Here Come The Stupids Once Again – Wildfires Caused by Government Laser Beams – IOTW Report

Here Come The Stupids Once Again – Wildfires Caused by Government Laser Beams

We have this latest bit of idiocy from very stupid, stupid people. They’re posting pictures of cars with melted rims and using it as “proof” that the government is using laser beams on its citizenry.

They maintain that a forest fire cannot melt aluminum alloy rims, just as the jet planes smashing through the twin towers, causingĀ  ghastly infernos, couldn’t bring them down.

Just for edification, the average temperature of a forest fire is 1400 degrees. That can melt aluminum.

And then we have this f***in idiot –>

Uhhhh, stupid. You’ve been called to put the fire out. Was the car burning for 12 hours before you were called… in the middle of a forest? No, no it wasn’t, bless your stupid heart.

I have to ask the morons, was the car hit with a laser beam from the sky through the forest fire? Or was it hit with the laser beam, causing the forest fire? Or were the laser beams being used to start the forest fires?

If the latter is the case, then the forest fire melted the cars rims, didn’t it?

Are the stupids maintaining that this was a coordinated strike upon multiple cars in the forest that just happened to all be abandoned on the road at the same time?

To date no one has come forward to say their cars spontaneously combusted in the forest as they were driving along.

Let me be clear, the wildfire/laser beam conspiracy theorists are f***ing morons. They should NEVER, EVER vote or serve on a jury.

Not one of these photos is from the wildfires.

You can read about what they are HERE.



54 Comments on Here Come The Stupids Once Again – Wildfires Caused by Government Laser Beams

  1. Thank you. All the moronic conspiracy theorists and 9/11 truthers were getting to me.

    People just do not understand that these directed energy weapons attenuate in the atmosphere. Even the best experimental model could not possible make to the surface of the Earth from orbit with enough energy to do any significant hard. It is the same principal why radiation from the Sun does not fry us here on Earth.

  2. I remember in ‘the old days’ when a car would catch fire and it had ‘mag’ (magnesium) wheels. They would shoot sparks and leave holes in the roadbed. Once they got going, there wasn’t any way to put them out.
    Maybe the lasers were in the cars that had the melted wheels.

  3. 660 C, 1230 F. A good majority of rims are magnesium. Magnesium has a slightly higher melting temp but dang, you get that stuff lit and it’s a blow torch.
    These people don’t understand the temps a fire storm can achieve. I’ve seen cell phone footage from my Son In Law, who was a Hot Shot for about 10 years, of trees just exploding. And not always the tree closest to the flame.

    Another thing to consider is most Aluminum Rims are cast. Meaning they are porous. Much easier to melt.

  4. I was having this conversation with a co-worker today over some cigars. He has been a volunteer fireman for some 40 years and I have had wood fueled campfires that were capable of melting beer bottles and causing aluminum cans to disappear. Needless to say, we had a good laugh.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. The government has to use lasers. Ordinary explosives attract bigfoot.

    I had to mention bigfoot. After Mt. St Helens blew up all the conspiracy nuts claimed an entire family of bigfeets were found dead from the volcanic explosion.

    So yeah, at least…..5 bigfoots bodies have been found in the aftermath of the fire.

    All of them were clutching laser guns.

  6. Iā€™m sold.
    Extremely well done arguments and totally credible sources.
    I didnā€™t catch it in the article but were they sharks or sea bass with lasers? I canā€™t remember

  7. On the other hand, the lunatic, laser-beam forest fire conspiracy theory isn’t any more laughable than the official State of California position that the fires are the result of man-caused global warming.

  8. I delight when the stupids cavort on social media.

    One of my favorites was that building 7 at the WTC which collapsed hours after the towers was because of controlled demolition charges.

    Those charges were so sophisticated, they never blew out a single pane of glass on a glass encased building before it went sliding down. That part you can see on quite excellent video.

    I wanna’ meet those demo guys.

