Dirtbags Block Trump’s Trip to Mount Rushmore – Live – IOTW Report

Dirtbags Block Trump’s Trip to Mount Rushmore – Live


101 Comments on Dirtbags Block Trump’s Trip to Mount Rushmore – Live

  1. When are we going to see some of those microwave weapons that cause a sensation of being burnt? Or how about those 5.56 projectiles that give the sensation of having your fucking head being blown off?

  2. Broke assholes in moccasins. There really is nothing worse.

    The upside is that they would kick out of the country every black, latino or asian who supports them. Always funny to see people realize that Indians don’t dig P.O.C. anymore than they do white people.

  3. Tear gas them all, handcuff and move the incapacitated protestors out of the way (into police vans for transport to the local jail) and then giant earth movers to push the vehicles to the sides of the road.

    Send all subsequent bills to Soros.

  4. Occupy/leftist strategy was explained to me by Lee stranahan in 2012 at andrew Breitbart’s last blogger conference a few weeks before bill ayres had him executed.

    I recorded the video.

    Green. Yellow Red.
    Green are the useful idiot kollege kid protestors.
    Yellow are the distractors and disrupters
    Red are the violent people that take lives.

    This strategy has been in place for decades.

    Andrew was too clever by half. He bragged about attending a dinner party at bill Ayres And bernadine dohrns house before that cpac. He died mysteriously two weeks later.

  5. The Injun’s don’t like each other FFS….What are they? …Crow, Lakota, Cheyenne, Blackfeet ?….can’t be the Arikaree because the other injun’s already killed them…..or bred them into oblivion…..

  6. theres some lakota, but i’m thinking alot of the same aholes that protested the pipe line in ND for months on end. And where were these aholes during obombas years????

    Just heard that native dude with the portable p.a. He sounded rational from what i heard.

  7. when the reporter said, “the national guard just tackled one of the agitators-”

    I immediately thought, “at what point in your life is everything so shitty that you get TACKLED by the natl guard???”

  8. The first person they arrested — a woman — wasn’t speaking English. Someone said it was German.

    Glad to see a show of unequivocal force by law enforcement.

  9. These idiots would not know how to disable the vehicles like they did without an instruction manual. Funded BS. And seriously dropping it right when it gets to the end?!

  10. What a load of shit. 2 HOURS it took to get a flatbed to haul the vans away. Yet when I accidently park in a random no parking zone that’s not clearly marked because the sign is down, my car is gone in 15 minutes.

  11. The reporter just stated that this broadcast is coming live from the…dare I say it…the Black Hills of South Dakota.

    That’s racist on two fronts. First, the obvious one – Black Hills. Hills? Not majestic Black Mountains? Are these inferior to white snow capped mountains? Second, SOUTH Dakota, as opposed to NORTH Dakota. Goes without saying that anything south is RAYCISST.

    Sigh, sarcasm is the only way to get through these ridiculous times.

  12. They need to find out if those Siouxs with eagle feathers have a permit to have them.
    It’s crazy Indians can be in possession of eagle feathers if they have a permit to get them from the government or they were passed down by family pre-1940 or if they find a feather as long as they fill out the paper work. They can also give them as gifts to other Indians, but if they give one to a white person both are guilty of a felony.
    We have some dumbass laws and as my family are members of a tribe we could have an eagle feather, but I don’t need an eagle feather and think the law is totally ignorant. There shouldn’t be different laws for different people.

  13. I’m sick of this!!

    Indians using eagle wings. Now that’s protecting the environment.

    Does anyone else imagine the drum banging and chanting is the equivalent of “hey! hey! ho! ho!”?

  14. President Trump has just arrived, watching on another YouTube channel. I couldn’t take anymore of the Birkenstock, Patchouli wearing freak’s from nature.

  15. …..and Joe Biden is in his basement being fed pudding cups…..HAHAHAHA!!!!!….(((( HELLO JOE, ARE YOUR PANTS WET AGAIN? )))))…..HAHAHAHA!!!!

  16. 4 ospreys flew directly over the house at about 500 feet. Me and wife were on roof waiting for the Trumps chinook and literally every neighbor was out waiting too.. Dang thing took a different route. I did get pics of AF one on its way past. Used my telephoto. Closest i’ll ever get to him.

  17. If you go the the BH, a must do is Iron Mt Road. It has pigtails (3) just before you pass through 3 tunnels. the road was laid out by Gutzum Borglum, the carver of the Shrine. Each tunnel points directly towards Mt. Rushmore.

  18. OMG, Mary Hart just called herself the Master of Ceremonies. That’s it, game over, she’s a…RAAACISSTT!! Can’t use the word master. You no longer have a master bedroom or anything else that represents keeping the foot on the neck of the poor pitiful black man.

  19. Mary Hart first female celebrity anchor, “Entertainment Tonight” for 29 years. Thank God she doesn’t have TDS. Seems to be a true supporter of President Trump.

  20. HOLY CRAP!!!….I’d belly crawl through 500 yards of brambles and barbed wire to just sniff her armpits….I think you might be looking at the first female President in America’s history!!!!….MAGA…KAGA….

  21. I hope y’all are listening to this speech, because it is a good one. Not a Trump rally, but rather a very somber tribute to the founding fathers and history of our country. FUCK YOU democrats! I hate you with every fiber of my being.

  22. Thank You President Trump, we needed to hear these words of freedom and patriotism, amidst the turmoil we have witnessed recently, in our great country. God Bless You and God Bless America. 🇺🇸

  23. In years past, the major networks would either carry the event live or re-telecast it on the 4th. Has anyone heard if they plan to this year? I’m concerned that very few Americans will hear his speech.

    It’s his best speech to date and the whole country needs to hear it.

  24. kristis speech was exceptional. I heard her debate before, but wow. On a national platform like this she scored big.

    And President Trumps speech was a grand slam. Incredible references to God (infants made in the image of God) and another From He that died to make men holy in the Battle Hymn.

  25. Thanks Geoff. I hope he gives a similar speech!

    One more comment about Gov. Kristi Noem:

    I like the fact that Kristi Noem is unafraid to go deep into her subject matter. And I think it’s just the tip of the iceberg. She presents as a very deep thinker with exceptional communications skills.

  26. Kristi Noem did herself well tonight. South Dakota did well tonight. If for some unexpected reason Pence bows out we may have a viable replacement right there with Kristi Noem. I know she’s cuter than he is, not that it’s important.

  27. Are the vans rentals? If so who payed for them?
    Do they belong to the tribe? Are they owned by BIA?
    If so who authorized their use?
    Who will be responsible for repairs and towing charges?

  28. President Trump gave an incredible speech last night. Mount Rushmore must have really inspired him. Perfect venue for such a powerful speech. Will have to replay it whenever I get discouraged. There still is hope for America.


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