Google Providing Convenient Service For Its Customer’s Searches – IOTW Report

Google Providing Convenient Service For Its Customer’s Searches

All hail Big Browser for their latest innovation to help web readers navigate to the information they are looking for.

Let’s say a young reader has heard the Daily Caller mentioned in mixed company. They make a mental note about checking it out later that day.

They do an internet search on the search engine that’s been force fed to them, pre-installed as a favorite site by the computer manufacturer that Google has paid off.

They type in The Daily Caller.

What comes up? Here, look. This is a screen shot of 4 separate search engine queries.

What’s that “reviewed claims” bit?

That’s the new service! It alerts the reader that the site they are about to go to is untrusted because they are purveyors of FAKE NEWS!!!!

Researchers have combed through the sites and have found stories that didn’t pass their fact-checking team, SNOPES, and tagged them (tainted them) with the fake news brush.

(Don’t be fooled. This is simply the prelude to dissuading advertisers from doing business on any of these sites because it would be “embarrassing” to have their wares on such “questionable” sites.)

The Daily Caller did some research of their own. They’ve found ONE, count it, ONE left-wing site that had the “reviewed claims” tag on it- The Democrat Underground.

This means the left, 99.999% of the time, does not have false claims, stories, assertions, analysis, pictures or videos on their sites. It’s all as pure as the driven snow. has no reviewed claims, even though her site peddled forged documents as a news story and later had to retract. No mention of that whatsoever for the reader getting search engine hits on stories about politics.

9 Comments on Google Providing Convenient Service For Its Customer’s Searches

  1. I stopped using google more then a year ago. Their company motto “first do no evil” is a pile of crap, they (actually Aplphabet Inc) are about the most evil company out there. Hell, they even beat MicroSoft. I currently use firefox, duckduckgo or bing even though they are a lttle less smooth.

  2. I used duckduckgo or bing.
    I DON’T use Firefox since their board of directors fired their CEO because he donated to a “traditional marriage” something-or-other.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Where is Google’s Reviewed Claims Button For The Lefty Sites That Claimed Trump Banned the Word Transgender? – IOTW Report

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