Enough with the G.D. emotional support animals already – IOTW Report

Enough with the G.D. emotional support animals already

Some snowflake, who apparently can’t function in society without a dog next to them, brought their pit bull to the airport with the intention of boarding the flight. (Screw anyone else that might feel uncomfortable with a pit bull winging through space with them. The world revolves around some people.)

Well, the dog mauled a 5 year-old girl before they got to the gate.

ht/ supernightshade


74 Comments on Enough with the G.D. emotional support animals already

  1. Poor kid. I say Lawsuits. To the airline that allowed it and the person who the dog owns.

    Although just a few days ago I petted a very nice pitbull. She was a very sweet dog. They can be as good as any other dog.

  2. As someone who likes dogs more than people I totally concur.

    I was once not allowed in a bar because I didn’t have a collar on my $100 sweater. That was their right but it pissed me off.
    Now some asswagon gets to take their killer dog wherever the fuck they go?

  3. And I call bullshit on pit bulls being every bit as gentle as any other dog. I petted one last week and the dog was as gentle as can be. Bullshit. Believe it or not, I petted a cougar once and it was just the cutest little thing.

  4. I never heard of an emotional support animal 20 years ago.
    Suddenly everyone needs this crutch.

    It’s crapola.

    It’s called a loophole for rules, and friggin’ doctors are all too willing to go along with this bullshit.

    And I’m a dog lover!

  5. Closest I’ve ever come to pulling my pistol, in 12 years of carrying, was on a pit bull with an owner of color that thought it’s was funny the dog was ready to attack me. He didn’t think it funny when I reached for my pistol and told him I’m killing that dog in about 3 seconds and then I’m dealing with you.
    I’m a dog lover but I hate Pits.

  6. Yesterday i was putting away my paddle gear and was crouched by the car. A young couple was approaching with a biiig pitbull type dog. I opened my arms and allowed the dog to run up to me, making life a little easier on the couple who otherwise would have had to divert their path. But I am always aware of what any dog could do, ready to move if I need to.
    Years ago the place where I worked had a pit bull/lab mix out back (big warehouse and outdoor asphalt), along with a whippet which just showed up at the door one day. I would pet them over the gate and of course they competed for my attention. The pit mix would grab my hand in his jaws, not puncturing but preventing my escape until I pried them open. He was a friendly dog, but I was well aware of what he might do. Yeah, I think it’s genetic.

  7. I totally agree and am fed up with the bs. For starters it’s just rude to force others to be around dogs if they don’t want to be around dogs, especially in restaurants and it should be criminal to take dogs in public that bite someone.
    I’ve told the story before about being in a restaurant and an idiot had their “service” dog in there that was grabbing food off tables. Then on at least 3 different occasions a stupid “service” dog either snarled at my grandson or tried to come after my grandson and he is taught to never approach a strange dog, but just him walking by was enough for these untrained dogs to see him as a threat.
    A pit also came after him, this dog wasn’t a “service” dog, but still owned by an idiot who had it at a public crowded place with lots of kids around and the owner left their 8 year old kid to hold onto the dog’s leash.

  8. Angel on my shoulder…”Just leave it alone Willy”….devil on my other shoulder…’ Yeah, but it’s so easy”….”we’ll have pancakes in the morning”…”OK”…

  9. Brad, twice men thought I was a bitch when I told them I was going to put a bullet in their damn dog.

    What I hate about pits is that they’re not like a normal dog and anyone who claims otherwise are liars. They attack and want to kill and I’ve seen them even after being killed still have their jaws locked onto their prey.

  10. About a week ago there was a story from Detroit I think, a mail man was attacked by a pit bull and the dog wouldn’t stop even with guys hitting it with chairs and garbage cans. That poor mailman would have been damn happy to see someone show up with a gun.

  11. Dogs (even pit bulls) are very trainable to obey the owner’s every command. If a dog attacks, the owner is at fault, either because he commanded the dog to attack, or because he should have trained the dog to stop, or not to attack in the first place.

