Rant- Full Fontal Stupidity – IOTW Report

Rant- Full Fontal Stupidity

I’ve been spending time recently at a facility with a family member. I called to see if they had wifi so I could work there. Yes, yes they did. Logging on, however, was an exercise in revealing how spectacularly dumb some people can be.

I took the long walk to the administration area to get the password. A lady handed me a slip of paper with the username and the password.

I took the long walk back to the room.

I look down at the slip and immediately saw a problem. Were those lower case els, ones or a weird “I”?

I took my best guess and tried to log in.


Okay, make them 1s.


Try “I.”

uh uh.

Okay, time to go back to the admin lady.

“Hi, I don’t seem to be able to log in.”

“You know, lots of people have this problem.”

“You don’t say? Well, what’s the password?”

“The last part is a one.”

“And what’s the first part?”

“That’s a lower case el.”

“Uh huh. I see. And you say lots of people are having a problem logging in?”


“Uhh, maybe it’s because on this slip of paper the el and the one are the very same thing. You chose a font where the el and the one are interchangeable.”

“(blank stare)”

“(return of blank stare)….  (staring some more)  …  (finally I said)  maybe the last number in the password should be a 2?”

“I didn’t make the password.”

(in my mind) “Yes, but you can print out new f*ckin’ slips of paper, you f*ckin idiot!!”

(out my mouth) “You have a nice day. Thank you.”


36 Comments on Rant- Full Fontal Stupidity

  1. It really sucks when you deal with people who just do not care.

    Reverse the tables and they go from placid almost mindless dolts to raging lunatics in a new york minute.

    Liberalism is not just a political philosophy. It is a mental disorder that interferes with thinking.

  2. I try to differentiate when I write out passwords, but I sometimes slip up. Ones and lower-case L should be banned from passwords. I don’t put them in mine, when the option is available.

    The other pair that gets me into trouble is zero or capital O. I always (almost) cross through my written zeroes. Some fonts do this, others just show a subtle difference, but many are identical.

  3. I work in IT.
    If a user hands me hand written user name or password and I see 0 or O… I ask them, “Is this a ZERO or the letter O”? Idiots say, “yes it is”
    Solution: Put it in an email.

    Was at the library years ago. Computer crashed. The Librarian, came over, turned the computer off and then turned the monitor off. I said “turning the monitor off and back on, does nothing”. Her answer.. “We’ve always done it this way”

  4. Past 2 PCP marketed themselves with a ‘porthole’. You can check all your results, get refills, use it ’cause it’s the sh*t. Could never even verify my sh*t on either one. Well, better than feeling two hands on my shoulders singing “Blue Moon’.

  5. Whenever I deal with people on the phone, now that she’s is retired too, give the helm to the better half.
    Having worked for the Federal government for 25 years, she speaks fluent idiot, her patience is positively saintly.

  6. You’d think after the first 20 or so times she’d grow tired of explaining it to people returning with problems logging on.
    That is what’s referred to as invincibly dense.

  7. I do this all the time, to myself. I’m the type of person who will start writing in printed letters, then cursive, then back to print. I’ll even use both styles in a single word.

  8. Pretty sure these are the same people that turn the thermostat to 90° and then when it’s blazing hot they go and turn it off.
    They don’t seem to realize there’s something in between?

  9. My gran told me to always take 4 long breaths before considering a verbal response to a stupid person. It really helps because you will never get those minutes spent talking to this person of questionable intelligence back.

  10. I’ll email your UserID and password to you so you can log on for the first time.

    Ever try to read Microsoft’s serial number of the little paper tag? They intentionally use a font where it’s hard to tell the difference between B/8, D/O/0, 1/l/I, etc.

  11. @ Old Oaks

    We are just very creative individuals. I do the same. Besides, I love the harassment people experience when they read my writing.

    I remember writing punishments in grade school using both hands at the same time while writing 4 sheets of “I will not talk in school.” Unfortunately one nun used my punishment to lower my penmanship grade.

  12. I gleefully create the hardest SOB passwords I can…using ! i I l L | 0 o O, interchangeably, and every special character the field mask will allow. Tend to be very OCD when it comes to IT security. Helps to have a good memory!

    The gal ‘assisting’ Fur, reminds me of an end-user, from way back when I was a Network Admin, who called me for assistance with an application. In walking her through the issue I asked her to point the mouse at the menu selection and right click. Well, she got the right click correct…but was stumped that picking up the mouse and pointing it at the menu on the monitor wasn’t working! I hung up and drove out to her office.


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