Seattle Eyes Plowing Over Its 4 Public Golf Courses To Meet “Racial Equity Goals” – IOTW Report

Seattle Eyes Plowing Over Its 4 Public Golf Courses To Meet “Racial Equity Goals”

When will people learn NOT TO VOTE FOR THE LEFT ANY LONGER?????


As we weigh options for the future of the City of Seattle’s four golf courses, Mayor Durkan believes we have an opportunity to examine our golf courses with the goals of supporting our parks and green space, addressing affordability and meeting our racial equity goals as we build a city of the future.

As a next step, the City will support further analysis of long-term models to see the financial sustainability of the courses. Under the Mayor’s direction, Seattle Parks and Recreation, working with other departments, will also begin to explore a range of potential options for these City-owned properties, which could include continuing these outdoor recreation facilities or other potential uses such as adding additional parks and green space, or creating affordable commercial space and housing.  -Mayor Jenny Durkan

“We constantly see kids playing out there with their families, we see kids walking their dog while their dad golfs. You can’t lose that, that’s family,” Sharpe said. “To have that taken away from us potentially would be horrible,” he said.


You stupid, stupid man.

Jenny don’t care ’bout no families.

She caters to drug addicts who either shit their pants or shit the streets. If they are a social blight, Durkan values them more than you idiots who pay for public works, utilities, parks etc.

You want to play golf?

Not on her watch. She has low income housing to build. It’s the “City of the Future!”

ht/ illustr8r

34 Comments on Seattle Eyes Plowing Over Its 4 Public Golf Courses To Meet “Racial Equity Goals”

  1. So, take the golf courses that are beautiful places where a person who works hard can go and relax, and turn them into used diaper and needle filled hellholes for everyone to enjoy!
    Watch your step,

  2. Once again, the Left has exposed itself as the party of two extremes. They have super-wealthy oligarchs at the high end and they have extreme poor at the other end. The high-end Leftists throw money at the Democrat Party to ensure two things: they continue to get Crony Capitalist sweetheart deals for their companies (corruption) and those in poverty continue to get Free Stuff in return for their voting for the Democrat Party (bribery). The Democrat Party stays in power and the Leftist Oligarchs get richer.

    And the Middle Class continues to get squeezed in between the rich & poor Leftists.

    So how does this relate to Seattle’s public golf courses? That’s easy: the rich Leftists have their own private golf courses & country clubs where they discriminate against allowing Jews & Blacks & Hispanics to join and the poor don’t golf anyway. But public courses are where most of us golf. Ergo, get rid of the public courses because only likely Republican voters golf there.

  3. Meanwhile the Seattle Times has an entire sidebar now devoted to…. you guessed it:

    Project Homeless

    Today’s headlines were –
    Steep drop in King County’s homeless youth, annual homeless count shows

    Seattle team in charge of removing homeless camps will gain staff, operate 7 days a week

    The patron saints of The Jungle: One couple’s private war on Seattle homelessness

    As trash piles up around homeless tent camps, Seattle struggles to keep up

    From homelessness to jail and back: King County tries to halt cycle

  4. RAYCISS! Durkin is implying that Seattle’s ‘multicultural community’ either (a) can’t afford to play golf; or, (b) aren’t interested in playing golf; or, (c) aren’t worthy to either afford and/or play golf.

    Someone step on her stupid, ugly mouth. Wait. She did it.

  5. Mark Twain correctly stated that golf was “A ruined walk”.
    I agree, but it does me good to see another toy taken away
    from the commies who voted these assholes into power.

  6. I HIGHLY recommend watching “Seattle Is Dying” done by a reporter from KOMO. I am not sure about the solution put forward but it is sad and enlightening.

  7. So it seems that Seattle has a runoff election where only the top two will actually be in the race for Mayor (although there is room on the ballot for a write-in). In this case the top two were Democrats, both activists/left so anybody in Seattle didn’t really have a choice. Having said that I’m surprised that a conservative couldn’t even make distant second in the runoffs. There were only two Republicans in the runoff race and one was an idiot. Gary Brose was the normal who advocated removing the homeless from downtown, better and more roads and fiscal discipline in city finances only got 2.16% of the vote. Amazing. I can’t believe that even in Seattle, that leftist Mecca, a conservative lite could only garner that low a vote. Maybe you just let Seattle to burn on it’s own but surrounding States need to be aware that at one point those leaving this domestic shithole will be bringing their politics with them when the burning really starts. How about a residency fee demanded when they come?

