The Democrat Superdelegate Fix – IOTW Report

The Democrat Superdelegate Fix

The Socialist Bernie wing of the Democrat party is determined not to get fooled again by allowing the party to use the designated superdelegates to steal the nomination away from their candidate. The DNC has allowed a number of Bernites to sit on the rules committee for the next presidential convention. They’ve come up with a proposal to restrict superdelegates to the second ballot and allow the rank and file a clean vote on the first ballot. More

Some are speculating that there will be no clear winner on the first ballot, leaving it to the establishment selected superdelegates to make the choice on the second ballot (and leaving the socialist empty handed once again).

7 Comments on The Democrat Superdelegate Fix

  1. The Golden Rule of Politics: “He with the gold makes the rules!” No way Felonia and her crime family are going to let the Sandersnistas control the money teat of the DNC.

  2. Lying, cheating and stealing is a way of life for the Democrat Party. You can not get around that fundamental fact. They don’t object to any of the above on principal, never have, never will, and that is why any attempt to end it is doomed to failure. Democrats are outcome driven and will only subscribe to rules so long as they see them as advancing their own agenda.

  3. If Obama were a decent human being and as a member of the Democrat leadership (mutually exclusive categories) he would not have let the Democrat Party destroy itself with these back room machinations. Or he would step in now and referee the new rulemaking. But he’s not a decent person, and loves the ability for the evil leadership to ignore the will of the people, without the peons knowing. So he will stay away. And the Democrat Party will continue to tear itself up. (Good for them.)


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