He Asks a Simple Question, “What’s the Point of Bullying?” – IOTW Report

He Asks a Simple Question, “What’s the Point of Bullying?”

Why isn’t the way a student conducts themselves part of their grades?

The students harassing this kid should fail, in my opinion. They should be left back until they can conduct themselves civilly. That’s part of an education, no, acting like an adult? Teachers know who the a-holes are. Fail them, because they are failures.

And this kid gets an A.Β  It’s probably not any solace to know that he would have lots of friends here, we’re a bunch of old people, not really the part of the universe that concerns him at his age. But if I could, and if it would mean anything to this guy, I would try and make his world a better place. He seems like a cool kid.


60 Comments on He Asks a Simple Question, “What’s the Point of Bullying?”

  1. Get us an address for that young man.
    We will write him and tell him the TRUTH!

    Hi is fine just as he is.
    He is a compassionate person.
    Lazlo was bullied as a youngster. I know how it feels.
    You can’t fight everyone, even if you win.

    That young man needs to know the world is filled with good people also before they break his spirit

  2. This shit pisses me off so much I’m damn well shaking. If you have kids, show them this video, ask them why this would be o.k. Explain if they see this happening, to step in and you have their back all the way. This shit has to stop.

  3. We used to settle our differences behind the water tower across the street from the Junior high school I went to after school with the bullies by duking it out. But that was 50 years ago, it also helped that our PE teachers Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Haines would also give the 2 kids boxing gloves and turn them loose in the gym by themselves after school hrs. to beat the snot out of one another and then to shake hands when they were done, that usually worked. And being able to hack the biggest jerks and assholes also was a deterrent.

  4. Bullying is building yourself up by degrading others. You know, kind of like communism.

    In my day (harrumph) DID get grades for conduct right beside the ones for academic performance. Either could fail you.

  5. Well I like beating up on defenseless people! Its easier than beating up people who fight back.

    Old geezers are the easiest – just sock em in the head from behind! The dummies! Never see it cummin! L’il kids are OK, two. YOu can take there ice kreem and they cry like babies. But all in al, its really easiist to just have the SS guys beat the shit outta anyone you want -an they dont care =thell beat the snot outta anyone yoou point too ….. or out .

  6. Well, I am crying for this young man who has obviously gone through a lot physically. It seems he has a very supportive family willing to fight for him and that is great. I would love to have an address as well. I see that his sister is setting up a P.O. Box for him. I would also like to know what school he attends. I think they need some “attention” as well.
    @The Deplorable TWP–those conduct grades were something else! I was always getting knocked for talking too much!

  7. When did the educationist collective drop the DEPORTMENT grade from elementary school report cards? We were all given Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory marks. (I always got an S but it was a close call sometimes!)

  8. Maybe elementary school bullies would like to see their mamas screamed at in public and shamed because of what their kid did.
    The schools are useless and only care about a warm butt in a chair so they can get the money.

  9. Having teachers, school administrators, politicians, a media and celebrities bullying people they disagree with every day sets a great example for kids. Add in social media and twitter and there is no end to the abuse people of all ages dole out to others.

  10. conservative cowgirl December 10, 2017 at 10:56 am

    If his sister gets him a post office box, I hope it gets flooded with letters if encouragement for the young man. Bullies are detestable.

    She will need to get him a storage container to put all the letters, cards and gifts. He will become the poster boy in his city of someone who was bullied received from people around the world who were bullied themselves. Those who did the bullying will be paraded out as well and make their life a living hell. My heart was crying with him. BFH, please post his PO Box if you can get it. We’ll drown him with letters and cards and maybe some gift cards.

  11. When I became a born-again Christian at the age of 52 I was compelled to call a friend I went to grade and middle school with that I hadn’t seen or heard from since I was 14. He was the preachers son, over-weight and physically slow, definitely not of the in-crowd. But, he was smart and kind.

    He answered the phone I told him who I was, he was really excited to hear from me. I started the conversation with an apology for what I had done or said in our younger years.

    He assured me he always considered me a friend and he couldn’t recall anything I had done or said to apologize for.
    I told him I should have been a better friend, stood next to him and stopped others who were ridiculing him for no reason than following the crowd.
    I told him I was no less guilty than the others and was asking for his forgiveness.

    Over the last 14 years we have maintained voice communications on a regular basis and e-mail frequently.

    I can not go back in time to correct what occurred, but I can take responsibility for my failures of the past.

    Forgiveness is powerful whether it is given, received or denied.

  12. when the Predident mocks a disabled reporter, then what can you expect. People (kids) may think that is alright.

    The country doesn’t have the best example going for it right now.

    In good news, apparently several members of the U of Tennessee football team will hang out and lunch with the young kid. Good stuff.

