EPA’s Effort To Save An Industry From Obama Regulations Is Being Held Up By Bureaucrats – IOTW Report

EPA’s Effort To Save An Industry From Obama Regulations Is Being Held Up By Bureaucrats

Daily Caller: The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) repeal of Obama-era regulations that could put an entire industry out of business has been slowed by bureaucratic delays and an unexpected request from the White House.

EPA has been working for months to finalize its repeal of Obama administration regulations on glider kits that critics say would have put an entire industry that sells refurbished truck engines out of business in the coming years.

Initially, EPA’s effort to finalize the repeal of glider kit regulations was slow-walked by career officials at the agency, sources familiar with the matter told The Daily Caller News Foundation. But when EPA was finally ready to send the finalized repeal to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), it was rejected late last week, three sources told TheDCNF. OMB did not respond to a request for comment.

OMB rejected EPA’s glider kit rule repeal before the agency officially sent it over for review, one source said. OMB said EPA needed to conduct a regulatory impact analysis, three sources said. MORE

5 Comments on EPA’s Effort To Save An Industry From Obama Regulations Is Being Held Up By Bureaucrats

  1. Caterpillar quit building on-highway diesel engines in 2009 all because of California/EPA bullshit….The retarded beurocrats will never understand all of the things that they foul up for the perceived betterment of humanity….

    We could have a 1.9 litre diesel driven 8 seater SUV that gets 45 miles a gallon with 4 wheel drive, but NOOOOOOOO!

  2. I used to transport big trucks back in the early 90’s. As far as “Glider Kits” go, here is the official definition.

    A glider kit is a new truck chassis, special ordered from the factory, without engine or transmission. This allows you to utilize pre-emission engines resulting in better fuel economy and lower maintenance costs.

    These vehicles were transported “Piggy-back” style, same as a complete truck. The pic link I have here for you is of a 3-way piggy-back, although many of the loads I hauled were 4-way Piggy-backs.


  3. Juge, my sister worked Clean Water for years; She used to revel in publishing a new rule. The purpose of each new rule is to employ 100 new people! Managers can’t become Chiefs can’t become Directors without more people.


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