Psychologist Runs Off With Incarcerated Loon – IOTW Report

Psychologist Runs Off With Incarcerated Loon


Authorities launched a dragnet Wednesday for a psychologist and patient who walked out of the Arkansas State Hospital without permission earlier this week.

An arrest warrant was issued for Michelle Messer, 41, a psychological examiner at the hospital accused of taking Cory Chapin, 46, a patient, out of the Little Rock facility, police said.

Messer was spotted on surveillance video Tuesday using her access to the hospital’s forensic unit and walking Chapin out of the building, police said.

Messer is wanted on a misdemeanor charge of aiding an unauthorized departure. The hospital said Messer will be fired once located. Police referred to Messer as a psychologist, though the hospital’s website named her as a psychological examiner for forensics.

It’s unclear what the relationship is between Messer and Chapin.

Chapin was acquitted in 2015 of kidnapping, theft, unauthorized use of a vehicle and drug possession charges by reason of mental illness or defect. He had told authorities God said to kidnap a woman who cut his hair, Arkansas Online reported.

Chapin was committed to the hospital’s forensic unit, used to assess and treat patients with mental illnesses who are accused of a crime. A doctor said he posted as a “moderate risk” for violence without treatment.


Let’s see, 41 and moderately attractive, but already with a budding turkey neck.

You really think it’s unclear what the nature of their relationship is?

The guy is nuts, but he’s not stupid. My guess? He preyed on this woman’s insecurities and seduced her and used her as an escape plan.

Who is the psychologist???

ht/ Mighty Mojo

23 Comments on Psychologist Runs Off With Incarcerated Loon

  1. “The hospital said Messer will be fired once located.”
    Yeah, you can fire her without her being there, hun. Even on her day off or if she’s on vacation.

    She’s probably dead anyway.

  2. My wife spotted this story this morning. She gets a perverse glee out of foolish female “professionals” who throw their Lefty lives away on Insanely Wrong Men. Defense attorneys who smuggle their convict “soulmates” out of prison and become their molls on the short-lived lam. Psychiatrists who fall in love with the axe murdering cannibal with soulful eyes. It’s surprising how many of these stories there are.

    I call it The Manson Effect.
    My wife calls it Estrogen Gradschool Syndrome.

    If she’s even still alive, when she’s apprehended (because these two must have such brilliant planning skills 😀) it will be cute to see which preschool alibi she tries to explain herself with.

  3. I wonder if some people become psychologists/psychiatrists because they’re trying to fix themselves? lol.
    Because of this crunt, everyone she’s ever treated and given the OK by her will now have to be reevaluated.

  4. On the other hand, it’s always possible this guy (besides that rapist car thief knife wielding maniac part) is actually a Heroic Time Traveler From The Future Sent Back On A Desperate Solo Mission To Save Humanity. And Only She Can Understand Him. Because, Womanly Intuition, and because She’s So Uniquely SuperIntelligent. And stuff.
    Plus, her Daddy Issues.

    And now the two of them are On The Run Together And In Love ™. Pursued by killer Terminators, also from the future, sent back to Stop The Hero From Saving The Earth ™.

    This can’t end well for her. I’d feel sorry for her, but I just can’t help seeing her in a pink Hilary Pussyhat.

  5. There are perfectly lovely ladies with chicken necks – once exterior conventional beauty fades a bit, their inner beauty still shines through.

    Just sayin’ for a friend…

  6. Have yet to meet, see, or hear of anyone in that line of work whose cheese hadn’t fallen off the cracker. Have wondered since about 5th grade why attractive women are so attracted to bad boys. Why do women send love letters to prisons addressed to ‘Any Inmate’?

  7. He had told authorities God said to kidnap a woman who cut his hair…

    This has the makings of a Samson & Delilah fantasy in reverse, or something like dat.

  8. My wife’s theory about self-defeating Bad Boys attraction is it’s just a throwback to primate mate selection.
    In a chimp troop, all life requires is eating fruit and sleeping.
    All any chimp has to do to become the Alpha is screech and fling feces and be loud.
    Limited skill set, no IQ required.
    Human women drawn to Bad Boys, despite their better judgement, are just following their primeval Chimp Vajayjays.

  9. MJA, you have no idea how correct you are. Too many mental health “pros” who go into the field are nutty as fruit flies themselves. A near dozen that I know came to mind right away.
    As far as the a bad boy attraction, many people who were abused by men in some way when they were young, fall prey to that same type of man later. Many, not all, daughters of alcoholics marry alcoholics.

  10. My aunt was a psychologist that frequently brought her work home.

    Her 4-5 husbands included several alcoholics, dead beats. Total fixer uppers, to finally a bipolar narcissist

  11. Crazy Artsy chicks are great in the sack. There is a ratio of crazy to sack-wildness, but I forget it now.
    I imagine the inverse to be true.
    She’s at the least easily manipulated.
    I hope she gets away unhurt,


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