That Loud Whirring Sound You Hear Is Stan Lee Spinning In His Grave – IOTW Report

That Loud Whirring Sound You Hear Is Stan Lee Spinning In His Grave

Washington Examiner

Marvel announced new superheroes for its upcoming New Warriors series, a pair of twins named “Safespace” and “Snowflake.”

New Warriors is a reboot of a comic book series that made its debut in 1989 and will combine old characters with new ones reflecting the culture of 2020.

“The connotations of the word ‘snowflake’ in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp,” said writer Daniel Kibblesmith. “… These are terms that get thrown around on the internets that they don’t see as derogatory. To take those words and kind of wear them as badges of honor.”

“Snowflake” will portray a hero who identifies as nonbinary and goes by the pronouns “they/them.” The series will also feature an overweight superhero named “Trailblazer,” whose power is to pull useful objects out of a “magic backpack.” More

Be sure to watch the roll out video at the end of the article. It’s like a mini-mockumentary, except it’s all too real. – Dr. Tar

31 Comments on That Loud Whirring Sound You Hear Is Stan Lee Spinning In His Grave

  1. Sick of this puss mentality. Let’s turn everything faggy. Those douche bag characters would have so much baggage and low self esteem, in real life, they wouldn’t step outside. Hell, their grass allergies would do them in.

  2. New characters in development:

    THROATBOY – Can go without oxygen
    BEN DOVER – Don Lemon evil mastermind
    THE PILLOW BITER – Coughs feathers like a sniper JOE SCARBOUOUGH
    THE SILVER QUEEF – Warren like older superhero
    THE PURPLE TORPEDO – complete with latex exoskeleton
    ASS CRACKER – looks line Anderson Cooper
    BOTTOM BOY – Acosta
    The Ditch Witch – MADDOW

  3. SphincterMan will clamp down on surging crime.
    SeMan will spurt justice.
    TrannyMan is a master of disguises.
    The Rainbow Fellater will insure the winds of freedom blow… and suck.
    Then there’s Lightfooted Phil the Anal Rapist… he, uh, he…

  4. What grool said.
    Stan the Man Lee turned Libtard in his old age. So this would not be a surprise to him. Considering the lead time of such projects (character & development, costuming, scripting, layout, artwork, etc), Stan likely gave his approval for it all before he died.

    So…..when it comes out April 15 (Tax Day), I plan to buy two copies. One to read and mock, the other to pack away and later re-sell (at a profit) to a desperate snowflake.

  5. Y’all would be better off not following Marvel anymore.

    Stan Lee was good in the 1960’s, but It’s all sick shit now.

    My advice is to read history. Some people would be surprised at how entertaining it is. It has everything that novels/comic book superheros can offer, and at least it has the strong possibility of being true, depending on the historian.

  6. Embracing Internet “slurs”? As super-powers? Well they still need an easy to draw alien sidekick. How about Elastic Starfish? Xhe’s able to “swallow” objects. No matter how large. Even the things Barebacker Trailblazer whips out.

  7. Waiting on the next Marvel Superhero, Chinese Virus Man, who takes out his adversaries with a fast acting respiratory affliction.
    Oh wait, we already got that one, kinda looks like Winnie the Pooh, and is the head of the CCP.

  8. I can’t wait for “Wailing Woman!” With her super-sonic shrieking, she can’t shout, “Nooooooooooooo!” and knock over cars and buses.

    How about “Glory Homo.” Anyone in close range, he sucks and drains the life out of opponents, leaving them dazed, sleepy, and docile.

    Take ownership and demystify the shame with “Captain Prolapse.” He became that way after repeated battles with his arch-nemesis, “The Iron Fist.”

    There is a new mutant team that will rival the X-Men. The left-wing has tons of purple-haired weirdos, trans-somethings, and a ton else from the clown tent waiting to shine.

  9. Ugh. Barf.
    I already saw three separate takes on this and I still can’t believe that Marvel actually went and approved of this shitastic move.

    Enjoy losing money and readers, Marvel.

  10. Yeah, Stan Lee was a leftist- but he always had enough self awareness to know not to alienate his fans/paying customers with over the top in your face progressive dog piss.


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