Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) Shreds Adam Schiff’s Disingenuous Press Conference – IOTW Report

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) Shreds Adam Schiff’s Disingenuous Press Conference

Good speech.

Conservative Treehouse: After representative Adam Schiff ran to the microphones to decry the lack of GOP support for releasing his ‘minority memo’, congressman Lee Zeldin shares the back-story.  Adam Schiff wouldn’t even allow the intelligence committee to see Schiff’s ‘minority memo’, yet he was demanding they vote to declassify it.  WATCH

16 Comments on Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) Shreds Adam Schiff’s Disingenuous Press Conference

  1. Schiff for brains must be grasping for straws to attempt to get the committee to vote on the minority response without allowing it to be read. This response may not even exist as per Zeldin. An action like this smacks of desperation. I love to watch em squirm like a bug in a skillet.

  2. Release all information to a duly appointed Grand Jury, not just the synopsis prepared by the House intelligence committee, everything from the DOJ, FBI, NSA, National Security Council, Congress, DNC, Rice, Samantha Power, Valarie Jarrett, Denis McDonough, Obama, Joint Chiefs of the military and the Inspector General.

  3. Can the deep state establishment stand against the facts and truth under judicial scrutiny, indictment and prosecution?

    Or are we to be satisfied with another Congressional dog and pony show that does not lead to prosecution?

  4. So, do these democRAT stooges stand in line to expose their corruption and robotic verbiage? Or take turns? Or are they chosen by the amount of dirt being held over their heads?

    And where is the GOP stooge, Flipper Grahamensty? He’s supposed to be the stand-in Flipper for McCain, as well as pulling his own turn at GOP treachery.

  5. In Schiff’s defense, much of the Republican leadership has a history of rolling over for the donkeys without any fight, so asking for public disclosure of the minority memorandum without anyone reading it used to be par for the course.

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