Liberals, no one is coming for your abortions! We just want common sense abortion control. – IOTW Report

Liberals, no one is coming for your abortions! We just want common sense abortion control.

“Liberals, no one is coming for your abortions! We just want common sense abortion control.”

– by u/bearwave


Yosoff  Mandatory background checks and 9-month waiting period for abortions!

-Iamthebst87  We need to eliminate the Plan Parenthood loophole.
-BigAl265  It’s easier to get an abortion than a Big Mac.
-FreeSpeechRocks  It’s not repealing Roe v Wade it’s just a procedure to remove a cluster of words.
-thedeplorable77788  Ban assault abortions

55 Comments on Liberals, no one is coming for your abortions! We just want common sense abortion control.

  1. To politicize this personal “choice” and make it a “us verses them” talking point for intimidation and bullying is ridiculous. All those that think their “right” is at stake are just doing it for SJW points. A while back, Martha Plimpton being interviewed at a Planned Parenthood presentation said her “first” abortion was her best! Wish someone had followed up and asked her about her take on Capital Punishment at the same time. In cases of rape or incest there is no consensual “choice”. Roe vs Wade after all these years of being the law is now an issue due to tax payers not willing to pay for “consensual” sex mistakes, but that’s not good enough. Not good enough for ignorant slobs not taking personal responsibility. No one is saying anything about taking your right away to decide to commit murder because you literally “fucked up”. Tax payers just don’t want to pay for it. That’s the ISSUE! Now let’s get back to that Capital Punishment. You decided the result of your personal screw-up (because it is your right under Roe vs Wade) should not ever walk this side of the grass. Even though murder is bad unless they are already walking on this side of the grass and should be left alive? Abortion for rape and incest was the focus of Roe vs Wade. Not a paid-for-right to commit murder. But history eludes you.

  2. Abortion on demand is here to stay and

    Supreme Court nominations regardless

    Roe v. Wade will


    be reversed or even modified !!

    And no leftist, progressive, or democrat
    will ever admit that even though

    They ALL know it !

  3. Whenever I read an article with the title/theme of “Getting Ready for the Abortion Battle,” I always chime in to say, “What battle? Too late; you’ve already lost!” heh

    p.s. Is “Solo Man” the new “Larry the Liberal”?

  4. This is funny and I’ve often said, “The right is every bit as insane about abortion as the left is about controlling guns.”

    Each see controlling evil in the other side, but never bother to look in the mirror — at themselves.

    Me? I own (and practice) with guns and I support abortions for women who don’t want children (and would be awful mothers) and for the sake of the child.

    That makes me what…. ….a thinking Flubadub? ….smile…
    …..Lady in Red

    PS: When I snidely asked Grool yesterday if he would sign up to love and support 4K of the “tens of thousands” of unwanted Indian babies, he chortled that he had already heard that “joke.” I assume he thinks that it is “human babies” who should never be aborted, not Indian babies….. …..they can be tortured, sold — both boys and girls — as sex slaves at age seven, etc. etc. Hypocrisy? Brainwashed and unable to think rationally, I would say.

  5. I have a dream….. someday, one day, all the tigers on the left will stop their silliness about the need to take guns away from honest, law-abiding people….

    ….and the lions on the right will stop their demands for forced birthing of all women (human ovens, incubators, not exactly people)

    …and we can laugh and talk and stop trying to control the other — stupid — side. …..Lady in Red

  6. What, Czar? Like puppies and kitties and the “tens of thousands” of unloved, unwanted children in India….. …..probably destined for rape and murder, slavery, if they live long enough.

    Are the puppies and kitties lives innocent enough for you? Can you say, think the word: humane?

    When you move beyond the puffed bloviating, perhaps we can talk.
    …..Lady in Red

  7. Hey LiR,
    I agree with your aborting ‘undesirables’ logic.
    I just shot my neighbor in the face with a 9mm. He was a total asshole.
    No one on our block could stand him, he was mean to the neighborhood kids, he wouldn’t pay his share when we paved the alley, his trash always blows all over the place, he’s been cruel to others’ pets. I just made a personal decision, and none of our neighbors disagreed.

    Good riddance. Not sure what his kin will think.
    What difference does it make!

  8. “When you move beyond the puffed bloviating, perhaps we can talk.
    …..Lady in Red”

    I do not mean to be rude, but you should look in a mirror.
    Your arguments are all tired distortions.

    50+ million American children will never have the simple opportunity of engaging in a conversation.

  9. LiR,
    PS Per your bloviating snark: may God have mercy on your soul.
    You are way too full of yourself.
    Judgement of the worth of anyone’s life is His, and His alone.

