YouTube Admits They “Accidentally” Deleted Two Specific Comments That Insult The Chinese Communist Party – IOTW Report

YouTube Admits They “Accidentally” Deleted Two Specific Comments That Insult The Chinese Communist Party

100% Fed UP:

Sure, YouTube “accidentally” repeatedly deleted two phrases that are offensive to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The strange thing about the deletion of the two specific comments is that YouTube is blocked/banned in China. Was this really an “accident”?

Two specific phrases were “accidentally” added to the list of offensive comments that are flagged and removed automatically. YouTube automatically deleted the comment in Chinese, “Gongfei”, which means “communist bandit”, in 15 seconds. They also deleted a term that translates to “50-cent party.” Both terms are considered an insult to the CCP. more

13 Comments on YouTube Admits They “Accidentally” Deleted Two Specific Comments That Insult The Chinese Communist Party

  1. Try commenting “honk honk” or “clown world” to YT. It gets removed instantly. Libs are such cry babies.

    Recently one of my comments was removed, I think the keyword was “N95.” I’m not allowed to have an opinion about them.

    Google doesn’t operate with a blacklist, they operate with a whitelist. If you aren’t part of the selected few on the whitelist your speech is silenced (run thru the wringer of filters).

    I suspect videos and comments related to jogging are soon going to be banned. There’s waaay to much free thought going on there.

  2. Twitter… Google… Facebook…

    The corporate shitheads are getting feisty, aren’t they?

    The Deep State has saturated our corporate and political institutions, and low and behold, China shows up everywhere within it.

  3. Anon @ 1034

    Everywhere. No Joke.

    This A.M. on an NPC chan

    A female Asian PHd doctor was propogadazing for more money and studies and PPE and don’t forget money contra indicators. They accidently gave away the scripted setup nature of the Doc when it was revealed not only is she sowing divisions for profits here and now. . . She USED to do the same for Baltimore City and the other Twin Brother Elijah Cummings and that whole Bank Booking of Americas and mikahh and her mom connections.

    Deeper Deeper Deeper

  4. When Twitter “Censors” speech on their platform, they stop being a “Platform/Distributor of Content” and become a “Publisher” that is acting as an “Editor” of content. Thus, they lose protections under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

    ISPs and Common Carriers are also excluded from legal action by Section 230, so long as they do NOT “Edit or Interfere with Content”. IOTW, ATT/Verizon/Comcast, etc. are immune from legal action if they only “Carry” your information. If they “Edit/Censor/Delete” your information, they lose that protection and become “Publishers” and are then subject to being sued for any violations of Constitutionally protected rights, rights found within the Civil Rights Act, and any other violations of Privacy Laws, as well as Libel and Defamation issues, and de-platforming (restraint of trade), thereby facing the potentially staggering costs of both compensatory and punitive damages.

    In a similar manner, social media companies such as Twitter/FB/Snap Chat/Tic Tok etc. become liable for their content without Section 230 protection. Currently, they enjoy that protection from legal action by claiming to have “Community Standards” and similar bovine feces/smokescreens/excuses. But that claim would be considered moot if it can be shown to be applied in an a biased and arbitrary manner. Strip away the Section 230 immunities and they can be sued for every single violation of Constitutionally protected rights, rights found within the Civil Rights Act, and any other violations of Privacy Laws, as well as Libel and Defamation issues, and de-platforming (restraint of trade) just like the ISPs and Common Carriers.


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