  12. Old Racist White Woman

    A couple quick stories. I had a Hispanic girlfriend when I was young. She bought a Pit Bull Pup. He took a chunk out of her cheek within the first 6 months.
    About a year after that, I went duck hunting with a pal of mine. Met him at 0 dark thirty at his house. We roll back and his Lab jumps out of his truck and is immediately grabbed around the throat by a Pit Bull. Well, shit, he slams a round in his 12 gauge and splatters Pit Bull Brains all over the hood. The Lab still cost about $1,200.00 to get fixed and was never the same. His Hispanic neighbors sued him for smoking killer. He won. Was never charged by the police.
    I don’t like Pits

  13. You love your dog….great!
    I DO NOT love your dog….get over it.

    You love you spoiled kids….great!
    I DO NOT love your spoiled kids….get over it.

    In all likelihood I don’t want to be around either of them.

  14. Pit Bulls belong in a cage or in a fighting pit, period. Their derangement is deep in their genes as a breed, and unfixable. IMHO, you roll a set of dice when you bring one home and if snake eyes came up you will not know until someone is hurt. Might be fine for the life of the dog, might not. No way to tell until after some innocent is mauled. All you pit fans can hate on me all you want, the evidence is incontrovertible. Owning one of these dogs is irresponsible.

    Want a tough dog that is smart, loyal and fierce without being a ticking time bomb? Get a Cane Corso. Far smarter and tougher than a Pit, will eat Pits for lunch, and has a moral compass. Want a smaller dog? a Rotty. In England, which created the pit breed, they must be muzzled in public. In this case, the Brits are correct.

  15. joe6pac, I saw that video. Mail carriers are constantly getting bit by dogs in towns and about 80% of the time it’s pits doing the biting. It’s constantly on the news. There’s a lot about USPS I disagree with and think they’re stupid, but one thing they do now that I agree with, although all the news stories I see of people complaining I guess many don’t agree with is if there is a dangerous dog on the street, they don’t deliver the mail on the street at all until the owner of the dog securely locks their dog up.
    Just read in the newspaper the other day in the nearest little town a mail carrier had been attacked twice last year by pits and the third time one came after him, he made it to his vehicle before it got him. He called the cops, they came out along with animal control and it came after them, the cop shot and killed the dog. The owner claims their dog would never do what they say and they just shot their dog for no reason.

  16. Vietvet
    Yea buddy. I’m not sure why, but she’s got it in spades. And I’ll tell you right Fing now, Its no fun getting kicked in the balls at 2:30 in the morning do to RLS.

  17. They’re naturally a little more amped up than some other breeds.
    There are dogs (not just pitties) who should not be around small kids. Certain dogs can’t deal with bouncy and energetic kids. It annoys them.

  18. Brad, when I started hating pits was years ago when I was a teenager. I had never even heard of a pit before then. My brother was recently married and living in town, his next door neighbor had a little 3 year old girl. The neighbor on the other side of the little girl had a pit, one day when she was playing in the back yard, the pit got into the yard with her and attacked her. By the time the parents and neighbors got the dog off her, it was too late and the little girl died. The dog had literally ripped her throat out.

    Years later a neighbor of my mom’s got a pit, I told them if that dog ever got into my mom’s yard or even looked at my mom the wrong way I would make it my mission to kill their dog. They gave me the whole story about how great their dog was, wouldn’t hurt a fly, was going through obedience training, etc. When the dog was 6 months old it attacked the dumb bitch while she was sitting on the couch with it. She had several reconstructive surgeries and later cried about she didn’t know why the dog did it, it was always so nice and won all these awards in obedience training. It did it because those dogs are not right.

  19. I’ve been watching videos of Customs in airports. Not one single sniffing dog is a pitbull or a German shepherd. Probably due to their temperament. Only dog that should accompany anyone is a guide dog for the blind. I don’t own a dog, only a killer cat. Her name is Jihaddie.

  20. Old Racist White Woman

    Yeah, that six month old Pit that Mex Girl Friend I had was sitting next to her in her Volkswagen beetle and bam, to a chunk out of her cheek. Her father killed it, before I could. Don’t like them, don’t trust them, don’t bring them around me.

  21. @BFH February 27, 2019 at 11:20 pm

    Pit bulls are crazy. It’s genetics. But…

    > I never heard of an emotional support animal 20 years ago.
    > Suddenly everyone needs this crutch.

    because… democratic socialists, music television, and activist judiciary. Conservatives can just talk them out of it, if given a chance.

