“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?” – IOTW Report

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”

Why do rappers get a forum as if they are anything but lofo, ignorant, minimally educated dopes?

(By the way, this includes rappers of any color, so spare me the “you’re racist” garbage.)

The rapper we are highlighting today, however, happens to be black. And he’s a moron.


Rapper Talib Kweli gave his fans an incredibly wrong history lesson Friday, saying that the Berlin Wall was created by Nazi Germany and was proof of how “walls didn’t work for Nazis.”

“So, you’re unaware of the fact that nazi Germany had a wall called the Berlin Wall that was torn down in 1991 in order to foster humanity and diversity? Walls didn’t work for Nazis so why build them here? Build bridges not walls Nazi lover,” Talib Kweli said in response to another social media user.


What gives him the confidence to spew this idiocy to such a wide audience?

If I had 1.1 million Twitter followers (yes, he has over a million followers, this once remarkable republic is in its death throes) I wouldn’t start tweeting about the dos and don’ts of wine making. I’m smart enough to know I’m ignorant. Think about how dumb this dope is. He’s too stupid to know  he’s stupid.

Who created these monsters?

25 Comments on “Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”

  1. Well he is right. I was totally unaware the Nazi built the wall. Really was a funny piece. Oh and what diversity was gained when the wall fell? White German Berliners were united once again with white German Berliners.

  2. No worse than the TOKYO ROSE fatalism/depression
    that The Last Refuse/Conservative HoHouse
    has been selling in the last couple of days…

    …BUT: at least THIS stupid guy’s nonsense is FUNNY!…
    …and doesn’t carry the carcinogenic “influence” *the other place* does.

  3. Well Obama told us the Japanese dropped a bomb on Pearl Harbor. But he admitted he wasn’t “thinkin’ straight,” as he was exhausted after travelling to all fifty seven states, and “still had two to go.” So what’s the big deal if the Nazis built the Berlin Wall in 1961 when Nazi Barry Goldwater was President?

    They tore it down, didn’t they? When ordered by Al Gore to do so?
    Gore argued, correctly, that the Wall prevented proper air flow between North and South Berlin and was an eyesore. Good for good ole Algore.
    Now, what’s next? Oh pore two jiggers of vodka over crushed ice, add a dash of vermouth, stir, sit back , relax, and enjoy. Repeat several times and “let the world go away.”
    “The Snapping of the American Mind.”

  4. “…to foster humanity and diversity…”

    Let me guess where he heard that, the nitwit.

    If I had a classroom, I would assign this idiot’s post to my students to pick it apart in riots of laughter at his ignorance.

  5. Who created these monsters?

    **The great American Advertising entity out looking to exploit and enrich themselves at the price of decency , public morals, and deception.

    Where’s Stan Freeberg when you need him…sheesch.

  6. bobh2010 DECEMBER 23, 2018 AT 2:29 PM
    Who created these monsters?…..the public education system.

    Only those that actually spent any real time in it before dropping out to join their fellow leeches or criminals.
    The ones who stayed became politicians or community organizers.

    I am reminded of the “Monty Python” character with the handkerchief on his head saying in the slurring accent, “My brain hurts!”
    Will you say the same?
    After reading these…




    What is this thing called morality, that is spoken about?
    Even the agnostic and atheist know that the elimination of God and religion will destroy us in the long run, only because the vacuum is filled with the evil and unworkable “solutions” given by our globalist betters.

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Off to play rent-a-cop…

  7. Ask little Talib Kweli (btw his name sounds like the result of pulling 10 letters out of a Scrabble ™️ bag) ask him why the U.S map always place Alaska and Hawaii side by side, yet there climates are vastly different.

    Go ahead and ask him.

  8. I’d be willing to bet cash money that rap and hip-hop are the primary reasons that blacks are killing blacks in record numbers that grow year after year. The music demeans women, glorifies drugs and encourages pimping and crime as career choices. Normally if black gangsta rappers want to kill each other I’m more then happy to read about it however all too often the dead are innocent women and children caught in the crossfire and guilty only of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course complicit in these crimes are showbiz execs of all colors that blithely wipe off the blood while they count the money they make. Bastards all.

  9. One last minor point about the Berlin Wall. It was designed to keep people IN, which it did effectively. For the most part. Our wall is designed to keep people out, like the ones that keep people out of Nancy Pelosi’s house. Also effective.

    Gubmint edumakshun. I’m paying for that. So are you.

  10. Hans, unfortunately Stan Freberg is dead and besides his satire and evisceration of American commercialism would not be welcome in today’s politically correct environment. But I do hear that Tom Lehrer is still alive and living in relative obscurity somewhere in California. Stan Freberg was a comedic genius and very witty and talented satirist, a lot of his stuff still gets played occasionally on XM’s satellite old time radio channel 148 and when it does I will listen to it. Stan Freberg along with Daws Butler (Huckleberry Hound etc.) and June Foray (Rocky the flying squirrel etc.) were an absolute riot to listen to, satire just ain’t what it used to be. And I don’t think that Jean Shepherd would cut it anymore despite the success of A Christmas Story and The Great American 4th of July etc.

  11. “His mother, Brenda Greene, is an English professor at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York and his father an administrator at Adelphi University. His younger brother, Jamal Greene, is a professor of constitutional law at Columbia Law School, a graduate of Yale Law School, and former clerk to Justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court.[2]”

    So much for that “genetically-based intelligence” bullshit.

    Course, he may just be a fukkin liar.

    izlamo delenda est …


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