When Leftists Call America a Sh–hole Country, That’s Okay – IOTW Report

When Leftists Call America a Sh–hole Country, That’s Okay

Let’s just stipulate that Trump actually made the remark the left is claiming he made.

I don’t know how many times I’ve had to listen to leftists describe America as the worst country in the world. Call an actual horrible place to live a $hithole country and suddenly we’re out of bounds.

How many of these leftists threatened to move to El Salvador, or Haiti if Trump won? They don’t even threaten to move to Mexico. They always say Canada. Why Canada?

They used to say France, but you don’t hear much of that talk any more. I wonder why?

Here’s Tucker Carlson’s take-


An awful lot of immigrants come from this country from other places that aren’t very nice,” Carlson continued. “Those places are dangerous, they’re dirty, they’re corrupt, and they’re poor and that’s the main reason those immigrants are trying to come here and you would too if you live there.”

The Trump administration decided Monday to revoke the status for over 200,000 Salvadorans seeking shelter in the U.S., forcing them to leave the country or find another way to stay in the U.S. legally.

Carlson suggested earlier Thursday night on Twitter that if El Salvador were not a “shithole” than it wouldn’t need the extended protections.

25 Comments on When Leftists Call America a Sh–hole Country, That’s Okay

  1. The Voice of America has been installed in the White House. The Ruling Elite won’t allow that much longer. However, the Genie is out of the bottle, sh!t-holers. Suck it up. LOL

  2. The bad thing. America has always been predominantly white. I won’t apologize for that. Why is it every preferred immigrant by the left is not white? Does our heritage not count? Where’s all the red necks that were slamming DJT earlier backing him on this? They discredit them selves. Thank God for DJT because he does represent me.

  3. “An awful lot of immigrants come from this country from other places that aren’t very nice,”

    I can not make sense of that.

    Goodnight. See ya around sunrise here abouts.

  4. I’m confused why a person of white heritage would insist on the extinction of his own race. I’d like to get Jeff Flake in a locked room. Two things would happen. I’d unlock that mystery and when he was carried out his nose would be straight.

  5. We should halt all immigration from shitholes.
    It only makes sense.
    It’s the people that live in shitholes that make shitholes, shitholes.
    It’s the people, stupid, and there is no way we want more of them here to make our lives more shitty.

  6. So, lemme get this straight…

    Trump is a bad man for asking why we accept immigrants from shithole countries.

    But democrats are good people for saying that people in the US illegally shouldn’t be forced back to their countries because their home countries are shitholes.

    That about sum it up?

  7. He’s not wrong.

    Leftists like to point out the poem on the Statue of Liberty like it’s our immigration policy. But it also says that we’re taking people who want to adopt our values, not turn us into the shithole they came from.

    America. The worst country in the world that everybody deserves to come to without restriction. That’s certainly one way to make it the worst.

    The USA can be franchised. Any country can do what we’ve done and create what we’ve created if they adopt our values. Quit following the siren’s call of socialism that leads to ruin and then parachuting out to our country when you’ve fucked up your own. That goes for blue states double.

  8. I think that the issue is not so much the country of origin, but the caliber of immigrant. There are intelligent, educated and successful people in all countries of the world. Immigration laws in most countries promote immigration of those who will be a benefit to that country, not a burden.

    The focus on family reunification (chain migration) in recent decades has eroded that screening in the US and EU and now amounts to around two-thirds of annual legal immigration in the US.

    The Lottery is not necessarily bad, in and of itself, largely because it screens for the highly educated and successful. Its failing is that one family quickly turns into grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc, and their families, and they are not screened under the same criteria.

    Refugees brought to the US from countries suffering from man-made or natural calamities are not screened under immigration laws. They are often not even properly screened for communicable diseases, or are simply allowed in and “monitored” without notifying local authorities of the risk to public health.

    Refugees also often come with serious mental and emotional problems, especially the young. This tends to further marginalize them in their host communities, which often results in their participating in criminal activities and/or joining criminal gangs. They are also a risk to children they are put with in school, as they often react violently to teasing, bullying and insults — real or imagined. To them, everything is a life or death matter, as it was where they came from.

    Keep in mind that many refugee camps are terrible, terrible places where assualt, rape and murder are daily, even hourly occurences. An adult would have trouble not being permanently affected by it, let alone a child.

    Refugee status is often abused by those already residing in the US illegally. The majority of Salvadorans given refugee status used that designation to “legalize”, not to relocate. The blanket refugee status essentially meant that they would not be deported to a country already in crisis.

    Immigration is a can of worms. It will not be solved with one all-encompassing law or regulation. The best place to start is to simply enforce what is already on the books and go from there.

  9. President Trump is hilarious. I’ve been laugh all day abouy his sh*thole comment, because it’s so true. There is nothing offensive about the truth.
    We allow the worst people from these sh*thole countries to immigrate to America and they refuse to assimilate, contribute economically or otherwise. I hope Mr. Trump sends as many back to their sh*tholes as possible.

  10. Does anyone else think POTUS specifically named Haiti, a particularly profitable Clinton Foundation $h*thole, in his tweet, for a reason? lol

    I LOVE my president!

  11. What bothers me is not that people come from shithole countries, it is that Democrats have a vested interest in them bringing the institutions that lead to those countries becoming or remaining shitholes here to America.

    They also are busy trying desperately to spread their own inner city shithole culture across middle America.

    What they actually are having a hissy fit about is that Trump is shining the light of truth on what they are up to.

  12. Anyone who has ever served in the military oversea knows what a shithole looks like. Turd world countries with their lack of sanitation, corrupt govts. etc. are all more or less alike in their hatred of the common man and woman. All the hoity toity, snooty elites just don’t get it because they can’t be bothered with anyone but themselves, no one else matters ever to them. I’ve been to shitholes before, Olongapo City in the Philippines comes to mind and I’m sure Tiajuana would also qualify.

  13. This is economic migration encouraged by the COC and big business. They get the benefit of cheap labor by employing a couple percent of the hordes and the remainder are left on the backs of the tax payer.
    For the left this is also an effort to dilute the American population for ease of controlling and manipulation.

  14. Detroit is a shithole, Dearborn is a shithole, parts of LA county is a shithole because we added the third world to them on top of the assholes who already live there. America is not a developing country. We’re better than that and the only way we will continue as one, is by not bringing in people from terror countries and people who aren’t fluent in their OWN language.

  15. I’ve read on one the bigs that it’s assume little Dick Durbin was the one who sent ‘sources’ to talk to WaPo and make the shithole comments. Because Trump stomped on his DREAMerS fantasy yesterday. lol

  16. With one word, ONE WORD, Trump can clear a PC minefield, make the enemy cave on its own stupidity, and forge ahead with his righteous agenda!!

    MAGA, Mr President, you are the man!

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