  13. The first fight I remember was when I was in third grade. I was watching my older brother’s little league baseball game, and a sixth grader started picking in me. He was a shrimp, so he was about my size. He beat me up right in front of the bleachers, and no one stepped in to stop it. I was humiliated and sat crying for a bit, then I got mad, got up, and punched him in the eye as hard as I could. He then pounded on me some more. At school the next day, he had a black eye. Older kids were pointing at me and saying, “that’s the third grader who blacked Nick’s eye.” So even though I got my ass beat, I got a new respect just because I was willing to fight back. I credit my dad for instilling that in me. He said just being willing to fight will kerp most people from messing with you. And another thing: if someone can’t get inder your skin, you’re less of a target. I feel sorry for the kid in the video. I hope he pops one of his tormenters in the nose.

  14. As a libertarian I strongly believe in the non-aggression principle and that the primary reason for government is to uphold laws that violate that principle. I have long believed that in order to make a strong point schools should have jails in which to incarcerate violaters for a short time (hours). However, people in the educational system are liberal and do not believe in non-aggression principle because they are in favor of the government forcing people to do all kinds of things. To uphold the non-aggression principle would be to admit their political beliefs are untrue.

  15. When I was in school, the absolute worst thing you could do about a bully was rat him out to an adult, because not only would the bully’s payback be terrible, but also nobody else in the school–not even other victims of the same bully–will trust you, because nobody trusts a fink.

  16. Bullies usually run in packs so fighting back can make a problem worse. This kid needs friends to step in and have his back. From what I remember in school they were never tough guys in one on one situations.

  17. I remember the abuse I got in Pubic School. The teachers would say that it is a form of affection. Another explanation was that the “behavior” was temporary and it would go away in a few years. Others would just tell you not to let them “get your goat”! Well I have no respect for teachers like that. For the kid, let him know that this is a form of abuse and domination. The Bully is only interested in torturing you. What you have to do is beat the crap out of him or move out of the area.

    “Well I like beating up on defenseless people! Its easier than beating up people who fight back.

    Old geezers are the easiest – just sock em in the head from behind! The dummies! Never see it cummin! L’il kids are OK, two. YOu can take there ice kreem and they cry like babies. But all in al, its really easiist to just have the SS guys beat the shit outta anyone you want -an they dont care =thell beat the snot outta anyone yoou point too ….. or out .”

    I hope this is a joke, Biden!

  18. “when the Predident mocks a disabled reporter, then what can you expect. People (kids) may think that is alright.”

    *sigh* Again, the president did not mock a disabled reporter, even the NYT knows that. On the other hand, do you notice how Trump is treated by that same media? The hysterical accusations and constant lying? Please.

    Bullying has always existed. It’s not going away, it never will. The way you handle it, how much you’ll put up with and who is supporting you is how you stop it for yourself.

  19. Our report cards used to have a column labeled “citizenship.” It used to cover all the social interaction skills like waiting your turn, not speaking out of turn, keeping your desk neat, having yourself and your supplies ready for an activity, etc. And it covered moral attributes like kindness, helpfulness, and attitude. None of these things were written down anywhere, but understood to be “good” citizenship. Before then, our schools used to teach good moral values by teaching from the Bible — all schools did, especially the ivy universities. Our republic cannot exist without moral citizens. Bullying used to be a rare thing.

    I’ve run into quite a few bullies even in my adult life. I’m not sure how it came to be, but I’ve always been nearly 100% bully proof. Bullies hate it when you speak/fight back. Their store of weaponry is usually very shallow.

    I hope this kid can figure out that he’s better than his torturers and that things will get better. And I hope if his mom gets involved it’s way behind the scenes.

  20. Whitey Bulger- Yes, Joey is cool. lol
    Allan L – My questions, also.

    The behavioral conduct marks disappeared in the 70s or early 80s, I think. They did affect your overall grade in each class. But I believe they were taken away because if they affected a students grades and your school was a slum area school with criminal activity, the illegals who didn’t speak English, the gangbangers… those kids would NEVER pass and the schools wouldn’t get their ass-in-seats money.

  21. AbigailAdams – Very true. And last I saw, only attendance problems knocked your grade down. But that’s just because of $$$ lost for the schools, and that doesn’t stop a school from graduating you anyway. Remember that story from last week about the low attendance school in MD where the no-show students were given HS diplomas?

  22. The teachers and administration don’t care and will always side with the bully. If you fight back you get expelled, not the bully. There are some sick sadistic scum running our schools and they won’t help any kid who is being victimized. I think they get off on watching it happen. It hasn’t changed in 50 years and it never will.

  23. MJA — Yes, every one of the people drawing paychecks from those schools should be fired.

    GrayJohn — Gingrich recently commented on a shift in American culture — towards virtuousness. One can hope. I’ve always believed that no matter how bad it gets, the pendulum never stops swinging. America, for example, was a moral cesspool in the ’20’s and ’30’s. And before then during the Industrial Revolution of the latter 1800’s. Just like economics, there are cycles of what Americans are willing to put up with, I guess.

