CT: No, Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not subpoena Donald Trump bank records from Deutsche Bank – IOTW Report

CT: No, Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not subpoena Donald Trump bank records from Deutsche Bank

Conservative Treehouse: No, Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not subpoena Donald Trump bank records from Deutsche Bank.  Never happened.  Fake News.  [Leak Real].

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23 Comments on CT: No, Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not subpoena Donald Trump bank records from Deutsche Bank

  1. Yes, Trump is baiting mousetraps. ….smile….. The subpoena was one and the “Manafort editorial” was the second. I hate those meeces to pieces and I hope some necks snap soon. ….Lady in Red

  2. It makes you laugh just reading about how they think it’s smoking out the leakers.

    “Likely, ahead of that pending years-long IG report, the apparatus behind the top tiers of the affected intelligence groups are flushing out leakers and “black hats”. At least they are trying to.

    Seeding false information into the blood stream of a closed unit within the organization; then waiting to see if/where/when it turns up is a specific way to identify leakers and black hats.

    Relax and enjoy the show…” LOL

  3. Jesus Christ! To think I was once thinking of joining the FBI, but couldn’t because I was not a college graduate or an American, natural born, citizen. Fuck you all in the FBI, I’d probably be fired anyway for telling the truth.
    My boyhood days of loving the FBI are over. Sorry.

  4. Czar of Defenestration – I agree with you. Someone leaked this based on something heard or read internally, in the White House, maybe in Mueller’s own office, or elsewhere. I hope they sprang the trap door right in their face.

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