  9. Don’t forget that there’s temperature and there’s heat.

    You can melt aluminum with a match, just not very much of it.
    You can melt aluminum with a not all that large laser, but only a bit more than with a match.
    The amount of heat (energy) to melt multiple aluminum auto wheels is not within the capabilities of even industrial lasers.
    Even military lasers, designed to deliver a huge burst of energy to a relatively small spot, aren’t capable of delivering enough heat to melt a bunch of car wheels.

    But it’s just so much fun and gratification to get all huffy and claim the govt is doing this evil shit. Hey, the govt is already doing enough REAL evil shit we don’t need to make up any fantasy evil shit.

  10. I have been to a few fire scene investigations in my day. In every case where a wooden structure has completely burned, anything inside made of aluminum is either a puddle or fully consumed. Copper wires will only melt at points where they short. Steel doesn’t melt but it sags and buckles.

  11. Oh I see. “Uncle Al” moves out of Cali and immediately the entire state is plagued with wildfires.



    Also, I need to join your secret government team. That ish’ is right up my alley.

  12. From Uncle Al: “Even military lasers, designed to deliver a huge burst of energy to a relatively small spot, arenā€™t capable of delivering enough heat to melt a bunch of car wheels.”

    Melt, I dunno’. Flash into incandescent plasma, yes. Been there, seen that. In 1983 I was present when a test bed project of… something, fired an 18″ diameter beam of, well, a really excited ion of a gas that was composed of either photons or the deranged remnants of the molecules of that gas that went slap through 20″ of a steel alloy at about two miles.

    I was there to instrument the part of the system that pulled a vacuum on the energetic parts that made the beam, stream, fist of God, whatever you want to call it. The vacuum system was dynamic, and it was breaking concrete piers with vibration.

    Al, that was thirty five years ago.

  13. @Aaron Burr – Ya got me dead to rights. My team of govt evil scientist gene splicers and I created a modified strain of dung beetle that secrete linseed oil into the dung balls the roll up. Spontaneous combustion takes care of the rest.

    I left CA over six years ago, and I have been waiting anxiously all this time for my shitfire beetles to procreate and attain critical mass. Beyond all expectations! Beyond my wildest mad dreams! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  14. @Aaron B – Livermore? Heaven forbid. It was at SLAC. Everybody driving the 280 went right over the top of the sekrit labb.

    @Lowell – didn’t that system blow more crap up at the source than at the target? Do you have any idea what the energy source was? I’m betting chemical laser.

  15. My cat is always screwing with the dog when it gets a hold of the CO2 laser pointer. Its possible FuzzBall was nasty buzzed again puffing on those catnip joints. I’ll check his eyes tonight, he can get cranky.

  16. Another side note. When all the aluminum melts in an extended fire, all the human bodies in that fire are totally consumed. I’m thinking that’s why they can’t find over 1000 missing people. Their molecules are floating in the atmosphere.

  17. From Uncle Al: “@Lowell ā€“ didnā€™t that system blow more crap up at the source than at the target? Do you have any idea what the energy source was? Iā€™m betting chemical laser.”

    No idea. I was working for Applied Sciences at White Sands Missile Range at the time and the project was compartmentalized. Which actually worked under those circumstances.

    Now, to the juicy supposition!

    I worked around and with truly big brains. After we got the local ‘tearing up concrete foundations’ issue sorted, they turned that thing around. Pointed it up.

    Ever seen something reaching from the ground that don’t have an end? Our brains don’t know how to process that. The big brain guys I worked with, compartmentalized out of the midst of the project, took one look at the color of the beam and pronounced, “That ain’t a laser.”

    Told me, the lowly instrument tech, “What you are seeing is the atmosphere annihilating itself under an onslaught of energy.”

    So, what was it really?

  18. From MJA: “Will somebody go tell rosie oā€™donuts? She doesnā€™t know fire can melt steel. (Twin Towers) Which is odd, since steel doesnā€™t show up out of no where looking like a skyscraper.”

