‘Hate groups’ happy SPLC is paying a price – IOTW Report

‘Hate groups’ happy SPLC is paying a price

ONN: An organization that has enjoyed power and influence, and years of fawning media coverage, is being revealed as a well-heeled con artist.

The Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center is in internal chaos after its co-founder was booted last week and now its president has stepped down, too.

The organization’s board of directors fired Morris Dees without giving a reason, but media outlets quoting SPLC sources says the 82-year-old attorney created an environment that was hostile for minorities and unsafe for female employees due to sexual harassment.

Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Jeremy Tedesco tells OneNewsNow that firing Dees is a huge black eye for the once-legitimate civil rights group.

“There’s been allegations for years,” says Tedesco, “that they have their own internal problems with race and gender discrimination, and other things.”

ADF, a conservative legal group, is among many organizations that have been labeled a “hate group” by the SPLC alongside literal hate groups such as Neo-Nazis.

Just as it was intended, the designation has been used by corporations, the media, and federal agencies as a political and social barometer that ostractizes conservative groups for a lack of “tolerance” and “diversity.”

ADF made national headlines last year, for example, after winning the Masterpiece Cake Shop ruling before the Supreme Court, but the “hate group” label is often mentioned in the same news story as the ruling.

Writing at National Review, former ADF attorney David French points out the SPLC reached a multi-million-dollar settlement with a British Muslim, Maajid Nawaz, who was accused of being an “anti-Muslim extremist” by the SPLC.

The organization also described Ben Carson as an “extremist” and was forced to back down.  more here

3 Comments on ‘Hate groups’ happy SPLC is paying a price

  1. Growing up, I thought Morris Dees was black (his name just sounded black to me I guess) and the SPLC was a black organization, like the SCLC, or the SNCC. I bet the SPLC will finally be a black shop by next year. And with Tina Tchen on the scene, the SPLC may even be taken over by Obama Shakedown, Inc. I’m pretty far out on this limb, I’ll just stop right here.

  2. Black Americans: stop being such suckers for race hustlers and leftists. All they want to do is use you and dispose of you in prison or a ghetto.

    The conservatives want to elevate you and bring you alongside.

    Wake up.


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