A flattening of coronavirus death curve expected after 14 more days – IOTW Report

A flattening of coronavirus death curve expected after 14 more days


“This is going to be hardest and the saddest week of most American’s lives, quite frankly. This is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment, our 9/11 moment,” Vice Admiral Jerome Adams said.

The president was, at least, bullish on the idea of the country reopening within the foreseeable future, suggesting on Saturday that he is pursuing the possibility of bringing together a second coronavirus team, this one tasked with laying the groundwork for an economic recovery, and plotting how to slowly return Americans to the workforce, while balancing the threat of a second outbreak.

“At a certain point,” the president said, “some hard decisions are going to have to be made,” referencing the idea that risk management efforts, designed to contain the virus, are having an unprecedented impact on American businesses. “Social distancing” policies and state-mandated lockdowns have created an unemployment crisis; millions of Americans have now applied for unemployment and millions more are facing slowdowns and pay reductions.


19 Comments on A flattening of coronavirus death curve expected after 14 more days

  1. If this is deliberate by the Chinese, do you think it’s going to just go away without them fighting back? They can keep this going for years.

  2. So lets see, catch the Chinese flu which has a mortality rate of between .25% and 3.0% depending on age and preexisting conditions. For the overwhelming majority of healthy people that get it, the rate is much closer to the .25%. OR

    fucking rely on the government to pay your bills and feed you while you sit on your couch waiting for the next “possible” rollback of this bullshit.

    President Trump has got to lose these doom porn advisors and pull us out of this crap. Face it Mr President, no matter what you do, you’re gonna get slammed. You wanted this job, now do it and put this country back to work.

  3. I personally have NO reason to believe this ‘shutdown’ is reasonable, prudent or justifiable.

    I fully believe it to be the handiwork of the democrap party while being supported and encouraged by the deep state and the MSM.

  4. Simple. Every flu season, ban travel from China, tighten up our borders with Canada and Mexico. If the dems wanna pretend like 3/4 of the country is going to die, this is how you play along. No travel from China. End of story.

  5. And no visits from any Chinese leaders. Xi jinping, Ping pong Yi, Lao Bing Bang, Dam Shau Tee, Mo Ti Hun? … well y’all need to SKYPE if you want to talk to anyone here.

  6. These quacks are like the boy who cried wolf, nobody is buying the bullshit!!!!
    Hospitals are deserted, no hysterical patients,This is a dimwit plot to destroy President Trump. The only things missing are facts and evidence, sound familiar? Impeachment had the same problems, no facts, no evidence,

  7. @MMinLamesa April 5, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    > catch the Chinese flu which has a mortality rate of between .25% and 3.0% depending on age and preexisting conditions. For the overwhelming majority of healthy people that get it, the rate is much closer to the .25%. OR
    > fucking rely on the government to pay your bills and feed you while you sit on your couch waiting for the next “possible” rollback of this bullshit

    Or… Get back to underbidding Pedro, Vishnu, and (some xuy who’s “name” can’t be typed in American), for the chance to wipe a billionaire’s butt. With hoarded, then price collapsed, now bought for billionaire mils on the dollar, TP. Before going “home” to your shared tent. Down by the river.

    Shh… They’re thinkin’…

  8. President Trump is chomping at the bit to get America back to work. It’s more than likely he’ll ignore the Deep State operatives, Birx and Faucci and order a nationwide end of “Stay at Home” orders.
    He was right to consider stopping this scam by Easter, because just before April 30th, thoughout May there will be people breaking these socialist distancimg mandates in mass. There aren’t enough LEOs to make arrests and President Trump won’t use the National Guard. The party will soon be over for Demwits.

  9. President Trump is allowing the enemy to proceed with their crimes in order that Americans, who do not want to accept or understand how the “elite” have almost destroyed our country, will see it with their own eyes.
    After all the voluminous information is released about the crimes against our country and our citizens, most Americans will rejoice when our enemies are arrested and charged with their crimes. Many of these crimes are Treason.

  10. They may think they are saving a few hundred thousand deaths from the virus but most everyone else is now slated, based on their decisions and policies, to die from eventual starvation!


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