  22. When I was very small I was terrified of dogs, though there could have been the power of suggestion in all that, because my parents had friends whose small daughter was mauled and had over 100 stitches on her face (amazingly only a tiny scar by the corner of her lip). However, it is also true that our family had a cocker spaniel, a breed I’m told has a tendency to pick a favorite family member and bar all others from that person. My misfortune was that this dog picked the same family member I already had claimed (our eldest sibling, my brother, who protected and spoiled me – I’m the youngest), but he had the teeth to enforce it. He never did bite me but one night when I had a bad dream and went to wake my brother the dog snarled and snapped at me. It was gone before daylight came.

    Recently I visited family members who have a part pit, and they say she is a sweetheart but she picks fights with the other dog and often snarls at people. You can raise your voice and be assertive, telling her to stop or go away, but I always had a nagging feeling if I was around this dog too much that one day she’d call my bluff and lay waste to my face, or worse, my son’s.

    I just can’t handle certain breeds, and pits are one of them.

  23. Joe6
    If Loco ever gotta Cougar we wouldn’t hear from him for a couple months. LOL
    And then when we finally did hear from him he’d be all polite and cultured and shit. Swear off Ta killa, and only drink wine. Not good.

  24. Don’t know about breeds or nature vs nurture, but a powerful animal should be muzzled in a crowd.
    The dog should be kept away from the public, and the owner should be hanged

  25. Pitbulls get yet another dosage of bad karma, and people who genuinely need animals because of ptsd from the war or they’re half deaf get bad reputations.

    All because some bitch couldn’t put her pet in a kennel at home, or let him stay with the other animals in the hold.

  26. Sue the livin shit out of the idiot owner of the vicious uncontrollable animal. And sue the livin shit out of the airline. Frickin assholes that think animals are people somehow. This kind of animal owner is mentally deficient. Pitbulls should be outlawed and eliminated as a breed. No earthly need for that kind of animal. Except maybe dog fighting.

  27. Pit Bulls are as bad as the owner makes them. They are a strong dog that demands a strong owner not some idiot that needs a companion animal. In addition, why the hell wasn’t the dog wearing a muzzle? ANY dog in a crowded place, with lots of noise and activity needs to have a muzzle on whether its a Maltese or a German Shepherd. When I’m walking my dog and a little kid comes running up to pet her I’ll yell at him to stop. Then I’ll ask the parent if it’s ok and if so I’ll introduce the kid to my dog. There’s lots of kids that pet Sarah now and every one of them I know and introduced and everyone asks permission from their parent first.
    The only thing that woman at the airport has accomplished (besides bankruptcy) is having her dog destroyed.

  28. This emotional support crap is just that: Crap.
    If you are so emotionally fragile you need to bring your dog to the damn grocery store, you should be allowed outside.

  29. I agree that it is over-the-top on “support animals.” Just stop it!

    Mostly, I don’t much care for pit bulls; my loves have always been Great Pyrenees. At the same time, and, although I know dogs are bred for traits, I feel kinda sorry for the bad rap pit bulls have gotten.

    Here is a wonderful story about a *brilliant* old pit bull who fought valiantly to get out of the house — and very creative! — and, then, lead police back…. to save a home and a family.

    I can generalize about lots of things, but I also appreciate the individual.


    The “support animal” thingie, however, has got to go! ….Lady in Red

  30. Unfortunately on occasion humans and dogs show reactions that developed in the primordial soup of our past, pop out and take over and get us into trouble. I’ve owned several dogs and known several people, myself included, who exhibit this, no surface indicator, genetic trait. Safety Tip #7329

