Burger King Gets Political, and it’s as Idiotic as You’d Expect it to Be – IOTW Report

Burger King Gets Political, and it’s as Idiotic as You’d Expect it to Be

Burger King is explaining net neutrality, using Whoppers as a metaphor, and it’s asinine.

When customers order they are told that there is a tier system. If they want their Whopper fast they have to pay more. If they want the low price Whopper they will have to wait 20 minutes to get it.

Burger King believes this explains what Net Neutrality is.

But there is an obvious flaw in their stupendously moronic experiment. The customers didn’t stand for it. They all  said it was ridiculous and that they probably wouldn’t be coming back to Burger King.

So, what point did they make?——-> The market determines price.

ISPs, en masse, are going to start abusing customers like Burger King was doing? Not likely.  It’s a great way to lose all your business.

I did learn something, though, with this video. Burger King is for government control of the internet, which means I will not be going there any longer.


You see, this is how the market works!!!

(Maybe you should stick to hairnet neutrality.)

ht/ meerkat

41 Comments on Burger King Gets Political, and it’s as Idiotic as You’d Expect it to Be

  1. “ISPs, en masse, are going to start abusing customers like Burger King was doing? Not likely. It’s a great way to lose all your business.”

    EXCEPTION: When government determines who are providers. Very few free markets exist. Actually almost none.

  2. Haven’t ever been a BK fan but when they came out with their gay pride burger in a rainbow wrap with some dumb inscription inside like we are all the same they ended up on my dead to me list. Complete libtards.

  3. And we just got a bunch of BK coupons in the mail with the flyers recently. They are not convenient to where I live, but had I not just seen the above idiocy I might have considered going there & using those coupons if I had reason to be near where one is located. Now I don’t think so.

  4. Any CEO that makes or allows his company to step in to politics should be fired. Their job is to make money for their investors. This country is divided on every issue. Why would anyone be stupid enough to have a business plan that in effect says, We only want to do business with 1/2 or 2/3 of the population?”

  5. It would seem this is a corporate blunder;

    “The fast food chain’s top marketing executive, Fernando Machado, said in a statement that the company believes “the internet should be like Burger King restaurants, a place that doesn’t prioritize and welcomes everyone.”

    Above quote is from cnn.money story

    Not sure how it’s being received by the net in general but Machado ought to realize by now that this won’t bring in customers but will only lose them.

  6. King Bugger figured if Roger Goodell could get into politics, piss off a huge percentage of his supporters, destroy 20% of the NFL’s business, and get a massive pay raise, well, gosh darn it, he could too. Won’t be going there any more.

  7. I couldn’t agree more that management putting other people’s money at risk playing at politics should be fired for malfeasance. (“Not bribes” required to not be shaken down harder, are different, of course.)

    But it seems most people have no idea what the “Net Neutrality” marketing buzz words mean. And for those that do, I can’t, I mean I hope, they have no idea what is required to implement “Net Priority”. I’ve never seen anyone claim that a carrier couldn’t offer different grade services. I’ve never seen anyone claim that a carrier couldn’t charge different rates for different grade services. If your equipment can do all, I’ve never seen any resistance to offering 1, 10, and tenth megabaud access, all at different prices. (I know, the “not personally benefiting, my relatives and mistresses don’t count” regulators always have an opinion about what those rates should be. But their existence never seems questioned.) If you want to pay to watch Netflix at 10 megabaud rather than 1, enjoy. “Net Neutrality” has nothing to do with that. “Net Neutrality” means that the carrier you’re paying for 10 megabaud service can’t slow Netflix to less than 10 megabaud because it’s not Hulu (or Facebook, or e-mail, or VR goat pron). And the only way for the carriers (cue the computer generated “not Christopher Lambert”: “There must be more than one.”) to know that it’s Netflix, rather than Hulu, is to log every packet sent at you, to decide how important they think it should be. In fact, were you properly encrypting your traffic, all your traffic, “Net Priority” would be impossible to implement. A block of statistically random noise, aimed at that device, from an unknown source, looks exactly the same as every other block of statistically random noise, aimed at that device, from an unknown source. The ones from Netflix, and Hulu, and the Ecuadorean embassy, all look the same. There is no way to prefer one over the other, as there is no way to distinguish one from the other.

  8. It works more like this: Everyone who walks into BK pays $25 no matter how much they order. If the guy in front of you orders all the burgers they have, you get none, because he used all the bandwidth to watch p0rn. You pay for all his Netflix downloads, and your email takes 10 minutes to download.

  9. @John Galt January 24, 2018 at 7:50 pm

    But that’s not Net Neutrality. That’s Burger King offering an all you can eat buffet. And that’s the chance you take at a buffet. You can always go to an à la carte restaurant. Unless the mayor’s wife’s son owns the Burger King franchise for the entire town, and the city passes a law forbidding any other restaurants. But that’s Good Government™, not Net Neutrality.

  10. For the $10 or 12$ at BK it cost me I can go to a real restaurant. They have priced themselves out of the fast food market, And it seems to me fewer people want to go there that care about what they eat. I know I cut back. Not to mention the TB and Hepatitis problem from the imports, thank you Obama.

  11. My immediate reaction to “neutrality” would be for Burger King to Offer McDonald’s products in their restaurants. And for McDonald’s to do the same. Then I could have a quarter-pounder-with-cheese and Burger King fries.

  12. Another note, if you are paying full price at these fast food places, you need to look at your cell phone for discounts. Even my local places offer discounts. Just get a decent cell phone and download their apps. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but that is the way it’s going.

    To say, “I don’t like cell phones” is foolish. Get one and use it, it will make your life better.

  13. I already get this crap in my internet monopoly of Concast …. I pay for faster service, or slower service. I pay for all the freakin’ channels I don’t want to get the few channels I do watch
    there’s been no difference whatsoever in my service … before, or after, Net Neutrality

    btw, I’d take a Whopper over a Big Mac anyday … until now

  14. We eat there maybe 3 times a year but that’s over! The only thing they have that I love is the Zesty sauce and I can make my own! I tweeted to them my outrage. They have no business sticking their bulbous nose in – NN doesn’t help them and will piss off plenty of customers! I’m entering my 3rd year of a Starbucks boycott after being an addict for well over 20 years. We do not need these joints!!

  15. As I suspected, corporate, “global elite” rats:

    In 2010, 3G Capital, a global multi-million dollar investment firm focused on long term value creation, purchased Burger King Corporation, making it a privately-held company. To learn more about 3G Capital, click here.

    Founders and Partners with similar backgrounds. Heinz, Goldman Sachs, Brazilian endeavors . . .

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