  8. All of a sudden the leftist/feminist borg cares about families? Ha ha. What’s really happening is that golf is seen as something that primarily white males enjoy. Therefore, it must be ended. Very ironically is that a lot of Af-Ams have taken up golf at these courses. It brings the races together. There’s a lot of friendship out there. Too bad though, because white males enjoy it. It must be evil. I know these courses well and I’m from the area. It will turn into homeless Mecca. F&$* Seattle.

  9. Thank you Seattle!
    Get cranking on making more homeless accommodations and I promise we will direct as many of vagrants to you as we can.

    Our affordable public golf courses seem especially verdant this year thanks to our rainy spring here in ‘flyover country’. They are widely utilized by all demographics of residents and by the public school golf teams.

  10. @ scr_north JUNE 10, 2019 AT 2:42 PM

    THe eRepublicans are responsible for this. They sat on their thumbs and watched the King/Pierce/Snohomish Democratic machine steal the 2004 Gubernatorial election in broad daylight. That totally sapped any energy conservatives have for even participating.

  11. Man o man do I ever feel sorry for the conservatives in Seattle. The left is on a collision course with disaster and when everything goes to hell the MSM is going to blame it on you. The only good I can see is that bums are going to bypass Portland and head for all that free shit in Seattle. Portland’s bums are too busy running the city or they’d move to Seattle too and you DO NOT want that…

  12. Denver is years ahead of these practices. Park Hill GC is gone. Sold to the mayor’s favorite developers. City Park GC is nothing more then storm water drainage waiting for the mayor’s favorite developers to offer the correct plan…..Overland Park GC is already infringed but is tricky due to it existing in an active flood plain…..Willis Case GC is in a fantastic area 10 minutes from downtown Denver…..They will come for it, develop it…..I think the only other Denver muni is in the foothills in Evergreen….They’ll probably fuck that up too….Elk trying to fuck in the fairway as you line up your putt. We certainly can’t tolerate that….

  13. As I was nearing discharge from the USN in 1977 many friends suggested I would like Seattle (4 or five crew mates were from that area, a few other former crew mates had gone there after discharge), and ought to move to Seattle / PNW area. Dang, I sure made the correct choice not going there, and instead returned to my home state after staying in Hawaii didn’t work out, which was also another blessing.

  14. Rather bizarre considering Golf Courses are one of the easiest ways to

    Launder Money….You can fake the amount of People who play without

    raising an eyebrow…I guess ruining a middle aged white Person’s

    good time is worth the revenue loss.

  15. This is bad news for us golfers within an hour drive of Seattle. Now we are going to get all those golfers that can’t get a tee time in Seattle down in our neighborhood. I golfed today, one in the foursome was a black guy. He was a fine guy, retired Navy. I beat him by a couple strokes, but he is older than me so I can’t make a big production out of it.

  16. Anonymous

    I disagree and do so strongly! When I was “doing the work Americans wont do” I played at Rec 9 for 2bits with wood shafted clubs. I’m old! Never will challenge Bobby! In college I played ant many 18 hole courses for $1! The day of the Moon Landing I played with 1 CPA’s from college at Heartwell. Only $1.5! None of us back then could afford to join Bush + Obama at a country club. (Which BTW – as I said a few days back is why Bush did not have the American Taliban killed. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS BOTH A TRAITOR AND A MURDERER! John’s folks were members of som;e of the same clubs GWB + BHO belong) I may have had the $ years ago; but had switch to hanball because golf was a may hour job and i had kids to help raise.

    Golf is a great sport. Requires excellent eye hand coordination; and ability to shut out the world!

    Moon Day i came in 2nd with a 87.

  17. I have not golfed in MANY years but the course I remember being on had all kinds of wild life, in Pelham Bay Park.

    Name the specie type for that area, it’s there.

    We found a ten pointer, in ALL places, fully intact skull in a flooded area one year, a trail not too far from the golf course about five years ago.

    What can take down a buck? A coyote can.

    Seen turkeys, rabbits, woodchucks, deer, herons, egrets, hawks, mallards, geese (not good) smaller birds of all types, all at a golf course OR right next to the golf course. ALL kinds of fauna and trees to observe while golfing away in three seasons.

    Sounds like a full eco-system to me. What does the left not like about that?

    Funny, ha ha, how that works.

  18. Funny Twain quote John!

    ‘Publicly’ accessed courses allowed me to compete on the HS team in NYC. This was waaaaay before it became popular to golf, early 80’s. To play golf at the time was GAY. Like tennis!

    Now? It’s ‘toxic’ privileged male? I drive by the same course these days? MIXED RACE. Everyone enjoying themselves.


    This is such bullshit.

  19. Fred Couples learned to play golf on Jefferson one of our courses. The golfers here will know who he is.
    Seattle will be a real shit hole in five years or less, it has not quite got there yet.
    Oh, our mayor is a lesbo worth millions.


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