Fair Elections in America? PragerU Video – IOTW Report

Fair Elections in America? PragerU Video

This is something I (and many here) have been raging about. Don’t celebrate a Trump victory in 2020 yet.

7 Comments on Fair Elections in America? PragerU Video

  1. Leftists have no concept of right and wrong; if you don’t believe me, watch the next Democrat debate. They make stuff up to stay politically relevant, they live in a world of willfull ignorance, they have boundless greed, their protests and demonstrations almost always involve violence and property damage, and they will unapologetically lie to your face.

    So yes, voter fraud will be a huge issue in this election. I even heard that Al Franken traded in his sedan for a semi-tractor and trailer, so counting votes at the last minute in Minnesota may be problematic.

  2. Why is the right so polite to and respectful of the left? When will we take the gloves off? Is it the media that has us in a rope-a-dope? Is it our moral values?

    At least we knew when we needed to nuke the japs and followed through. Now? What changed?

  3. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk

    It’s very difficult to surpass your comments, short of saying you have been too polite and civil in describing their offensive, hateful, degrading, condescending BullShit that we are suppose to accept in a gentlemanly manner where our failure to do so results in our relentless display of bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobic prejudice and every other –ism that comes to mind.


  4. And another four year cycle is nearly complete with the feckless Republicans not even addressing the problem much less doing anything to protect our votes. I understand States run the elections but surely the Federal government has the authority and responsibility to insure elections are fair and honest. As a reliably conservative voter I am being disenfranchised.


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