Nearly A Third Of Democrats Believe Biden Stole Election – IOTW Report

Nearly A Third Of Democrats Believe Biden Stole Election

PJ Media

Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.

Let me repeat, nearly a third of Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen from President Trump. That’s a remarkable number. Huge, in fact. More

11 Comments on Nearly A Third Of Democrats Believe Biden Stole Election

  1. Polls about election stealing don’t matter. The results in contested states either get set straight in those states and the final election outcome is honestly determined, or, the sum of the evidence gets submitted to the United States Supreme Court and we get some kind of court-directed do-over.

    Or, the States decide to shut down the Federal Government and hold a Constitutional Convention.

    Or, we just get out our guns and start shooting. In particular, let’s have the U.S. Army wipe-out the SWAMP’s CIA and Homeland Security buildings at night and those kids can just stay home thereafter.

    Oh, and the GOP in Congress can go shove a 2×4 up their asses.

    Personally, if this can’t be fixed, I’d rather live under a Trump dictatorship where a whole lot of shitheads are ‘off planet.’

    (How’s that for a Friday morning rant?)

  2. Yet they’ll still vote democrat and blame republicans for it.

    Because lib logic. If it weren’t for republicans, democrats wouldn’t have needed to cheat.

    It’s the fault of republicans.

    “Now let Biden destroy what’s left. We’re not asking.”

  3. …and another third believe the election was stolen and are just fine with it. I have been listening in on the conversations going on around me and the sense of entitlement to “win at any cost” is palpable.

  4. Some percentage of democrats believe Biden stole the election. But what percentage of them think that was just fine? Winning by any means necessary is fine with many of them.


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