Ohio lawmaker sponsors bill to stop biological males from entering female competitions – IOTW Report

Ohio lawmaker sponsors bill to stop biological males from entering female competitions


A Republican lawmaker in Ohio is sponsoring legislation to protect female student athletes from competing against biological men, who “identify” as women.

State Rep. Jena Powell’s Save Women’s Sports Act would mandate that the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) block transgender male students from competing in girls sports.

“Women’s rights in the field of athletics are being trampled upon when we allow high school and college biological males to compete against biological women and girls,” Powell and co-sponsor state Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus, said in a joint statement. “If we want to preserve women’s rights, and the integrity of women’s sports, we must pass the Save Women’s Sports Act.”

The Dayton Daily News reported on the evolution of high school sports in the state:

The OHSAA adopted a transgender policy in December 2018 that allows athletes to participate on teams that match their gender identity. The policy requires athletes and their families to make a request to the school administration, which in turn gives notice to the state athletic association. The OHSAA executive director then takes action on the request.

The policy allows girls transitioning to boys to participate in boys sports. Boys transitioning to girls must have completed at least a year of hormone treatment or demonstrate to the OHSAA that they don’t have a physical advantage over genetic female athletes in the same age group.

“Look, biological men should not be competing in female sports,” Powell said. “This is not only in Ohio, it’s a movement across the United States.”

“We’re just trying to create fairness across the board for female athletes,” Powell said.

Activists oppose the bill, including EqualityOhio, which describes it as discrimination.


Discrimination?? That’s a heavy word. How does the phrase “scientifically retarded” strike you?

10 Comments on Ohio lawmaker sponsors bill to stop biological males from entering female competitions

  1. “Boys transitioning to girls must have completed at least a year of hormone treatment or demonstrate to the OHSAA that they don’t have a physical advantage over genetic female athletes in the same age group”

    Huh? Exactly how is this demonstrated? Males are born with an advantage. Pumping them full of hormones makes no difference because that doesn’t change genetics or biology. If you really want ‘transgenders’ to compete fairly eliminate male/female competitions and lump them all together. You will have ‘transgenders’ complaining about the unfair advantage that men have. The females will get dumped at the bottom of the barrel and will either have to stand up for themselves or quit.

  2. …RINO DeWine won’t sign it, or force them to water it down while he ties it to a forced 72 hour mental evaluation with gun confiscation bill if a Democrat “red flags” you, then MAYBE he’d sign it, IF you then take the “Transgender” stuff out….

    …Governors in Ohio come in two flavors. Openly Democrat statist, and allegedly Republican statists that do everything Democrats do, but talk like Republicans at election time.

    …they TRIED to run an actual conservative against him, but one rigged GOP-E primary later, here we are with Governor Pink Undies, Pink Flags.

    ….don’t look for anything useful from HIM.

    He’s cut from the same cloth as Kasisch or former Speaker and Obama enabler Boehner.

    DIABLOS all…

  3. It is a comprehensive grasp of the obvious. Males compete against males, Women compete against women, Biological reality over feelings. If you feel the need, set up a separate category so “trans athletes” compete against other “trans athletes”.
    Although there is no such thing as a trans athlete. The ability to completely switch from one sex to the other is beyond our grasp.

  4. It’s about damn time somebody started discriminating against men! Since government is in the business of selling “winners” and losers, it needs to put men in their place!

    Now! If we can just get them to slap down those uppity white people, maybe we can, finally, start to have a conversation about Equality™.

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