Donald, Take the Wheel – IOTW Report

Donald, Take the Wheel

25 Comments on Donald, Take the Wheel

  1. Adam Sciff calls for transparency after he refuses to allow republicans to view his response memo, just demands they vote on it. Wow. This guy may be contemplating suicide.

  2. Trump take the wheel from sissy ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘™๐Ÿ‘™๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ‘— mother fuc Linsey graham this sissy is nothing more than a traitor.

  3. @anon ~ no, McCabe doesn’t lose the pension … he’s taking an ‘absence’ until March 18 … when he retires w/ full bennies

  4. hahahahahahahahahhahahaha gasp! hahahahahahahahahhahahaah! tears streaming down my cheeks! hahahahahhahaha rolling on the floor! hahahahahhahaha laughing my ass off!

    See people, this is why I come here!

  5. Anonymous 8:21 pm yes because he got fired . So I will find out more tomorrow since I’m in the heart of the shit hole . And my friend works at the Washington times so will let you know.

  6. How about he starts the SOTU tomorrow by listing all the bad things in the memo and then in front of the millions watching fire Mueller, all his staff, everyone left that Obama appointed and then call for a special prosecutor to investigate EVERYTHING they and the Hillary campaign did. Including Podesta & the donors

  7. @Bob ~ it’s being reported that Wray demoted McCabe & McCabe decided to resign …. pending March 18, which will give him a full pension … effin’ gubmint bennies

  8. I always hear Lindsey referred to as “one of the top GOP senators” on those worthless alphabet news radio soundbites at the top of the hour – tells you how much of a RINO he is.

  9. Lindsey is the Goddess of the GOPe. He thinks he has special powers. Seriously, he’s trying to make sure the GOPe still exist after President Trump leaves office. To the GOPe, Trump and his base are an abberation.

  10. A real FISA release must be like a nuclear blast happening. So bad that the US has its tri-fleet of doomsday planes up and flying high, it is reported. Something sinister is about to occur? Are the lucky ones on board, or underground?

  11. Start watching the money now. McCabe may get a pension but I’ll bet cash he’s had to put a law firm (a good one) on retainer and we’re talking 6 figures just to get your phone call answered. When the fun really begins you could be talking half a million that he has to come up with. Watch the money very closely and you may get on the trail of the people behind this crime.

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