Body Shaming Back in Vogue – IOTW Report

Body Shaming Back in Vogue

The Sun-

MADONNA kicked off her Madame X tour in typically controversial fashion last night — with raunchy set-pieces and blunt political messages.

She also brought three of her children on stage in front of the 2,000-strong audience at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

Asked what she wanted to tell the crowd, seven-year-old daughter Stella said: “Me too” — in reference to the sex abuse campaign.

Stella was also joined by twin Esther in chanting: “You’re not my bitch.”

Madge, who offered a half-hearted apology for the 10.30pm start, swigged from a beer bottle and joked she found one of her dancers on gay dating app Grindr.

At another point, she joked: “What do you call a man with a small penis? Donald Trump.”


Body shaming is back!

I missed it so much.

TR recently wrote me, and I hesitated with it. But not now-

No one has yet crossed the no-breast boundary with Pocahontas. All the cardigan sweaters in the world will not give her a feminine shape. I suppose the lefty women love it since it lowers the threat level. And men are #metooed into silence. 

Gramma has no boobs!

What’s the Indian name for a flat chested squaw?

33 Comments on Body Shaming Back in Vogue

  1. …someone who loves her should really tell Madonna she’s old, disgusting, appears to be biohazadous, and the antethisis of “hotness” at this point…

    …if you can FIND anyone who loves her, that is…

    …seems to be a problem with old commies…Hillary, Joe, Lizzie, no one CARES about them enough to point out that they’re just embarassing themselves at this point…maybe it’s the result of a lifetime of being an asshole, they probably take in home with them too, just imagine the fun at the dinner table with that bunch, and you can imagine WHY no one loves them….

  2. She managed to draw a crowd of 2,000 which basically is the sum total all 20+ dems running draw combined in any one day if they are lucky. Bitch has crowd envy. Trump has five times that amount minimum that can’t get into the venue when he holds a rally.

  3. Slut shaming has always been in vogue. Madonna has had more pricks than a pin cushion. She’s been passed around more than the common cold. She’s been on more weiners than French’s mustard. She’s been around the block more than the mailman. She’s got more clap than an auditorium. More semen has passed through her than the Panama Canal.

  4. But but butt fauxcahontas took 4000 selfies in one night!! 4000!!! She’s just like Frederick Douglass and stuff! The videos are hilarious. As people were walking up to shake hands, she whipped them past her down the line until someone showed up with a camera. It was like watching a pregnant bride trying to hurry people along in the wedding line because she’s about to give birth.

  5. Leave your children out of it, bitch.

    Sexual assault and swearing are things that you’re SUPPOSED to protect your kids from- not expose them to the knowledge of and not at such a young age either.


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