Are they protesting sound? – IOTW Report

Are they protesting sound?

The left is a collection of 1st year art students that have arrested development. They are an embarrassment.

 h/t I got rhythm

19 Comments on Are they protesting sound?

  1. I wanna know where to buy an ounce of whatever it is that they’re on.

    (PS – Whatever in the name of God’s green earth are they protesting, anyway?)

  2. @MJA, they have to buy protesters and President Trump can double fill an arena for free.
    Not sure Pence can do that, maybe Junior?
    Think how deranged that would make the hordes.

  3. Who would be attracted to the Left’s ginned-up “protests”? Young and immature people of very little brain who have no lives outside of getting high, scrounging off everyone and thinking themselves too clever to have to do anything of value for anyone else. Soros has been funding $15/hour “protester” positions through Craigslist for over a decade. It’s a School of Miscreants out for a carnival experience. Only those among them who have a vestigial conscience try to justify their violence by referencing anything they can think up that sounds like it’s related to some sort of “social justice.” But their logic and knowledge is as thin as an Earl Scheib paint job. And those guys are pushed in front of the mic as the brains of the outfit and are quoted by the NYT’s.

  4. I wish I could go do a protest in the anti-electric socialist zone in California where the power has been turned off. Maybe take a bunch of clowns with me to bang on plastic (!) buckets and chant out “This is what SOCIALISM looks like! Bang bang bang bang bangety bangety bang bang!”


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