“Sweden is heading for civil war” – IOTW Report

“Sweden is heading for civil war”

Voice of Europe:

International security adviser Olle Fjordgren sees Sweden as a runaway freight train heading for a rock wall.

“We have basically given up and the criminals have seized power. Right now we have nothing to oppose and I can’t see that we could reverse the development,” he tells news blog Ingrid & Maria.

Already 2013, Sweden was in a low-intensity civil war which the criminals were winning, according to Fjordgren. Now, five years later, they have won in many areas that he believes are rightly called no-go zones.

Political unwillingness to admit how bad things are, in combination with inability and ignorance, has led to Sweden being very close to becoming a failed state.

Society plays by old, outdated rules. The police are patrolling in the traditional way, while the opposing side, the criminals, play by completely different rules.

According to him, the recipe against this is zero tolerance as per the New York model. The judiciary must incapacitate these dangerous people and get them off the streets, that is the only way to get to the problems.  read more

22 Comments on “Sweden is heading for civil war”

  1. The story itself is living by the same defeatist rules. Everyone knows the word “criminal” is being used in lieu of Muslims. If they really wanted to secure a future for Europeans in Europe, they’d be referring to these people as ragheads and not being ashamed about it. Because, I guarantee you, the ragheads are calling us things a lot worse.

  2. I have seen this coming for a half dozen years: the Swedes are a nice, gentle and reasonable people. (I know: much of my ancestry hails from that country.)

    Fortunately, I have other, potentially more violent mongrel blood in me, that, were I living in Sweden today, I’d either be dead or standing atop a pile of bodies shooting like hell.

    This problem is not new, in Sweden. ….and it should not happen to such a nice and gentle people. …..Lady in Red

  3. Sweden isn’t heading for a civil war. A revolution maybe, or perhaps a coup, but not a civil war.

    The politicians and bureaucrats won’t do anything, and it is folly to presume that these people want to fix things. They are in power, and they want to keep power at all costs because it keeps them at the top of the heap. So long as the “elite” don’t have to live in no-go zones, or even come near no-go zones, they don’t care about the damage to their nation or the common man so long as their own position is secure.

    We are seeing the same thing in the United States. Our MSM has a cozy relationship with the deep state, and they want to maintain their status so they cheer lead for the status quo. The wealthy shuffle off a percentage of their wealth to the politicians, and the politicians are more than happy to protect the wealthy so long as they can benefit as well. The middle class is no longer a concern to them, and in fact is becoming an enemy.

    This is an arc that has been played out time and time again. The extraordinary people who founded this nation and devised our Constitution recognized this and tried to mandate systems to prevent these results, but we the voters keep electing the same corrupt, silly bastards who think of nothing but themselves. The founders gave us a Republic – if we can keep it.

  4. Projection. The Swedish social and political elite take it for granted that the mohammadmen think at least to a substantial degree just like the Swedes do. Here’s some news for you, you stupid saps: THEY DON’T. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT.

  5. Even though I’m of Swedish decent I don’t feel terribly sorry for the Swedish people. Sweden is oh so arrogant because they are socialists and so much better than capitalists who run after money. They have given up their Christian roots and feel noble to have given up such superstition. They opened up their country to savages just to prove they aren’t prejudiced like we ugly Americans. The government arrests sixty year old women for hate speech if they dare question immigration policies. They brought this misery on themselves. Actions have consequences.

  6. I can attest to the ignorance of a swede. My friend lives in Malmo, The city that is famous for being number one in Europe for rape and grenade attacks. My wife also has family in Uppsala which is not too far behind Malmo in crime. Any time you even try and ask about what going in Sweden to any of them, you get the same tired liberal excuses. Me and my wife stoped going to Sweden in 2012 and probably will never go back. We started to see a change back then, I can’t image how bad it is now.

  7. “It has come to this because of an unfortunate combination of voice fishing, curry favouring of migrants, and racist accusations as soon as someone challenges the problems.”

    Sound familiar?

  8. what happened to the Viking’s of old? The one’s that raped-conquered and destroyed nations? Did they just change their names or submit to some moon god and goat? Where did all this PC crap come from? If I hated you yesterday for what you do or believe I’m not going to welcome you into my house today just because you knock on my door. That saying-cant we agree to disagree is a bunch of crap. If you don’t agree with me then stay the hell away from me because I will never agree with you. Europe is lost–America is on it’s way. Stand up and fight for your belief’s. Never submit-give me liberty or give me death.

  9. Being the good guy that I am…

    I offer the Swedish Bikini Team perpetual sanctuary in my abode. Provided they can make a decent meatball.

    Just doing my part for foreign relations.

  10. Do the Swedish doper socialists know HOW to fight back? 😳

    Are the citizenry (natives) allowed to own anything more dangerous than a pop-tart, chewed into the SHAPE of a gun? 😳

  11. The faggots broke down the criticism and censor walls and the 3rd world muslimes came in and took advantage of an “enlightened” citizenry.


    ITS BEYOND A WARNING CALL – it should be a call to arms!Oh that’s right enlightened citizens need no weapons to arm themselves – they have public discourse.

  12. Swedes don’t have the balls for a war. I know the Swedes I ran across in my life. Great Carpenters, great framers; tall, blonde, handsome, but pucking very stupid. Liberal to the core.
    Want to know a real Swedes? Check out the movie “Heartbreak Ridge.”
    Gunny Highway (Eastwood) is trying to shape up a Marine Re-Con
    outfit They are pissed. They wait for their hero “Swede” to get out of the brig to kick Highway’s ass and set him straight.
    “Swede” gets out. He’s 7 foot tall and blond. Huge. He confronts Highway in the barracks with the Re-Con outfit chanting “Swede, Swede, Swede.” Gunny Highway kicks the shit out of him. Rubs his face on the barracks floor, bleeding. After that, “Swede” became
    “calm as a heal hound.” And Re-Con shaped up. Great movie.
    But that’s just Hollywood.
    The truth is Sweden, like Britain ,France, and Germany did not heed the advice of reasonable people that immigrants must be vetted properly; that they must be checked for disease, criminal records,
    purpose of coming, and if they have means of support. They should not immediately become wards of the State. That all failed. Now Sweden may have a Civil War. Good Luck. Same goes for England, France, and Germany. Italy seems to be making an effort to save her wonderful culture, but Ireland isn’t interested.
    I could go on, but I need a drink. Happy New Year Y’all
    Not Anon. This is Moe tom.
    BTW Brian Boru, Kink of Ireland kicked the shit out of the Viking at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014.

  13. I have now seen the ghastly beheading video that Sweden has made illegal to be shown. But it still can be watched. This video is not a fake. It is a bloody, horrible atrocity done by the very same vile Muslims that Sweden has been flooded with. A government that willfully destroys its own people and culture should be ousted, by guillotine if necessary. Would serve those vile traitors right to get what those two young women got.

  14. Sweden just made it all worse: “…Swedish state broadcaster SVT has outraged viewers after they ran an article claiming that the gruesome ISIS-inspired murder of two Scandinavian girls in Morocco “had nothing to do with Islam,” before warning Swedes that sharing a graphic beheading video of the incident could result in up to four years of imprisonment…”


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