed back to the U.S. following his five-nation tour of Asia.

“He was terrific, and they’re working on it right now. And hopefully everything is going to work out. And I know they’re very grateful because they were told exactly what happened,” he added, noting that the situation should never have arisen in the first place.

Clarke implied that what Trump did for the players should prove to black leaders and the mainstream media that he is not racist.  read more

29 Comments on David Clarke Wants Media To Ask NAACP A Brilliant Question About Trump’s Rescue Of 3 College Students

  1. I want the stupid woman on Cnn who made a point to say that Trump demanded an apology from “three black men”, to ask the NFL and NBA players that are also criminals, if their skin color had anything to do with their actions.

    Think that’s gonna happen?

  2. President Trump not being racist has nothing to do with truth, as bastardized by the left.

    Never expect anything positive about President Trump from the whirling diverish left. Should they do so, be very wary. They are trap door spiders.

  3. President Trump was in a damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t situation. Leaving BLM tools to rot in a Chinese prison would have caused riots. He alone gets them released – *crickets ” and he gets no credit until the perps are forced to show gratitude. Dont ecpect the National Assoc. of Communist Colored Bourgeoisie People to appreciate the significance of what Mr. Trump has done for those fools.

  4. PDJT got them released, not to prevent BLM riots if he didn’t, but because it was the right thing to do & because he cares about all Americans. Even young ones who did something incredibly stupid. Let those who never got caught for doing something stupid, never paid any consequences for doing it, or never did something stupid ( very few) when 18 ~ 24 years old – cast the first stone.

    Facts about who PDJT Is & what he wants to do won’t interrupt the plan of the left, the Demonrats, and their supporters to constantly pound the false narrative that PDJT is a Racist & Putin’s puppet.

    [ quite a trick following 8 years of Obama who is racist & supporter of America’s enemies. Heck the guy groveled or bowed low & kissed the arse of every enemy or former enemy of the USA. Reserving contempt for especially close allies ]

  5. This will never be public admitted.
    Trump is from NYC, the city of ” make them an offer they can’t refuse”.

    PDJT pulled off a reverse Obama prisoner exchange. He told the chicoms I will have a SEAL Team drop Maxine Waters in Beijing if you don’t release the ball players immediately.

  6. Hill is the only one that admitted culpability and expressed remorse. At least from what I have read. So, he’s my favorite, and the one that I believe will be the most successful. If any one of those young men were a son of mine, (there but for the grace of God…) the President would be hearing from ME. I would make every imaginable effort to personally thank him, and you better believe I would be publicly thanking him. Profusely. God bless you Mr. Trump, on behalf of a grateful mom.

  7. The right thing to do was to let these criminals serve their sentences in China, based on evidence – not just their confession of shoplifting. It’s obvious, Mr. Trump a smart, compasionate American patriot was motivated to seek the UCLA perps release based on the dire situation. BTW, these characteristics are what motivated many of us to vote for Mr. Trump for President. Therefore, a statement about the threat of riots shouldn’t be misconstrude as portraying him as acting like an opportunist leftist. Sure, young people do stupid things, but that does not exclude them from suffering the circumstances of the actions. Thanks to President Trump, these stupid young people, who deserve their punishment were pardoned.

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