Disgraced Former Dem Guv, Eliot Spitzer, Threatens to Stab a Guy in the Junk – IOTW Report

Disgraced Former Dem Guv, Eliot Spitzer, Threatens to Stab a Guy in the Junk



Disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer threatened to knife a patron in the privates at a posh Midtown eatery for praising his longtime foe, philanthropist Kenneth Langone, according to the allegedly aggrieved diner.

Jamie Antolini said he was with potential business partners at Avra Madison Estiatorio on E. 60th St, near 5th Ave, when he spied Spitzer, who resigned as governor in 2008 after he was outed as the high-priced prostitution patron “Client 9.”

“Spitzer lost his mind,” Antolini told the Daily News.

“I’m going to f–king stab you with a f–king knife in the c–k,” the 48-year-old recalled Spitzer spewing during the Jan. 2 flap.

Spitzer was walking by Antolini’s table when he heard the diner lauding Langone — the billionaire who helped launch Home Depot — as an “amazing guy,” Antolini said.

“All I said was, ‘Ken Langone would have been the best President ever,’” Antolini recalled.

He didn’t dare turn to look at Spitzer as the heated spat dragged on for 20 minutes, in Antolini’s account. Security eventually escorted Spitzer out of the upscale Greek restaurant, he said.

“I never left my seat. When the video tapes come out, it will show I sat in my chair with a glass of wine in my hand,” said Antolini.

Antolini, who said he never saw a blade, did not file a police report, and the NYPD had no record of the counter.

“This guy’s got issues, real problems,” Antolini quipped.


ht/ js

8 Comments on Disgraced Former Dem Guv, Eliot Spitzer, Threatens to Stab a Guy in the Junk

  1. This just after news he made death threats to a hooker. He was a nasty guy in office (called himself “a fuckin steamroller”) and only seems to be getting nastier. Surprised they didn’t keep him at MSNBC, cuz they like nasty leftists a lot over there!

  2. That’s just a weird statement. I’m going to stab you – with a knife. Thanks for the clarification, it might have been a chainsaw.
    Like I’m going to shoot you – With a gun.
    In the cock?
    C’mon now, just say you’re chopping frank and beans.

    Although, this is the mind of a libturd, so there’s no real point trying to make any sense of it.


    NOT SURPRISED IN THE LEAST! The kind of people that are attracted to POWER including politicians, prosecutors, and LAW ENFORCEMENT, are many times (not all!) abusive bad apples.

    ⏩ For anyone going into a profession with that kind of power over others, needs a psychological evaluation, and every 2 years thereafter to check for PTSD and other problems.

    ⏩ I’m sick & tired of being sick & tired listening to the same old excuse, “But but but, the VAST majority (you have no proof of that) of __________ are honest, proud, hard-working rank and file patriots who do their jobs well.” Yeah, you have no proof to back that up, HOWEVER…

    ⏩ There are tons of websites of cases of abusive police, judges, prosecutors that have been disbarred, rebuked, sued, fired, and jailed for a plethora of illegal / immoral activity. Just recently the Cliven Bundy case was thrown out for exactly the kind of gov’t abuse I’m talking about. Remember Mike Nifong, and the Ferguson Police Chief who resigned due to massive corruption? I hope so.

    *Source: My uncle retired as a police officer after 35 years of loyal service, and he repeatedly said, “It’s 10x more corrupt than you think it is.” Oh the stories he told!

  4. Just think, Spitzer actually believed he was going to become America’s first Jewish President. That wasn’t very likely, but the days and nights when the MSDM ignored the sexual exploits of Mattressback Jack Kennedy are long passed. Paging President Spitzer, anyone?

  5. It’s liberal New York.

    I’m not sure you can get your citizen card renewed unless you can prove you banged an intern or threatened someone in some way.

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