  31. I had never killed a dog in my life, until a few years back. I love dogs and I love cats. My wife and I are cat people at this stage of our lives. My wife had a Maine Coon cat who she loved beyond description. Our idiot younger neighbors took in a stray German Shepard that ran wild through the area. They fed it but didn’t care for it in any other way and it continued to run amuck through the neighborhood. One day, the SOB tore our cat to pieces on our back porch and killed it. My wife grieved like it was her child. Then one day, my wife rounded the corner of the house and the dog stared her down and started to growl and creep toward her like it was about to attack. My wife managed to get into the house and told me about what had happened. The Russian in her came to the surface and she stoically ordered me to kill the dog. I was already thinking the same thing. I went to see the county sheriff and told him what I was going to do and wanted to know what I had to do to keep from going to jail. He said to make sure it was on my property when I did it and be careful not to hit anything if I used a gun. He agreed the dangerous dog had to go. I didn’t realize how much I loved that cat until I broke down talking to the sheriff about him. I was very discreet and dispatched the dog in a quick and humane manner using a silenced weapon a few days later and disposed of the carcass appropriately. The dog probably outweighed my wife and I felt like I had saved her life.

  32. If you’re so emotionally fragile you *need* a security blanket in public (though I believe it’s because you seek more attention), you should likely be on xanax.

    And don’t even think about bringing your dirty, smelly dog into a grocery store or restaurant with you. Dogs are getting a bad rep because of owners who aren’t trained. Dogs do what dogs do — why don’t their owners understand that?

  33. In a Pit always Dog.
    No redeeming need for this breed.
    Had a heroin addict scumbag neighbor with a pit.
    The pit attacked a 3 year old girl and facially scared her for life.
    yea, great pet for heroin addicts.
    The “support animal” thingie, however, has got to go!
    ht/kisses hand Lady,
    So right!

  34. one more vote for no more emotional support livestock in public accommodations period. If you are that fragile, too bad. And furthermore, I am damn sick and tired of attention seekers and their Goddamn dogs at the farmer’s market.

  35. Chow-Chow top my list of bad dogs. Much worse than any pit.

    I go into homes for a living. Hundreds and hundreds of “surprise!” dog confrontations over the decades with and without their owners on the property.

    Breeds don’t really matter to me when they are protecting their homes, size and attitude do. Chihuahuas have the most dangerous attitude – but who cares since they are so small. Dachsunds are close behind with the same dynamics.

    I don’t trust ANY of them until I see their attitude. Sometimes I send pics of dogs licking my face to owners who tell me to beware of their dogs.

    Never been bit or threatened by a pit in 32 years of going into homes. Calling that luck more than a comment on the breed, but still, very few pits have even acted scary.

    Labs? yes – Tops the list of breeds that have actually nipped me and made me wonder if I was about to be mauled.
    G. Shepherds? yes
    Chihuahuas? Oh hell yes
    Doxies? Too many to count also
    Dalmations? Near the top of dangerous, un-trustable dogs for me. Right behind Chows.

    Dobermans? no. Not even threatened by one over the decades

    The few Rotties I’ve come across were sweethearts, but I wouldn’t assume the next one I meet is.

    So, given my real-world, decades-long experience – I should hold labs as the most dangerous and shoot the MFers on sight?

    Yeah, no. I’m going to consider each dog I meet on it’s own merits.

    Seeing a pit is waiting for me gives me no more concern than any other dog of its size. I can quickly tell if I should or shouldn’t go on a property with a loose dog on it. Chows and Dalmations? Not even going to try to make friendly with them. F*&% them.

    Also – I’m not a liar. Just my real world experience. Pits generate much less concern for me than Chows and Dalmations.

    P.S. I agree this bs service animal thing has gotten out of hand. Maybe some chocolate ExLax treats might be a good thing to, um, accidentaly drop by one of these pretend service animals.

  36. I’m in the sterilize them out of existence camp (pit bulls, not snowflakes but i’m ok with either). Pit bulls broke through my Mother’s fence and ate her dogs. Thankfully, she was not at home.

  37. We had exactly two dogs growing up.
    1 was a Rottweiler/Lab mix, the other was a thoroughbred Lab. Both males.

    Now, the lab was the younger pup. And sweet as pie. Very energetic dog.
    And the Rottie mix was even kinder. Just stoic instead of hyper.
    He hardly ever bit anyone and only when he was very young.
    His name was Matrin, and he was the most sensitive soul. He would sigh all of the time, place a front paw on you and just lie next to you.
    He was so protective of me and my little sister. I miss that dog.

    (I miss the lab, buster, too of course. But being younger he died more recently, within the past 7 years or so. Martin died 13 years ago.)

