Harasser of Woman Who Identified as a 9/11 Widow Has been Fired From His Job – IOTW Report

Harasser of Woman Who Identified as a 9/11 Widow Has been Fired From His Job

The douche is named Steve Wilson-

More at Gateway

ht/ Christian PDX

20 Comments on Harasser of Woman Who Identified as a 9/11 Widow Has been Fired From His Job

  1. Someone please look up SEI for me.
    I bet 1 Big Ass Cold Frickin’ Beer
    and I will meet you halfway from your house
    to Houston that it is some faggy sissyfied soy
    boy made up do nothing Texas BS & HS worthless
    over paid vapor wear virtual cloud type job.

  2. SEI……another remedial “school” for the savages being pumped out of the hood.
    In other words a containment facility ran by guilt ridden whites to demonstrate their humanitarian concern for rabid hood rats.
    There’s no realistic hope of accomplishing anything but those engaged in the endeavor feel good about themselves.

  3. self enhancement?
    what about job training
    what about teaching them responsibility

    wonder what this magot did at the enhancement job?
    obviously,he has some self enhancement to do on his own

    i guess he will now run on the demon rat party ticket for some office,he is now qualified

    oh and too bad that woman did not have some bear or pepper spray to spray in his face

  4. I am going to extrapolate from the fact that The Oregonian/O Live is not interested in any aspect of this story other than to look into the woman’s background that they have an investment in this jackass. THe identity of the individual has been out for a couple days not and they still haven’t found out about it. At least they are not publishing anything on it.

  5. @BUTTHEADICUS alter ego of RADIOATIONMAN October 21, 2018 at 10:40 pm

    Is it possible SEI is Service Employees International? If so, these tactics are typical since they’re a bunch of union thugs.

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