Did Ocasio-Cortez just hand her boyfriend a salary on tax-payer dimes – IOTW Report

Did Ocasio-Cortez just hand her boyfriend a salary on tax-payer dimes


On Friday morning, a remarkable photo surfaced on Twitter. Riley Roberts, boyfriend to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), appears to have an email address following the formula for congressional staff. A calendar invite lists his name, Ocasio-Cortez’s congressional phone number, and the email address.

Luke Thompson, a podcast host and former staffer for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), posted the photo on Twitter. “While you were having a nice Valentine’s Day, [Ocasio-Cortez] decided to put her boyfriend on staff – drawing a salary on the taxpayer’s dime. Nice to see her adapting to the swamp so quickly.”


Does anyone else think he looks like her?

It’s like she wants to sleep with herself.


Thank GOD, I mixed up her boyfriend and brother. It was way too creepy.

This is the guy who might be on the public dime, the chubby ginger–


37 Comments on Did Ocasio-Cortez just hand her boyfriend a salary on tax-payer dimes

  1. Can we find one democrat that doesn’t haver some relative or close friend on the taxpayer dole in some way or another? I’m sure there are plenty of republicans equally guilty. DC has the money, the power and they sure aren’t giving it up to Trump or anyone else without the fight of the century.

  2. Now that we’ve gotten that straightened out—
    What’s her excuse for putting him on dole? How is she going to say anything about Javanka, who don’t get paid, but her main squeeze IS.

  3. I’m sure her brother is on her staff too (or vice versa). The dems always have their family members on their government-funded staffs. And their election committees. Remember Maxine Waters’ daughter getting a high six-figure salary from her election slush fund? All legal, because they make the rules. Oh, and when they leave office, they get to keep any unused election money. Legalized graft.

  4. Well, he was going to work at Amazon HQ2 in her district, so this was the only job available to him.

    If he thought he was in an abusive relationship before, wait until he becomes her personal barrista.

  5. “Actually this cal designation is a permission so he can have access to my Google Cal. Congressional SPOUSES get Gcal access all the time. Next time check your facts before you tweet nonsense,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

    Just curious, will AOC and her boyfriend be filing a joint tax return this year?

  6. Don’t you love how these elected people become instantly corrupt, thumbing their noses at the good people who pay them? It’s nothing more than becoming one of the so-called elite who couldn’t give a crap about Americans like me. I can’t wait for karma to put them in their place, one way or the other.

  7. Meerkat Brzezinski – Notice how she didn’t answer when she was tweeted back that her boyfriend is NOT a spouse and that they don’t use google calendar in the House AND he was indeed listed as an employee/staff and he does have access to her staff records?

    I think she’s more trouble than the dems bargained for. NY legislature is throwing a fit right now about Amazon leaving.

  8. “Actually this cal designation is a permission so he can have access to my Google Cal. Congressional SPOUSES get Gcal access all the time. Next time check your facts before you tweet nonsense,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

    So Google is running the Congressional mail server?
    Riley.Roberts@mail.house.gov ??
    So, he’s your spouse?

  9. ““Actually this cal designation is a permission so he can have access to my Google Cal. Congressional SPOUSES get Gcal access all the time. Next time check your facts before you tweet nonsense,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.”

    uh, no.
    if he isn’t employed by her, then she has even more problems. Maybe fraud or theft of services.
    she learned how to do the swamp thing pretty durn fast


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