Frightening That This Over-Medicated Soccer Grandma Has Power in This Country – IOTW Report

Frightening That This Over-Medicated Soccer Grandma Has Power in This Country

12 Comments on Frightening That This Over-Medicated Soccer Grandma Has Power in This Country

  1. It’s because she has so many that agree with her ravings.
    The country has already been lost, we just need to see what can be scrapped from it.
    I cannot tolerate these people. I don’t want them in any positions of authority and I don’t want them next door, they’re too stupid and evil. Kill them all!

  2. This is what too many years as a dc democrat swamp critter will do to a person. Poster geezer for term limits. She went around the bend a long time ago. How can such a lying incompetent have so much aurhority?

  3. If blocking the release of the memo is all about protecting the integrity of the intelligence community, then why was the vote strictly on party lines? Is financing and promoting a fake dossier during a Presidential election a legitimate intelligence function? Why should the American public take Pelosi’s word for it that blocking the release is in the best interests of the people when the donkey party has repeatedly demonstrated it doesn’t care about Americans? In fact, what have the donkeys done except whine and moan about Trump?

    I’m usually disappointed about over-hyped releases of information, but the fact that so many donkeys have their panties in a bunch about this intrigues me.

  4. It’s hard to believe, but Cuomo almost sounded unbiased. That freaks me out. Especially to Nancy, the person the libs keep propping up and wheeling out to rant and screech their defense, when there is no defense.

    He better watch out, Fosterization runs rampant in D.C.

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