  24. What do you expect from the South? They lynched all the African-American kids, now they’re attacking each other. You want to build a wall, build it around the South.

  25. My biggest regret as a schoolboy is never having the nerve to defend fellow students who were the object of ridicule, teasing,bullying, or other harassment. I knew the pain and shame these kids felt but just turned away. Truly regret my inaction. One’s memories of youth should be filled with happiness and joy, not shame and embarassment.

  26. grayjohn that was certainly the case in my situation. There were a pair of idiots running around the playground during recess (I think it was 5th grade, can’t remember) that nothing was done about. It progressed to them grabbing girls by their business and pushing them into boys bathrooms, stealing from them, etc. One of the assholes was the son of a playground monitor. So complaints about them were told to deaf ears. I guess one day it was my turn. It didn’t end well and I was told later I kicked both their asses. lolol. Guess who got into trouble. ME. So there I was in the principals office. I told them all what they did wrong and why didn’t the playground monitor or the school do anything about them. They said nothing. So later, the principal’s secretary, who was a self important bitch told me she was disappointed in me because I ‘injured one of the boys’. I said, “And why do you think he got injured? Why were we fighting in the first place?” she just shook her head. I rolled my eyes and said something like – you’re as bad as they are. Later, the other boy admitted what they were doing . But did I get an apology from anybody? Did the other girls? Nope.
    I found out the following year, the other boy’s playground monitor mom wasn’t at the job anymore. I don’t know what happened to all of the adults, and those 2 boys but I hope when they die/died, it is/was painful. LOL.

  27. Bad_Brad, I always tell the youngins that first, you tell the authorities about the harassers, where ever your authorities are be it at school, work, etc. The next time it happens, you follow up, but this time tell them that if they don’t do something about it, it’s ON, next time… Well, 3rd time’s the charm, I guess! You have my permission to whip their asses good. I think that’s why I never got suspended or in any actual trouble when I beat that kid’s ass in 5th grade. LOL.

  28. MJA

    It’s a whole new ball game now at school. The zero tolerance crap is freaken ridiculous. I was always proud of both my boys because they’ve always come to the rescue of the “Bullied”. But it got one of them suspended one time.
    In California, and I imagine it’s universal now, the school system thinks kids are still under THEIR supervision until the kid arrives home. So in other words, if you have a kid that’s going to kick some bullies ass, have him or her come home first.

  29. I was bullied relentlessly. When it began to get physical, my dad said you gotta take out the ringleader. So, I waited in the bushes by the sidewalk for him to come by on his bike. I jumped out, knocked him off and then proceeded to stomp his guts with my roller skates. The verbal shit continued, but I didn’t care because I couldn’t hear them anyway. But they never touched me again. Thanks Dad.

  30. I got bullied by a cousin when I was a kid….

    He even started bullying by younger brothers…..

    and when he pushed it too far…..

    It was on like Donkey Kong when we exited the bus….

    I had him on his back in the ditch, beating his ass to a pulp…..

    When my Grandmother used a 2×4 on my back to get me off him….

    I despise a f#%cking bully…..family or not.

  31. I found this on another site. I hope it’s true if Hannity is going to get involved!

    This is heartbreaking. Sean Hannity tweeted about Keaton twice today…

    If someone can get to me the name of the school, the principal, school board members i will gladly make the calls myself and fix this. Also if anyone knows Keaton and his parents, i will gladly fly them to NYC to be my guest & visit Fox News.


    Update; Good news, apparently some Titans and Vol players are helping Keaton. The school needs this Fixed immediately or people should be fired. If Someone sets up scholarship account for Keaton, let’s raise $. I’ll start with $10,000. $5,10,25 pp would be amazing.

    I also saw tweets from Dale Earnhardt Jr and a few others offering their friendship and support.

  32. Being bullied is a right of passage. Scary as it is, standing up to a bully builds character. However, getting through this stage in life is made complicated and dangerous by progressive policies. Nowadays some schools punish the student who confronts a bully. Parents and students end up more threatened by a over reactionary statist school system.
    Also, it’s wonderful that people want to come to this young man’s rescue, for now. He will encounter really tough situations for the rest of his life. Nothing wrong with him seeking help but, wonder will he understand most of the time he’ll have little to no support in the future. His parents really need to build up his self confidence so he won’t constantly feel like a victim.

  33. 99th — My thoughts exactly. This kid, when he’s of age, should head for the nearest military recruiting center, go through basic and figure out what he’s made of.

  34. I missed this entirely. I clearly remember the line item “Deportment” on my report card. I did not know it had gone missing, but in retrospect, I’m not surprised considering how poorly students behave. If no one’s making it a point of performance, who’s going to notice, right? Besides, all those school resource officers.

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