Land of Pelosi With New Historic First!!! – IOTW Report

Land of Pelosi With New Historic First!!!

Look out for the Blue Wave!!!! It’s initiatives like this one in San Fran that ingratiates the public with the dem party.

Let’s sum up, sanctuary cities for illegals who cannot be identified, and a safe place for them to shoot up heroin.

It’s my idea of PARADISE!!!

SF Chronicle-

San Francisco is on track to open its first two safe injection sites this July, a milestone that will likely make the city the first in the country to embrace the controversial model of allowing drug users to shoot up under supervision.

Barbara Garcia, director of San Francisco’s Department of Public Health, said Monday that she’s tending to the details, including where the facilities will be located. She’s working with six to eight nonprofits that already operate needle exchanges and offer other drug addiction services, and two of them will be selected to offer safe injection on-site..

The safe injection sites will initially be privately funded, though Garcia wouldn’t say where the money’s coming from. She said that will help the city avoid liability, since intravenous drug use is against state and federal law.


h/t aka, Wild West shoot-em-ups


13 Comments on Land of Pelosi With New Historic First!!!

  1. @Tamminator – there must be something in the water in these democrat shithole cities. The Eagles idiot copied another moron from Cleveland when the Cavs won the championship last year.

    I’m so old I can remember when heroin was called “horse”, but I’m not sure if it ever had anything to do with eatin’ horse manure.

    No worries though …… in San Fran it will just be considered as a healthy organic snack food for the heroin addicts.

  2. I can’t wait for the first person to overdoes and sue the city for getting harmed in the ‘safe’ injection space. Really stupid – particularly if they think private funding is going to protect them. Find those deep Soros or Steyer et al pockets and sue them too.

  3. Hey, let’s put those safe injection sites right next to placement offices so after these folks get high, they can go next door and talk about getting a job to support their habits. Oh, wait. They won’t pass a drug test. Nevermind.

  4. Interesting thought.

    What if the libs are so magnanimous to the derelicts, drug addicts and ILLEGAL aliens, not only to gain their votes?

    What if the libs are providing sanctuary cities; and safe criminal or ‘religion of peace’ areas, where threats keep police out; and clean needle places; and designated areas to keep the homeless in out of sight places; don’t forget the gays, openly gathering and parading, so their information can be gathered, so that once the libs have milked them of their votes and soaked all the money that they can get for being so magnanimous, they will actually have it easier to ‘cleanse’ the new United States?

    I know, horrifying thoughts, but it’s historic, with a capital H.

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