The president throws a TICK TOCK at former president – IOTW Report

The president throws a TICK TOCK at former president

14 Comments on The president throws a TICK TOCK at former president

  1. How to curb enthusiasm for low IQ commie’s secret plan to elect Big Mike: Tell them you plan to vote for Big Mike. If Obama can cost the communists 1,200 seats in 8 years, Big Mike otta beat that record in 4.

  2. @CC; This can’t be just before the election. It has to be six months before so that actual juries can be seated and the defendants shown at the table with the prosecution outlining the case(s) and evidence for all the world to see. It has to be done in advance of the elections so that when the rats start taking deals they can be publicized so loud that even the MSM and their “legal commentators” can’t bury or minimize it. The public has to see slime like Steele on the witness stand and under oath testify that he knew that the DNC was paying for this and that they knew the dossier he delivered was a lie.

    It will take some time for this all to sink in to the average voter of both parties. The never-Trumpers might just have another look at Trump if the left/progressives and the deep state were willing to go to these lengths to destroy him, what’s left of the old time democrats may just chuck the party altogether and either not vote of vote a straight GOP ticket and republicans will get re-energized enough to kick out every democrat currently in office.

  3. Believe he’ll be held accountable when I see it! Oboboloo (and the BIG MIKE TRAINNY) are too well protected to fail.

  4. Can you imagine how nervous obama must actually be!?!?!?!
    He knows the jig is up and it’s just a matter of time.
    Tick Tock Tick Tock you can’t control time….. yet.

    Do you think anyone will throw themselves under the bus to save him?


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