Are You Leaving? – IOTW Report

Are You Leaving?

Images from:

1 Misterdux (Charlie) keeping watch
2 Tim
3 Different Tim (Geese) in Black river which feeds into the St. Clair river
4 forcibly deranged (Kilo and Logan) “Damnit! You’re leaving us again, aren’t you?!?”
5 Mr. Pinko
6 Hanover (Hero)
7 Claudia (Inch Worm) On bench in Kellogg Forest near Augusta, MI. as he was racing (hehe) away from me.
8 Little Sis (Whiskers)

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:

They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for. Thanks!

  • Halloween Critters – Need these by noon on 10-26. Thanks.
  • Sleepy Critters
  • Critters Who Rescued Their Humans: Showing up just at the right time when we need them for companionship, etc.


8 Comments on Are You Leaving?

  1. Awuh… my cat also gets separation anxiety whenever I leave- especially if it’s for more than a few hours.

    Maybe getting a 2nd kitty would help? He’s my only pet as of now.

  2. I dunno. Kilo and Logan look more like: “We got this. Make sure you’re back before the bowls get emptied, though.”

    Hero’s gaze is at least AT Hanover, My 100 lb guy becomes a white alligator in the middle of where you need to walk. And he DOES NOT MOVE FOR YOU THE WHOLE TIME.

    It’s the only time he lays with his front legs out because his chin is flat on the floor, assuming an alligator pose. Sometimes right in front of the door, which is the only times he lays there. But his gaze is more like: “I’m barely keeping you in my scope of vision, you abandon-er”.

    I have yet to determine exactly what I’m doing that triggers the start of this, but it’s every time I leave the house. From annoyingly cloying to pouting “sad” alligator.

    Thank you, Claudia.

    May your day be blessed with smiles and goodness.

  3. Great pics everyone.

    An inch worm huh? It looked like a bird flying over a body of water at first?

    Looks like it’s on an old window sash…

    Have a great and relaxing Sunday!

    Thanks C.


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