  38. @Bad_Brad (Feb. 27 at 11:54 pm): I noticed that both of the owners you mentioned in your stories were Hispanic. Then I remembered my son telling me that a lot of Hispanics he knew owned pit bulls. What’s up with that, I wonder?

  39. I’ve lived with pits for about 15 years now, and raised two kids under the same roof from age 0. No pit of mine has ever bit any family member ever, or hurt anything, ever.

    Even then, I’m always cautious on walks and with guests that come over. Because I know the dog has the ability, and I’ve never seen that ability triggered and don’t know when it could happen. That, and my pit would cower in fear in an airport with unfamiliar surroundings which puts her and myself in a nervous situation that makes it even harder to read her mind and hence everyone’s life falls in danger.

  40. Monkey see; Monkey do.

    “Support” dogs
    Madison Avenue
    Jeans ripped at the knee

    Once God is abandoned, anything will be glommed onto for comfort.

    We are witnessing the atomization of society: all mediating influences are being replaced with government. Thus, we succor ourselves with foolishness.

    No-one wants to be the last ass on the platform.

    izlamo delenda est …

  41. For RLS, double tap a pit bull then have a dill pickle or a mustard packet. Not sure about the pit bull part but it can’t hurt. If airports made people with support animals prove they have liability insurance that support dog BS would end real fast.

  42. I had a bulldog get my labrador by the neck one time. I picked the bulldog up by the collar and beat on the side of his head trying to get him loose – no good. My brother was nearby, I got his beer from him and poured it into the bulldogs nose – that did the trick. I felt safe enough doing all that to the bulldog because if he let go it’d then be a 2 to 1 fight, and my lab was an experienced fighter. Me too, actually.

    Most pit bulls I’ve met seemed pretty nice, but it varies – someone who acts afraid is more likely to get attacked. I agree about vicious owners teaching their dogs to be aholes, but pit bulls still make me nervous.

    I agree about chow dogs having the worst attitude- they seem to often end up biting their owner, after a life of being a dumb ahole – both of them, probably.

  43. Here’s a group that will help you get your dog registered.

    Here is what it says under the Emotional Support Dogs

    Emotional support dogs are dogs that provide comfort and support in forms of affection and companionship for an individual suffering from various mental and emotional conditions.

    Most Common Reasons Listed For Emotional Support Dog Needs.

    Anxiety Depression Bipolar disorder Mood disorder Fear/phobias Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Suicidal Thoughts/Tendencies Adjustment Disorders Generalized anxiety disorder Social anxiety disorder Panic disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Separation anxiety Dissociative Disorders Factitious Disorders Eating Disorders Impulse-Control Disorders Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition Neurocognitive Disorders Mood Disorders Neurodevelopmental Disorders Personality Disorders Psychotic Disorders Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Sleep DisordersStress Somatoform Disorders Substance Related Disorders

    Emotional support are not required to be trained or perform any specific task. SMDH


  44. “Then I remembered my son telling me that a lot of Hispanics he knew owned pit bulls. What’s up with that, I wonder?”

    I live surrounded by Mexicans. It’s a macho thing when they are young. Even the nice family man next door was breeding them when he first bought the house.

    Pits get stolen around here if young enough. Neighbor came home to an empty back yard. Now he has something like 8 tiny dogs and one yellow retriever. Then there are the numerous cats he has. I’m certain not one of them has seen a vet or gotten shots of any kind.

    Then there is the constant pressure of fleas coming from there…

  45. My idiot, redneck ex-brother-in-law had a pit bull named Booger. Booger wouldn’t hurt a flea he said. One day, he was parked on the beach sitting in the back of his truck drinking beer with Booger next to him. A young woman came riding down the beach on one of those Belgian draft horses that you could rent for that purpose. Booger locked onto the horse and leapt from the truck and ran like a rocket toward the horse. He jumped up and sunk his teeth into the horses ass and hung there twisting wildly while never letting go. The horse threw the woman off and she landed on the beach. Redneck bro-in-law finally beat Booger off the horse and grabbed him and chained him into the back of the truck and hauled ass. I didn’t know about this for some time or I would have called the police on him. My sister saved his life by divorcing him because my dad was about ready to feed him to the gators in pieces over the abuse he gave her.


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