John Kerry Steals Twitter Valor – Copping Old Trump Joke – IOTW Report

John Kerry Steals Twitter Valor – Copping Old Trump Joke

In a speech at the Alfalfa Club (pretty racist), John Kerry told an old groaner of a joke that was already thoroughly played out on Twitter by the time he got to it.

Body shaming Trump (which is normally verboten according to the tongue clucking left), John Kerry said he won’t believe Trump’s stated weight until he releases his “long form girth certificate.”

If it wasn’t so old it would be an amusing play on words.

They say that Kerry will be running for the roses presidency in 2020.

Looks like the dem field, so far, is a hay bale full of former also-rans and a woman who faked being a minority for personal gain.


14 Comments on John Kerry Steals Twitter Valor – Copping Old Trump Joke

  1. This is the cat who showed up in a war theater, movie camera in hand, wrote his own Purple Heart awards so he could go home early to throw medals over a fence that miraculously appeared on his I Love Me wall years later and sat with the enemy in Paris, him?
    Never heard of the guy..

  2. People, we are in dangerous times. Be wary of false flag ops. Nobody likes this doddering, pompous, old paint. They’re going to off him and blame it on us. Forewarned is forearmed. Or forelegged, as it were.

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