Black Man Says “Bring It” – To The Coming Civil War – IOTW Report

Black Man Says “Bring It” – To The Coming Civil War

good rant

23 Comments on Black Man Says “Bring It” – To The Coming Civil War

  1. I mentioned on an earlier post that the leftists are going to be shocked come election time when they find out just how many blacks will vote for Trump.
    These animals out there rioting are an affront to any decent american.

  2. BFH
    JUNE 29, 2020 AT 11:21 AM
    “pro tip: don’t shoot until you see the whites of the left”

    …and just like THAT, we have our motto! Put that on a “no step on snek” flag, and it will be our battle ensign…

    …even better in Latin, “Non tu videas ex candido mitterent ad sinistram”, but I’m good with either one…

  3. The rioters say they are ready for a fight. However, they assume they will be fighting people who fight like RINO’s fight in the political arena — in other words, capitulate.

    It ain’t gonna happen that way. They will be fighting a determined and capable foe. They will be fighting people who earned what they have, not people who were given participation trophies.

    Revolutions in the past have been fought by people who were truly oppressed — not by spoiled brats who never heard the word “no.”

  4. A guy I know was vice principal in a small rural school years ago. Out of a student body of about 400, there were ten or twelve really bad dudes who delighted in breaking rules and getting in trouble. Then there was the other ten-percent who “went along” joking and yukking it up just to be “baaad!” I suspect the numbers of Antifa bad dudes is about the same. Three percent really violent people and another ten percent going along just for “fun”. We need to find that small bunch of punks.

  5. RadioMattM

    I don’t think so. Antifa/BLM, whom ever or what ever label you want to put on these ass holes, could start their attack at anytime. They don’t have the numbers to meet us head on at a predetermined battle field, all of us strictly adhering to proper rules of engagement. It’s going to be gorilla warfare. They will target easily identifiable Trump supporters. Bumper stickers, hats, shirts, yard signs,etc. The majority of those people are unarmed or haven’t fired a weapon in a long time. Easy to kill. And we are so unorganized it will take us a long time to get on the offensive. Lot’s of people are going to die. This is why they are trying to do away with LE. In conservative areas where they can’t defund LE they will attack them first.

  6. All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting. — George Orwell

    It is not an army that we must train for war; it is a nation.– Woodrow Wilson

  7. Bad_Brad — There are many people who keep their support of Trump under wraps. The ANTIFA crowd over estimates its support and under estimates its opposition. I would also submit that many on the right are brushing up on their skills — just in case.

    As for ROE’s, many people are tired of seeing US military involvement take years because the government treats it as a game of “Mother May I.” When push comes to shove, ROE’s will be the farthest thing from their minds. We are not talking RINO’s here.

    I was thinking yesterday of what would happen if the violent left really did manage to do something to Trump. In that event it would be no holds barred. The left gets away with much of what it does because it is allowed to get away with much of what it does. If the you-know-what really hit the fan then these anti-police people are going to be begging the police for protection.

  8. My Petey B always says, “Bring It.” And what he means by that is for me to bring over to him my unbleached elastic starfish!

  9. while i back this dude fully it’s gonna suck when he tries to get a job or another job they will look at his social media (unflushed toilet) history. unless he starts up his own business which i would be proud to support

  10. @Brad : Have you noticed how many cars are plastered with liberal cause stickers? How many hard working conservatives put a single sticker an theirs? It’s got to be at least 20 to 1. We can take off our MAGA hats and scrape off that little NRA sticker and go to work. You give them too much credit methinks.

  11. “It’s going to be gorilla warfare. They will target easily identifiable Trump supporters. Bumper stickers, hats, shirts, yard signs,etc. The majority of those people are unarmed or haven’t fired a weapon in a long time. Easy to kill. And we are so unorganized it will take us a long time to get on the offensive.” -Bad_Brad

    After this ‘riot phase,’ I think you’re right. I’m just hoping I don’t end up fighting any gorillas! (I absentmindedly spelled it that way once, also, and realized it too late. 🙂 (‘guerilla’))

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