  10. Yep, I actually *admire* Margaret Sanger. You have been brainwashed about her work….

    When you noble people start adopting the tens of thousands of unwanted children — in India alone! — I might see you as beyond bloviating…. …..putting your values to practice. (But, note: we are talking tens of thousands, millions! not one or two in your spare bedroom!!!)

    Now, you are just another sad version of the sad left on the gun control matter: Arrogant, and wrong. History won’t judge you kindly, on this. ….Lady in Red

  11. @Lady in Red July 11, 2018 at 7:21 am

    > …and we can laugh and talk and stop trying to control the other — stupid — side. …

    By side you mean the Democrat team should stop play fighting with the Republican team? I think we can do that.

    But you obviously don’t mean the womyn team should stop trying to control the men team. That’s not what you’re “asking” for.

    So, are you suggesting men “on the right” should surrender to womyn “on the left”, because the womyn say “You can’t defy us! There’s a left/right truce.”? What a glorious day that was will be.

  12. The more you conflate two unrelated Liberties, the stupider you get.
    My weapons have never been used to commit a crime. Infanticide=Murder which is a crime.

    My weapons protect my family from criminals, my God given Right.
    Murdering an unborn child only makes the next ‘unwanted’ child an easier target.

    Beware your arguing against the Sanctity of Life.
    The life you make expendable may be your own.

  13. The issue of abortion is mainly one about choice, right? If a woman chooses to have sex, but gets pregnant, she has the right to choose whether to abort the pregnancy.

    Let’s extend this logic to other scenarios, shall we:

    If man chooses to get drunk and get behind the wheel, he has the right to choose whether he has a wreck. Right?

    If a child chooses to tie a beach towel around his neck and jump out a second story window because he thinks he’s Superman, he has the right to choose whether he breaks a limb. Right?

    It seems ridiculous to apply that same logic to other scenarios. Yet for many, it’s perfectly acceptable for a woman to choose to have in sex — an activity everyone knows has the risk of resulting in pregnancy — and demand that she not bear the consequences of her choice. Like spoiled children, they want to do adult things without adult responsibilities.

  14. Oh, for Pete’s sake!

    The Lady in Red has never intimated that abortion isn’t the killing of the innocent – she has averred that the killing of the innocent is “necessary” to the happiness of those women who fornicate with abandon – who fuck without consideration of the consequences. That death (for those she declares untermenschen) is preferable to life.

    How refreshing! No mind-numbing confusion about “rights,” the Constitution, or morality – only the solid conviction that children may be killed at the discretion of their mothers.

    Honesty IS the best policy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. No, silly Anonymous! …smile….

    I simply long for the day when the morally arrogant left and the morally arrogant right stop being so insistent upon controlling the other. And, then, the lion can lie down with the lamb and the world — and all its individuals — will be the better for it.

    ….Lady in Red

  16. I don’t admire Margaret Sanger so much as Ayn Rand, but Logic – Rational Thought – is Math. Sanger was a Socialist, and that cuts her off at the knees for me. 😀

    Free Will is my take. Anyone who stands against Free Will is my reason for buying ammo. Thugs gonna Thug. I don’t like the Government paying out my money for the ill-conceived acts of anyone.

    Hope you survive the onslaught, Lady In Red. 🙂 I usually sit back and read or skip these issues. Not today for some reason… %D

    Now for the irrational, is it me, or is the Moon full this week? Lots of infighting. Drinks for Everyone! 😀

  17. Gad, but you old men are bad!

    I think it was Gloria Steinem (not one of my favorites) who said, “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”

    Yep, Tim: I don’t deny abortion is, at minimum, the “stopping” of human life. Call it murder, if you want; I don’t care. What I *do* care about is your prissy insistence upon vetoing the rights of the “oven” who is supposed to carry the…. ….to term and, then, spend the next twenty years feeding and caring for it.

    And, hoping it won’t be a Jeffrey Dahmer. ….some monsters are born, not made…. …yesh.

    Not your problem. You old men just sit around clucking like old hens in your rockers, sneering about the fool who messed up and, now, won’t take her “medicine.”

    You think the infant, the child, the young man does well here, does not end up in prison, or a ward of the state, or….

    But, old men all, do tell me about the tens of thousands of unwanted children in India, the *millions* all over the globe. Why is it that you don’t care about those “innocents” — before they become child sex slaves…. …..Sex slave to women, do you suppose? Or, perhaps, they are the sex slaves for evil old men, with sugary icing covering their perversions?

    Why don’t you care about those innocents? Planning a quickie trip to Thailand soon… ….to hook up with a young male innocent?

    If you were not all so arrogant and pompous, it might be easier to understand you, but…. ….as the old bard wrote, “Methinks thou dost protest too much.” What, I wonder, is “in it” for you?

