Peter Strzok suspected CIA employees were behind inaccurate leaks – IOTW Report

Peter Strzok suspected CIA employees were behind inaccurate leaks

DC: Peter Strzok suspected CIA employees were behind inaccurate leaks to the press regarding possible Trump campaign contacts with Russia, according to an email the former FBI counterintelligence official sent to colleagues in April 2017.

“I’m beginning to think the agency got info a lot earlier than we thought and hasn’t shared it completely with us. Might explain all these weird/seemingly incorrect leads all these media folks have. Would also highlight agency as source of some of the leaks,” Strzok wrote in an email to FBI colleagues on April 13, 2017.

The email is highlighted in a letter that two Republican senators sent Monday to Michael K. Atkinson, the inspector general of the intelligence community.

In the letter, Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin asked Atkinson if he has investigated whether the CIA or other intelligence community agencies leaked information to the press.

They pointed to a Dec. 15, 2016 text message that Strzok, the lead investigator on the Trump-Russia probe, sent to then-FBI attorney Lisa Page.

“Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried and political, they’re kicking in to overdrive,” Strzok wrote Page.  more here

6 Comments on Peter Strzok suspected CIA employees were behind inaccurate leaks

  1. Gee you’d think they’d collude a little more with the democrats to at lest get their leaks aligned up a little closer so they matched somewhat better. Not very professional spies.

  2. And to top it off, Strozk was angry that the CIA wasn’t sharing their fabricated “evidence” with the FBI! (As if the CIA “got” the info first!) Straight through the Looking Glass.

    It’s like watching The Bird Cage without the dance numbers and the charm of Nathan Lane.

  3. I’m beginning to think that nobody is going to jail or even before the courts on any of this. They’re caught out lying, emails damn them and whats evident even to a blind man doesn’t seem to matter. The media ignore it while concentrating on trying to convict the President of obstruction on a charge already determined as non-existent and the public seems to be so complacent to make one think they don’t give a crap. The only ones that seem to get out and demonstrate are the left! It isn’t even political, it’s just basic justice and it’s being ignored.


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