Alabama Man Beats His Roommate Over Stale Cereal – Now His Tusks Are Looser – IOTW Report

Alabama Man Beats His Roommate Over Stale Cereal – Now His Tusks Are Looser

I can almost understand this. In the humid Tuscaloosa weather, a guy’s roommate didn’t close the cereal box properly and caused the Cap’n Crunch to go stale. So he attacked him. People like their Crunch.

This part I don’t understand. He says he has no teeth and the stale cereal was harder to eat.


Can someone with no teeth chime in and verify this phenomenon where the less crunch a cereal has it makes it harder to gum?

Anyway, the guy beat his roommate in the face with an electrical cord.

Hey, I’m just happy this didn’t happen in Florida.


ht/ fdr in hell

11 Comments on Alabama Man Beats His Roommate Over Stale Cereal – Now His Tusks Are Looser

  1. I can see his point. Not that I eat Cap’n Crunch or any of that “shit-in-a-box” but, yeah, don’t be wrappin it up, yo gets a rappin on the noggin!

    Justice, equity, and “fo da l’il chillens!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Lazlo would have left the impertinent lodger a gibbering mass of cane welts.
    Cap’n Crunch will tear the roof of your mouth to shreds when fresh.
    Stale Cap’n Crunch is only slightly softer than Corundrum, which would flense one’s palette in less than half a bowl.

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