    Gad, but you are bad! ….Lady in Red

  18. Mr. Tennessee Tuxedo….. I appreciate your attempt, but I am afraid that thinking is not your long suit.

    Try taking up the trumpet, perhaps. ….Lady in Red

    PS: TruckBuddy, Ayn Rand was far from perfect also, but, yep, I like her. Margaret Sanger did an enormous amount of good. The forced birthing right is beyond being able to see that, now. Sad.

  19. So if we can’t play nice (actually we are) the solution is…

    Now for the irrational, is it me, or is the Moon full this week? Lots of infighting. Drinks for Everyone! 😀

    Yeah, that will work out well…

  20. LIR,
    I am a woman and know that there are many pro-life women. I also know parents who adopt. Some have adopted 7+ children.

    I am a mom who went through a difficult, life threatening delivery, but I would never degrade pregnancy as a subhuman state.

    Telling men to shut up on the topic shows that you have exhausted your defense. Half of aborted people are males, so yes, men should have a voice in the discussion. Also, many fathers do not have a say whether their child lives or dies.

  21. MMMMMMMMMMM….. Congratulations. Your journey is a very personal one and I am glad you are content.

    Not all folk wish — or can — follow in your shoes.

    I have become most aggrieved today over the endless male prating about women who “do the crime but don’t want to suffer the time.”

    And, the *millions* of unloved, unwanted children all over the world. (Grool referred to it as the India joke. Ha ha ha ha!)

    There is a blinders-wearing refusal among forced birthers in America to understand — or think — about anything beyond their right wing memes. (Yesh, I wrote that and, as certainly true as it is about the left, the right has their own version of the disease…..)

    “Torture and murder of innocents….” …do you really think physicians are sharpening their knives fantasizing about how much pain they can cause a fetus before they finally “murder” it?

    “Keep your legs crossed…” How many of these old men, who were once boys, fucked a girl without regard….? ….most of ’em got away with it, I’m sure. And, now, in memory, they’d probably recall that they only did it with “bad girls.”

    I’m glad you made right choices for you. Please do not assume that your path through life is the only path to goodness and happiness.
    ….Lady in Red

    PS: And please think about the tortured and abused sex slave children all over the world….. Can you imagine what it is like to be a ten year old Afghan boy forced to dress and dance as a woman for drunken old men…. ….before they fuck him? Can you imagine?
    (If you cannot imagine, you can watch the videos on youtube.)

  22. @Lady in Red July 11, 2018 at 9:22 am

    > No, silly Anonymous! …smile….
    > I simply long for the day when the morally arrogant left and the morally arrogant right stop being so insistent upon controlling the other.

    You insist on one law to rule them all. I’m not being “silly”. Clearly neither are you.

  23. LIR,
    Here you are making assumptions. You know nothing of my life, yet you want to paint it to your advantage.

    I do not live in a bubble of bliss and am aware of the ugliness of the world. You like to use extremes to characterize all situations. The reality in the U.S. is the majority of cases are for convenience. I am one who would not have been born if R vs W was earlier.

  24. @Lady in Red July 11, 2018 at 8:32 am

    > When you noble people start adopting the tens of thousands of unwanted children — in India alone!

    I was trying to overlook the attempt to change the subject. But, since you insist at July 11, 2018 at 9:38 am, on firing the glitter cannon again…

    “We are the World. We want no borders.
    That doesn’t make us communalists.
    You’re all just racists.

    If you’d stop being Nazis, and
    Work harder for us voluntarily,
    You wouldn’t force us to beat you.

    What a wonderful, small world it would be.”

    Can we just start another thread for the Reason #42, why We’re Still With Her?

  25. MMMM….. I did not mean to paint your life in any way, except to note that it seems you are reasonably content.

    Abortions for convenience? Yep. Little kids who aren’t left in burning hot cars, unfed, with broken bones and…. You see happiness in their lives….?

    I don’t know — and I do not! — but perhaps if you had not been born when/where you were, you would have been born into a more happy wonderful family….? I don’t know. I assume your mother grew to love and treasure you very much. …..Lady in Red

    PS: Think about those ten year old children used as sex slaves by ugly old men in Muslim countries. Do you know how common it is for a “business executive” to fly into Thailand for a little kiddie pussy? ….or ass pussy? You think these lives are ones of happiness? Do you think euthanizing unwanted pets is a good idea, or would the dogs be “happier” fighting it out in a dog fighting pit? …..waiting until they lost to be tortured to death? Happiness? What is happiness?

