Shocking video shows ‘heinous and unprovoked’ stabbing attack on New York City subway – IOTW Report

Shocking video shows ‘heinous and unprovoked’ stabbing attack on New York City subway

Blaze: Violent crime is surging in New York City, where shootings have skyrocketed over 200% in recent weeks. The rise in violence follows last month’s decision by the NYPD to eliminate its controversial plainclothes units, impacting about 600 officers. Last week, there was yet another barbaric act of violence when a man went on a stabbing spree in an NYC subway.

Graphic and bloody cellphone footage shows a gruesome knife attack. The emboldened stabber knifes at least two men in a subway car in Queens. The frightening onslaught is captured on video that went viral on Sunday. MORE

12 Comments on Shocking video shows ‘heinous and unprovoked’ stabbing attack on New York City subway

  1. Just the local BLM representative attending to community fieldwork. Nothing to see here folks, please move along and make sure your pointless masks are securely on your face else you’ll be subject to arrest and jail time. The joys of a Dem/Prog city.

  2. …I know most folk haven’t experienced the joys of someone swinging an edged weapon at them, but damn, you’re TWO grown-assed men with a crazy guy making an untrained and pretty wild attack. “Helpless” isn’t really what you were so much as “Clueless”.

    .You were on the ground-kick his legs out. Dump him into the seats, the poles, the wall. Bet he don’t swing so good with a broken nose or smashed teeth.

    .There’s TWO of you – at LEAST spread out so he has to walleye both of you, maybe someone feints, then the other guy drills in.

    .You’re HOLDING things….THROW them!!! Yeah, might mess up your YouTube, but if you whang it at him, he’ll have to DEAL with it, but you’re right BEHIND it with a killing blow, if you do it right…

    .You’ve got LEGS. He has a CROTCH. Figure it out.

    .Second guy was pretty fixated on the blade, but was dancing instead of fighting, waiting for knife guy to make his play, who obliged him by cutting him when he telegraphed the FUCK out of it. The knife guy is NO pro, you just didn’t PRESS him, so now you’re cut.

    .In ANY knife fight, EVERYONE involved is getting cut. Resign yourself to it and deal with the threat. Raise your hand, take the knife THROGH it, and use THAT to disarm him, then kill him for your OWN safety. Better your HAND than your HEART, it’s been done BEFORE…

    …anyway, the problem is NOT that we’re being disarmed. There’s LOTS of ways to fight, and there are ALWAYS weapons.

    The problem is everyone’s lost the warrior mindset. No awareness, no fight training, no first-second-third intention, just hope the cops take care of you, like they kept telling you to do so you wouldn’t arm up.

    And then they take the cops away.


    …The Police do not, and have NEVER had an obligation to protect YOU.

    That’s YOUR job.

    …yes, we’ve had years of “sensitive male” crap (directed at Whites), years of “You’ll get ARRESTED if you defend yourself (directed at Whites), years of “Civilized men let the POLICE do the dirty work (directed at Whites)…but at the end of the day, the ONLY person responsible to protect YOU…is YOU.

    Train and plan and THINK accordingly, like your life DEPENDS on it.

    Because it DOES.

  3. For two bucks at Walmart you can get a small knife that clips inside your pocket out of the way of other things you want to carry. It’s not the best weapon but along with surprise it can prove effective.


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