Use this to comment, applaud, rage, carp, appreciate, snark and lob lethal bombshells of pith.


  1. Bad news for black racists, I guess. They do not applaud lowest level of black unemployment. In fact, they look pissed.

    They realize they will not be needed if they can’t sell misery.

  2. I hope many times the cameras catch the D leadership looking dour and mean. Just caught Nasty P. grimacing and holding her hands in her lap. Their hatred for Americans couldn’t be more palpable.

  3. He is our President and he loves us.
    Why does anyone doubt him.
    What has he done to let us down, and do you think he will let us down ever?
    The man is True to his word.
    Hold the line and never ever forget that Trump is on our side.
    We are lucky that he ran, and won thanks to all of our support.

  4. They are moving the plants from Mexico because DJT isn’t going to let them launder Chinese auto part imports through Mexican assembly plants using NAFTA! MAGA!

  5. Democraps oughta be cheering that “right to try” for treatment for terminal patients. 937 year old Bernie Sanders, 863 year old Nancy Pelosi, 746 year old Hitlery, and 613 year old Schmuckles will NEED those treatments, soon! 😮

  6. Please, please get the price of insulin under control.
    It is insane.
    This is not something people can skip for awhile, or cut in half.
    It’s a tough life to think you’re going to run out of a drug that would mean you’re dead the next day.

  7. OMG! The theme to True Grit has been running through my head all day! And now we have True American Grit!!

    This is just the beginning of year #2!! It’s gonna just get better and better! So long as we can keep the D’s preoccupied with side trips.

  8. As far as I can see there is not one man or woman that could do what he has done or is going to do.
    To all the people still on the fence get off the fence and realize he is the real deal and is our last hope.
    Has been from day one.

  9. It is frightening to think what would have happened if HRC was President and MS-13. I suspect the plan all along was to use them as political enforcers, as well as get a cut of their crime take.

    Jeff Sessions took the threat as serious.

    And he mentions the WAll! MAGA!

  10. Guantanamo isn’t closing. All the evil Muslim like the one Philadelphia yesterday that try to kill Americans with license from Virginia and car with tags from Maryland. Guantanamo is big enough for evil Muslim and the criminal that try to get trump send them all to Guantanamo.

  11. Thank you, President Trump. I cannot believe how much you’ve accomplished in a year. I was afraid our best days were behind us.

    O/T my grandson couldn’t pronounce “grandma” when he was tiny. He called me Maga. So when MAGA started showing up everywhere, I took it as a good omen. 😁❤️

  12. Amen and applause. Happy dance. Now switching over to MSNBC for comic relief. My bet is on the memo to be released shortly before the morning shows go live tomorrow.

  13. Is this all these morons have? Call us racist.

    They are finished.

    So asshole. Most people”s taxes went down. Oh, you care about coal miners? Bull Shit!

    Oh, we are going to beat up gays too! LOL!

  14. for those that are watching the demonRat ‘rebuttal’ …. I’ll save you some time …

    “Racist”, “Homophobic”, Islamophobic” …. basket of Deplorables
    … like a broken record

    you’re welcome

  15. That was a very incisive, emotionally inspiring speech.

    That sound we all heard was that of the democrats shitting their pants.


    Epic speech. Very Reaganesque.

  16. The story of the Kennedy is a disgrace. This man is exactly like all is disgusting family. He need to shut up is trash ass He is really me mad I can’t take this fake ass Kennedy.

  17. I never want to hear one negative comment about Trump here ever again after that speech.( Not that I could do anything about it)
    That was a barn burner, make no mistake about it he is on point and more winning is on the way.
    Next up the “Memo” and more winning.

  18. Most people heard Trump’s speech, and Joe Kennedy is trying to immediately follow that. But you have to be completely ignorant if you fail to recognize that Kennedy hasn’t addressed one point Trump made.

  19. Who the hell want’s to listen to Curly Locks? He speaks in spurts and makes no sense. Great speech Mr. President. God Bless you, your family, your cabinet, and America.

  20. It was obvious that the camera-men were instructed to minimize what
    the viewers could see of the Dems sitting, scowling.

    The quote to remember: “Americans are dreamers, too.”

  21. As an ex-submariner, I haven’t felt this way about a President since Reagan. Do you know what I mean? It comes down to this: would you volunteer to go to war with this President as Commander-in-Chief?

    Damn straight I would. Even at my age. He has more common sense and a purer heart than all the presidents since Reagan – combined.

  22. Brad, If they want to sit and not be part of the “we” that we graciously invited them into then fine. Go sit in your corner for 7 more years, at least. We are going to enjoy this prosperity.

  23. what Trump did tonight was ‘normalize’ himself to the American people … without the running vitriolic commentary from the socialtards
    yes, they’ll try to spin it … but who are you going to believe? socialtards? … or your lying ears & eyes?

  24. US & Eh show is a great combination of Mr. Pinko’s raw take and Mike’s celebrate take on politics and current events today. Plus they are classy guys! Give it a listen this Thursday night at 8pm EST!

  25. I watched the speech with my oldest and youngest Manderins. PRESIDENT Trump just delivered body blow after body blow after body on the dems (Didn’t you love it when he would gesture to them to stand whenever he said something that THEY claim to support? LOL!) and the final kill shot was highlighting the North Korean with those crutches held high in victory. The place came unglued! PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump. That speech was GENIUS. #MAGAWOOD

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