Crispy, Fluffy and Ugly – Doesn’t Fly In Racially Sensitive UK – IOTW Report

Crispy, Fluffy and Ugly – Doesn’t Fly In Racially Sensitive UK

Fox News

The UK grocery store Waitrose has reportedly apologized and repackaged its Easter chocolate duckling trio in response to claims that the supermarket’s decision to name the darkest chocolate duck “Ugly” was racist.

The “Waitrose Trio of Chocolate Easter Ducklings” contained a white chocolate duckling named “Fluffy,” a milk chocolate duckling named “Crispy” and a dark chocolate duckling named “Ugly.” More

Anyone know how Waitrose relabeled the ducklings, I’m curious to find out what their solution was out of this PC dilemma? – Dr. Tar

18 Comments on Crispy, Fluffy and Ugly – Doesn’t Fly In Racially Sensitive UK

  1. Too funny!
    The “Waitrose Trio of Chocolate Easter Ducklings” contained a white chocolate duckling named “Fluffy,” a milk chocolate duckling named “Crispy” and a dark chocolate duckling named “Ugly.”
    With a new backer and line to promote, the Spice Girls are going on tour again?
    Minus Stinky, just guessing that is,,,

  2. In the mid-70’s, there was a show in England called The Goodies. It was the English equivalent to The Monkies. They always referred to black people as Nig Nogs. Nobody over there thought anything about it. That seemed strange to me. Even stranger was the show Romper Room. There was a room full of kindergarteners sitting on the floor and they brought out a totally naked man and woman to point out the difference between the two. The kids looked nervous as the parts were being discussed in detail. It was like they knew something wrong was going on but were helpless to stop it. The English are weird.

  3. Hambone, such memory you have! Actually Romper Room was early mid 6o’s with Miss Nancy in the US. Nig Nogs, humm, heard of that one only on the streets. Romper Room was a room full of kindergartners sitting on the floor. The episode you bring up about a totally naked man and woman to point out the difference between the two never got aired here in the US. Least I didn’t see it, The kids looked nervous as the parts were being discussed in detail. It was like they knew something wrong was going on but were helpless to stop it. The English are weird.
    Missed that episode , I’d know if I saw something like that on Saturday morning B&W TV before Clutch Cargo and Johnny Quest.
    With smiles and thanks, no dis or non-respect.

  4. @No Blushes
    England had their own version of Romper Room that was televised on the BBC when I was stationed there in the mid 70’s. I don’t know if they borrowed the name from the American version or vice versa, but the one there was definitely done in England. The “Nig Nog” reference was on the English TV show “The Goodies”. I was surprised when the naked woman came out during the “Romper Room” episode and stood on a pedestal while the teacher pointed out the woman’s parts (pubic hair and all), but when the naked man came out and stood there in front of the little girls while the teacher pointed out his parts with a pointer, it got downright creepy. The year was 1974. I would mention the episode to my English friends and they would laugh and say that Americans just weren’t as sophisticated as they were about things like that. Now, their previously “sophisticated” society is collapsing in on itself. You can watch episodes of “The Goodies” on YouTube.

  5. @Hambone –
    Makes all sense now!
    British TV has always been much more open minded decades before the US.
    If that was Miss Nancy on the US Romper Room, pointing stuff out, a test pattern would have immediately appeared! LOL,,,
    Thanks for the info, never knew that.
    Best regards, sincerely

  6. I’m going to go to Waitrose and look for these now..The Brits are so off the wall now that a black friend of mine actually got called in and questioned by the police for making “racist” comments against black people.

  7. perhaps, Honky, Spic & Nigger would be better! WTF is wrong with all of these goofballs? Is anyone ACTUALLY offended? I am so sick of this constant barrage of crap, I could puke!
    I am ready for the quiet woods.

  8. No white nationalist should be discriminated against just because of the race they love.

    Whatever kind of white nationalist policies two consenting adults talk about in the privacy of their own bedroom is nobodies business. It’s not right to persecute white nationalists for who they are.

  9. Are you sure that when we’re talking about the naked man and woman on the English version of Romper Room that we’re not confusing it with the mid 70’s movie the Groove Tube? The part with the creepy perv clown who reads lady Chatterly’s lover to the innocent kids. Or John Cleese in The Meaning of Life teaching his students about sex by actually doing it front of them. My daughter and I just subscribed to Britbox and it has all the old British comedies as well as dramas on it and old Dr. Who’s with Tom Baker, my favorite Dr. Who.

  10. @Aardvark
    We are quite sure we are talking about the children’s TV show “Romper Room”. That was England at that time. I was at a New Years Eve party on the last day of 1974 and my wife and I were the only Americans there. I was talking to another young married couple who had three young children around ages three through five. I mentioned the Romper Room episode and they chuckled at how “stogey” Americans were about sex. They proceeded to tell me that they often got naked and made love in front of their children during TV time in the evening. They would do this when the kids questioned what was happening during steamy love scenes. I asked if he was joking and he said he was dead serious and that they did this because they didn’t want their kids growing up feeling that sex was wrong. His wife agreed and they were proud of their open minded views. I looked him in the eye and told him that if he tried that in Texas, he’d be in prison for a long time. They seemed appalled.


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