An Irish Blessing For All – IOTW Report

An Irish Blessing For All

From Moe Tom, to all of you.


24 Comments on An Irish Blessing For All

  1. That was beautiful, Moe Tom. I will share it with my family. My brother and sister are doing some genealogy research. Irish on Dad’s side (my brother thinks we might be related to Brian Boru) and Scottish on Mom’s.

    I think I’ll listen to it again.

  2. Moe Tom,

    I humbly accept and will keep this Blessing, may this blessing be returned to you and yours ten fold.

    The Brady Irish Clan
    May God be with you and bless you. May you see your children’s children. May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings. May you know nothing but joy; from this day forward…

    “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.” – Edmund Burke

  3. Here’s a great Norwegian Blessing:

    May da ruts always fit the wheels of your pickup.
    May jur earmufs always keep out da nort vind.
    May da sun shine varm on jur lefse.
    May da rain fall soft on jur lutefisk.
    And until ve meet again,
    May the good Lord protect ya from all unnecessary Uff Das.

  4. My dad was proud of his Irish heritage, we are among the few Irish Campbell’s, as compared to the majority Scottish Campbell’s. Anyway, he proudly displayed a sign going into his office tha said, “No Dogs, Horses, or Campbell’s Allowed!” From what I understand the Irish and Scottish Campbell’s were like the Hatfields and McCoys.

  5. Ach, aye, that’s loovely!
    And here’s one for Moe Tom and the rest of youse from my Irish hubby and me:
    May you live as long as you want
    and never want as long as you live.

  6. Now I’m inspired, and I need to ask if anyone here knows about the dual citizenship process. We have already obtained the grandfather’s birth certificate from Ireland, recently issued, and I know the consulate is the next step. Does anyone know how long this takes? Not that we wish to move, but it would make travel to the old home easier.

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