  26. I will support their right to abortions, as soon as the fathers rights are given as much consideration.
    Your body, the baby is still half his.
    Yeah, yeah, delinquent fathers, broad brush you’re using, bigoted misandry.
    Abortion as birth control, a losing proposition today.

  27. So, by LIR’s logic, because “millions of unwanted children in India” will die of starvation or be sold as sex slaves, they should be aborted? Well, if the survivors lives are miserable, why not just kill them now? How about drug adicts? Their lives are horrible, let’s just kill them too! How about low IQ or retarded children ? Let’s kill them. And kids born with birth defects; kill them. Kill them all!

    Margaret Sanger, indeed!

    If you are going to make the ridiculous proposal that we should adopt “millions” of Indian babies, how about, instead you go to India and teach them about birth control?

  28. Abstinence
    The Pill
    The Morning After Pill
    Do you really need a 6 round clip for denying a birth?
    I think the first 5 is enough.
    Have used a vasectomy since 1980, I’m no hypocrite, a single shot is good enough for me.

  29. Speaking of silly:

    “So, by LIR’s logic, because “millions of unwanted children in India” will die of starvation or be sold as sex slaves, they should be aborted? Well, if the survivors lives are miserable, why not just kill them now?…”

    Is every human life precious, Tony R, or not? You just want forced birthing in America, but the rest of the world, we treat those folk like cur dogs?

    Why not just kill them now? Often they are. A child’s small body, boy or girl, doesn’t suffer gang rape well, but, often, it takes them days to finally succumb.

    Aren’t you cool, Tony R.

    Here’s one back atcha: If God’s all powerful, can he make a rock so big he can’t lift it? Yuck, yuck, yuck! You are a cut up!
    ….Lady in Red

  30. @Lady in Red July 11, 2018 at 11:16 am

    > Think about those ten year old children used as sex slaves by ugly old men in Muslim countries.

    I’ll agree to think longer about them, as soon as you agree to think about the abomination of whale hunting in the twenty-first century. I’m sure after you have, you’ll agree that you’re completely wrong about abortion.

    Why, yes, I have noticed that the three are intrinsically interlocked.

  31. Open the Door….. I support a father’s rights — bigly.

    There are sad stories, I have read. Responsible fathers are to be nurtured, admired.

    At the same time, mostly, the “job” and the responsibility falls solely on the woman. …..especially if not married. …Lady in Red

  32. “At the same time, mostly, the “job” and the responsibility falls solely on the woman. …..especially if not married. …Lady in Red”

    They had 5 choices before the murder, how many do you need?

    Abortion, as birth control, is wrong.
    If I’m not the father, it’s NOMB, doesn’t make it OK though.
    Accept and condone, don’t mean the same thing.

  33. @BFH July 11, 2018 at 12:15 pm

    > Why has the number of single mother pregnancies exploded?

    Because Good™ men, Responsible™ men, Real™ men, manly manly men, insist on the Right™ to pay for it. For the good of society. Their™ society.

  34. How many choices does she have once — surprise! — she discovers she is pregnant? You’re glib and facile, Anon, but, while you think up witty rejoinders, this is not fun for many.

    But, you don’t care, do you? ….Lady in Red

  35. Well, guys, I retire on this topic, for now. Probably, in another month or so, my “volcano about forced birthing” will erupt again.

    If I got at least one of you to think beyond your memorized memes, that was good.

    If not, well, I’ll try again some day. ….Lady in Red

  36. @Lady in Red July 11, 2018 at 1:05 pm

    > But, you don’t care, do you?

    You hire someone to put a gun in my mouth, hand me a pen, a prewritten confession, and take my wallet. I care. A little.

  37. @Anonymous – You just do not know when to let something go, do you? Just like the “scene” with Bad Brad 2 nights ago. This is a COMMENTS Section, not CONVERSATION or DEBATE section. Lighten up please? You sometimes have good input but blow it like a control freak. This is not TWITTER baby, (not calling you a baby) just slang.

  38. How many choices does she have once — surprise! — she discovers she is pregnant?

    Well as she chose to be irresponsible as is the case in 99% of unwanted pregnancies she has the choice to have the baby and raise it or have the baby and put him/her up for adoption or she can murder her baby. I as a woman who has given birth and know without a doubt you never think of the baby inside of you as a fetus prays for the day states do not sanction the cruelest form of murder of innocent babies by ripping them apart piece by piece.

    Probably, in another month or so, my “volcano about forced birthing” will erupt again.
    This is idiotic, there is only one reason a woman ever becomes pregnant against her will and that is if she’s raped. It is so simple otherwise to never become pregnant and numerous of options available to women today to prevent pregnancy. The unborn child should not be cruelly murdered just because they have a mother to damn stupid to prevent pregnancy.


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