Store guard stabbed 27 times for asking women to wear masks – IOTW Report

Store guard stabbed 27 times for asking women to wear masks

The defense says the two women were both bipolar.

That’s a defense?

If people with bipolar disorder cannot keep themselves from stabbing people I want them rounded up and put away.


Two sisters accused of stabbing a West Side Chicago store security guard 27 times with a knife after he asked them to wear face masks and use hand sanitizer were ordered held without bond Tuesday.

The alleged attack late Sunday by Jessica Hill, 21, and Jayla Hill, 18, left the 32-year-old victim hospitalized in critical condition, police spokeswoman Karie James said.

An argument that began after the women refused the guard’s request to wear masks became physical when one of the women punched the man, James said. Jessica Hill allegedly pulled a knife from her back pocket and began stabbing the man, while Jayla Hill held him in place by his hair. The man was stabbed in his chest, back and arms.


42 Comments on Store guard stabbed 27 times for asking women to wear masks

  1. Sooooo … was the guard a honky?
    If so, why were these precious ones arrested?

    I’m … like … y’know … mono-polar and shit … and have an intense desire to stab the shit out of just about everyone. ESPECIALLY dumb-asses telling me to wear a mask, and shit!

    But … why 27? Did they lose count? 27 is so … lacking in dépêche …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “The defense says the two women were both bipolar”
    So they both go through the high/low stages at the same time?
    They must be fun at parties.
    Should have tried the Twinkie defense.
    Or the menstruation defense.
    Or the I’M BLACK AND OPPRESSED defense.
    I’m a womyn!!!

    Whatever defense they used doesn’t erase the fact they committed a crime.

  3. I rarely wear a mask and never stabbed anyone who asked me to put one on. I also have a CC permit for over 20 years and haven’t shot anyone either. I just takes a little self control.

  4. Seems a little extreme for a simple request, even if it’s wrong?
    Something tells me they would have stabbed him if he said good morning. Some people don’t like to be told what kind of morning to have.

  5. “During Tuesday’s bond hearing before Cook County Circuit Judge Mary C. Marubio, the women’s court-appointed attorney said the stabbing was self-defense, adding both women suffered from a bipolar disorder.”

    Had a friend who was prosecuting attorney in Crook County for a period of time. Oh the stories… (Felony Review)
    Aided his career to private practice then to a judgeship.

  6. “Well, call me Nostradamus! Guessed it again!“

    Well done. Care to scare up a quatrain on the poor security guard? I’m having trouble reading AP’s scant tea leaves, but that in itself is illuminating.

  7. The fact that one is using having bipolar disorder (Manic-depressive illness sounds way more romantic. Just ask Jimi.) as an excuse for ANYTHING is TOTAL BULLSHIT.

    If you’re not doing everything your doctor tells you to do then the consequences are yours to bare. The first episode you do want to take it into consideration but never leverage it as an excuse thereafter. BOOK ‘EM DANO!

  8. Monkey October 28, 2020 at 9:27 am

    hey! i ain’t wearing a fookin mask either!

    Me either! When a snotty nosed twerp sitting at the store entrance tells me to put on a mask, I tell them that I’m old enough to be their grandmother, I’ve lived through every disease/flu and Covid is one of them. Don’t tell me how to live! Quit touching your nasty ass face mask and spreading germs. Better yet, get up and walk around the store and anyone touching their facemask should be asked to leave the store.

    I’m not saying the guard deserved what he got, but there’s crazy people that are tired of the Nazi police…..I’m one of them.

    Cook County prosecutors say the guard asked the women to wear masks and use hand sanitizer, and they refused, The Chicago Sun-Times reported.

    The guard reached toward Jayla Hill’s cell phone when she said she was calling someone to “kick his a–,” according to the outlet. Jessica Hill then allegedly threw a trash can into the face of the guard, who is 6-foot-5, and both sisters started punching him.


    Hill allegedly said she was calling someone to “kick his ass,” prompting the 6-foot-5, 270-pound security guard to reach out and try to grab the phone, prosecutors said.
    Jayla Hill
    Jayla Hill Chicago police mugshot

    Hill’s sister, Jessica Hill, 21, allegedly reacted by picking up a trash can that she “smashed” in the 32-year-old security guard’s face. Then, the two sisters began punching the man at the store, at 3258 W. Roosevelt Road, prosecutors said.

    During the assault that was captured on surveillance cameras, Jessica Hill took out a “comb knife” with a hidden blade and began stabbing the security guard in his neck, back and arms while Jayla Hill grabbed his hair to keep from moving, prosecutors said.

    The security guard and an assistant store manager pleaded for the sisters to stop, and when the victim finally broke free, the women allegedly kicked him in the head and body, prosecutors said.

    “B- – – -,” Jessica Hill allegedly called the security guard, further taunting him that he had gotten “f- – – – – up” by her and her sister

    In spite of his wounds, the security guard was able to keep the sisters in the store until police arrived and arrested them, prosecutors said. The security guard was taken to a hospital for his injuries, but he did not need surgery.

  11. Condom use rejected in porn industry just a few short years ago.
    Pro-cover it argument: It’s a matter of public health.
    Anti-cover it argument: It will hurt our pocket-book while not actually protecting anyone.
    For a real health crisis (AIDS/STDs) the liberals reject common sense; in an over-exaggerated & over-hyped health crisis the liberals embrace lunacy.
    In regards to condoms: the pro-cover it side only wanted those involved/engaged in the activity to cover it.
    Those same anti-cover it people during the condom conversation are now saying everyone should cover it regardless of your level of participation/engagement in the current activity.

  12. Again, BLM has spread the word throughout the nation that blacks will not be held accountable to any law, directive, or act of community responsibility.

    To hold any black responsible for any action including crime is racist and blacks now have carte blanche to behave however their poor aggression control allows.

    Especially if the victim of their behavior is white. It is perfectly legal to hurt, maim or kill white people.

    So far our 2nd amendment has kept blacks corralled into only destroying their own cities but a race war is not far behind.

    Fortunately a second term for PDJT will allow martial law and the insurrection act to prevail, but make no mistake an organized orgy of looting and burning is coming on Nov 4.

  13. So many people in the greater Chicago area have been given “diagnoses” to get them in the pipeline for lifetime bennies…. think HUD, SNAP, free “errthang”… I saw it in the suburbs. So feckin’ depressing.


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