Did Twitter censorship supress #FullofSchiff hashtag? – IOTW Report

Did Twitter censorship supress #FullofSchiff hashtag?

Conservative Firing Line: Earlier Thursday, Dave Workman reported that Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., along with other House Democrats, expressed concerns over reported changes made to the controversial FISA memo said to expose a scandal called “worse than Watergate.”

On Wednesday, Schiff sent this tweet:

The Washington Examiner‘s Byron York, however, set the record straight, explaining that the “material changes” were mere “‘grammatical and clarifying’ fixes,” along with a modification Democrats requested.    MORE HERE



13 Comments on Did Twitter censorship supress #FullofSchiff hashtag?

  1. Yes. Repeated reports from people confirming exactly this.
    But, twitter being twitter, no surprise.
    Time to break up and regulate…as with fezbuk, goolag, youstooge.

  2. The mouse that roared.
    His 15 minutes of fame are akin to maxine waters and pelosi’s disjointed, incoherent blathering.

    The sky is falling and we’re all going to die. Killed by the truth of coordinated collusion, sedition and treason.

  3. I doubt it, cato:
    Schiff’s involvement in LEAKING (no small crime)
    PLUS reported involvement in kiddie sex trafficking
    are going to keep him in the spotlight (to OUR advantage).

  4. Whenever they get down to quibbling about what the meaning of “is” is, you know they’re screwed. And remember, these are the same people who edited “President Obama used an alias” down to “A senior government official used an alias”, before removing the whole damn thing entirely from their statement. So you’ll have to forgive me for laughing at their fake concern.

  5. I have been seeing rumblings about Schiff being involved in child trafficing and some association with the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood, Schiff’s district, whose GM just died in a helicopter crash. Anyone know more about this?

  6. It’s very possible Twitter suppressed this hashtag. If you are interested in what social media conglomerates are doing to some conservative sites, head over to the People’s Cube and read what they are doing to that site.

    A very few years ago, Facebook, Google and Twitter didn’t bother because they couldn’t imagine anyone would be interested in conservative views. However, they turned out to be wrong, and because controlling the message is vitally important to idealogues, censorship because more popular.

  7. #whatapileofschiff

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