Now, That’s a Mask – IOTW Report

Now, That’s a Mask

21 Comments on Now, That’s a Mask

  1. @ Geoff: I see what you did there, hehehe.

    That hilarious statement is probably more effective than the filthy rags most people strap on their faces.

  2. I’ve been using the same N95 that I fished out of one of my paint boxes back in March. It was already used for some sanding job and the smell was awful. But I wasn’t going to break out a new one for Covid, so it’s been sitting on my front passenger seat getting crushed and knocked around since then. About a week ago I spilled a bunch of coffee on it. It looks pretty groady, but now at least it smells nice.

  3. Pretty smart, really.
    The filters changeable and readily available, and the price of them isn’t likely to quadruple.
    Just watch out for those carb backfires…

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