    Let’s talk about high school physics for a moment. That steel, that concrete in the towers. It got lofted above ground with cranes. Stacked more than a thousand feet high. The energy it took to raise that stuff got stored in the mass of the building. Sounds stupid, right? It’s just standing there. No energy apparent.

    But there is. It’s damn near a lossless system when you cut it loose and let it fall. All the energy it took to raise it up reappears when it falls. Lacking structure (pardon the pun) it shows up as heat. The exact same heat the brakes on your car generate when you panic stop at high speed.

    Now imagine you car weighs hundreds of thousands of tons and you punch the brakes.

    Some shit is gonna’ get hot. Burn for days.

    The towers would have burned after the collapse without anything contributed by the planes.

    Controlled demolition collapses don’t because they remove all the combustibles before the demolition. And we’ve never dropped anything on the scale of those towers.

  19. “The towers would have burned after the collapse without anything contributed by the planes.”

    I wondered about that!

    Which, I guess, is why you see buildings on fire while it’s raining. lol

  20. @Lowell:

    Ever seen something reaching from the ground that donā€™t have an end? Our brains donā€™t know how to process that.

    Strange to say, but yes I have, although in a very small way. I own a 1.25 watt Class IV blue laser. (That’s watt, not milliwatt.) Point it straight up, and with just the normal stuff in the air, it seems to go on forever. I haven’t done that since I moved into my current house; we’re near an airport and I don’t want a visit from an FAA SWAT team.

    The big brain guys I worked with, compartmentalized out of the midst of the project, took one look at the color of the beam and pronounced, ā€œThat ainā€™t a laser.ā€

    Told me, the lowly instrument tech, ā€œWhat you are seeing is the atmosphere annihilating itself under an onslaught of energy.ā€

    So, what was it really?

    If what you were seeing was the radiance from “the atmosphere annihilating itself” I don’t think it would be the energy source, e.g. the laser beam, that would be visible. I dunno. Well outside my experience.

    A modest bit of searching does tell us that there is at White Sands the High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility. They tested multiple military-oriented directed energy systems, especially during SDI research under Reagan and later. Could this be the general area where you were working?

  21. @Al:”They tested multiple military-oriented directed energy systems, especially during SDI research under Reagan and later. Could this be the general area where you were working?”

    Yes. Multiple areas of it. My office was the Applied Sciences Division of the Army Materials Test and Evaluation Directorate. We had our fingers in all sorts of things that needed to be measured and recorded for later analysis by us or the contractors.

    How I ended up there as active duty military is a story all by itself. I was the only one in that office of DOD civilian employes.

  22. From Al: “Aside: too bad those nuke-powered X-ray lasers (Excalibur and upgrades) didnā€™t pan out. Or did they? (-:”

    No idea. But I do know of records where rocket engines the size of the ones used on the Saturn Five were used as power sources for lasers and the engineers involved recorded comments that the exhaust environment of those things were damn near ideal environments for generating truly bad ass laser emitters. This went into an area of physics I was ill prepared for so I was not able to grasp what those papers were conveying to the community they were written for.

    It’s humbling to work around people that much smarter than yourself. Especially when you don’t exactly consider your own self dumb.

  23. Lmao this is why we got a fucked up out of controlled society because we got a lot of ignorant desperate anti conspiracy – retarded liberal faggots that are running around on the internet in such of a big hurry trying to cover up the crimes of your government corrupt buttfucking pals which btw the government itself doesnā€™t care about you or how much you booty kiss them they donā€™t care about you period and I actually Feel sorry for you lolz because instead of trying to put legit credible sources to counter argue about the California wildfires you tend to insult others credible researched and ability to show the evidence so my best advice for you is to stop getting finger fucked by your buddy from the corrupt state department and get back at your antifa cry baby pink pussy hat protest lmao

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