ICYMI: Scientists Able To Revive Brain Cells In Pigs – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Scientists Able To Revive Brain Cells In Pigs

An NIH funded study has successful stirred activity in the brain cells of pigs who had been slaughtered four hours earlier. “The brains could not think or sense anything, researchers stressed,” but the experiment may hold promise on treatments for stroke and other conditions where the brain has been denied oxygen. “Cell death in the brain occurs across a longer window than we previously thought.” More


9 Comments on ICYMI: Scientists Able To Revive Brain Cells In Pigs

  1. There’s science for the sake of science which can come in handy (or not) in the future but this just strikes me as waste of time and resources. There’s a whole lot of maybe that it will be useful but frankly I tend to doubt it will and the risk you take with this is making a person who is passing live in a nightmarish world of being both dead and alive. You know this research won’t stop until poor test subject pays the price. I really wonder where the so-called medical ethicist’s are when thing like this happen.

  2. Don’t be an organ donor on your driver’s license, because they will not wait until you are brain dead. Organs can be taken for use ONLY while the donor is still alive.

    Organ donor? Organs are cut out of patients’ bodies even while they are conscious and aware, horrifying new science study reveals
    Wednesday, April 17, 2019 by: Mike Adams


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